The Pattern | Phase 2 — Part 2 | The Falsehood Of Copywriting | Walt Disney | That Sonofabitch | Fletcher: Reclusive Genius? | People Should Be Quoting You | Robert Greene | The 16th Law of Power | Dog, Dog, Dog, Zebra | How To Never Be Forgotten | Culture Re-Defined | Us vs. The World | Peter Drucker | Culture Eats Strategy For Lunch | Reason #1 | Reason #2 | People Are Loyal To Culture, Not Strategy | Reason #3 | Reason #4 | Reason #5 | The Danger of Scaling Without Culture | Tony Hsieh | Case Study | Reason #6 | Reason #7 | Reason #8 | Culture Can Spark A Contrarian Business Strategy | Cooperative Distribution Channels | Lee Cockerell | Disney | The Free Fuel | ARE: Appreciation, Recognition, Encouragement | Reason # 9 | McDonald’s vs. Chick-fil-A | Reason #10 | Reason #11 | Cultural Miscues Are More Damaging That Strategic Ones | Your Culture Is Your Brand | Reason #12 | The Guru Party | The Low-information Agent | Strategies Can Be Copied | No One Can Copy Your Culture | Peer Discipline | The Cult of Apple | How Culture Impacts The Bottom-line | Evolved Enterprise | The Shameful Approach Most Take In Establishing Culture | The Sad Reality Of Their Decision | Default Alive vs. Default Dead…
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- Defeat Mega Agents – Ryan’s new book (FREE copy, just pay shipping)
_ - Broken Industry_– The Truth About This Industry, plus what to do about it.
_ - Protector Video Series_– The ’12-month Experiment’…Most Important Word in R.E._
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Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast!
Talk soon… Keep Fighting!