1.4M Downloads | Human vs. Agent | Ira Glass | I’m Not A Mentor | The Litmus Test For Connection | Finding Your Voice | Working It Out | The 7-Year Realization | Shane | Darrell | Andy | 100+ Letters From Listeners | NPR | The Best In The World | Danger Of Imitating Peers | The Low Information Agent | “Well, Look At Them” | “That’s What I Need To Do” | Alec Baldwin | Here’s The Thing | Young Actors Are Just Like Real Estate Agents | The History of Authority | How To Give Stories More Impact | Meet France | Client Jumps On A Plane To Meet With Him | Massive Respect | He Learned The Secret of Connection | Client: I Told My Husband, “This Is A Guy We’re Not Going To Let Down” | How Is This Possible? | He Told 6 Stories | I Read Them To You | The Guru Party Discredits What We Do | The Low Information Can’t Understand It | Brokers Push Agents To Be Machines | The 90% vs. The 10% | Story #4 | Story #5 | Story #6 | Destructive Behavior |  “How’s It Working?” | The Death of Mastery | A Letter From Clyde | Half-Frozen | Sitting In The Snow | Ryan, Why I Felt Compelled To Write You | My Ultimate Frustration | Brad Thor | Speaking Of Thor | Update On Built-In Traffic Source | Raise The Bar In Real Estate | It Truly Disgusts Me | So What’s The Solution?…


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And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like your comment or feedback to be aired on the podcast), head on over to AskFletcher.com – to record and send your message to Ryan!

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Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

Talk soon Keep Fighting!