Writer vs. Storyteller: You Don’t Have To Be A Great Writer, To Be A Great Storyteller! James Patterson vs. Stephen King – They Disagree!



FLETCHER: The biggest challenge of almost every real estate agent is how do 1, I prop myself up as an authority and 2, how do I craft a message and 3, how do I get traffic to that message? And so a lot of people are really uncomfortable for example with podcasting, “Oh my God I could never jump behind a microphone, I could never do what you do.” Is not about doing what I do, it’s about doing what you are capable of, that you are able to do to convey your personality, your beliefs. And then of course you want to create a concept that allows you to be successful. And so James Patterson talks a lot about this.

So James Patterson is one, not only the number 1 New York Times best-selling author, he outsells Dan Brown, John Grisham, Stephen King, all combined. So those are some of the best authors in the world and he outsells them all combined. Now he is a little bit presented in the writing world because he came from the advertising spectrum. He did not start out as a quote unquote literary author. He started out like me as a copywriter and so he was an ad executive at one of the largest at agents is called Walter J Thompson. He just happened to transition over to book publishing. And so somebody like Stephen King, Stephen King and Patterson if you go research them, they really tend to hate each other. And Stephen King is like the epitome of a good writer. Patterson is the epitome of a good storyteller and the distinction between those 2 is very, very important. Okay and so for broken industry, I recently wrote a report on James Patterson and there is not a lot out there on Patterson. If you go and try to research him there is not a lot out there and so I had to hunt. But I found 31 different secrets, methods that he uses as a book publisher and you really want to think about book no different from a free report or a free CD, it’s a widget. So how does he sell more quote unquote widgets that the other 3 top authors in the world combined?

And so number 18 on that list, one of the things he talks about is focus of the story, not the sentences or the quality of the writing. And so he’s talking about his earlier work, his less popular work. He goes, “The sentences are superior to a lot of the stuff that I write now but the story isn’t as good. Today I am less interested in sentences and more interested in stories.” And again, this is a huge distinction because a great story doesn’t mean you have to be a great writer. It just means that you have to come out and tell those details, share those experiences, get emotional, how did you feel when you are put into this situation or circumstance?




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The World Is An Un-Trusting Place. “To Be Heroic” To Clients – You Simply Need To Convey That You Are A Protector!



FLETCHER: And so going back to this idea of being a protector again what we did the experiment about, home of the protector.com, you can go watch that or what Marcus Lamona stocks about, being a villain killer. Bo Eason in this article hammers home the same point. Once you start to share yourself with me, this magical thing called human connection happens. We fall in love with the people who we share emotion with. He goes, “I personally love people who are protecting families. To me that means I get to sleep well at night.” Now he is acting as if he is the client to a financial advisor but it could be up clients to a real estate agent, no different. To be that means I get to sleep well at night knowing that I have a person in my corner. And so as parents we are hardwired with this instinct.

In the protector video series I tell the story to crack in the morning, 4 o’clock in the morning I don’t remember what it was, hear something, jump out of bed, I am but naked, grab a knife out of the kitchen, I run down the stairs out the front door I unlock it and in the middle of my driveway again, 2 o’clock in the morning, 3 o’clock in the morning it didn’t even occur to me what I might do if I actually found someone but naked in the middle of my driveway, what was I thinking? I wasn’t! Instinctual, being a protector, parent. I have 2 kids.

And he goes on to say, “This is heroic.” He goes, “No different than a Navy seal charging the breach head, no different from a firefighter charging into a burning building. This act of protection is heroic.” Now he is not talking about it from the sense that you risk your life, he’s talking about it from the sense of sacrifice, what did you have to learn? What did you have to study? If you had to expose the truth of all the different ways that somebody can be taken advantage of by unethical incompetent people in your industry and now you’re being harshly criticized, now you’re being harshly attacked, that’s heroic if what you published can have someone, to protect them. And he goes, “I see this all the time is people going, “Oh, I am just an insurance agent,” or, “I’m just a real estate agent.” And so if you see yourself that way it’s shameful. And it’s why I have always emphasized I don’t really like real estate agents, I stick to that point. I like entrepreneurs, I like real estate agents who want to be something more than real estate agents because I believe everybody has a bigger purpose.

A lot of people, slope would you agree; one, they underestimate the importance of their story, they take what they’ve had in life, their experiences or what has formed or shake their beliefs, they take it for granted and 2, they don’t see themselves as a writer and therefore, “Oh, I could never write a story like that.” You know, be the lead character of my own screenplay?




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Former NFL Quarterback, Bo Eason: “The Greatest Story Never Told For Most [Real Estate Agents] Is Their Own. We Tend To Take Our Stories For Granted.”



FLETCHER: And so I’ve got a story here, it was actually an article within one of the trade magazines for insurance sales. And Bo Eason is being interviewed and Bo Eason was a former NFL quarterback for the Houston [34:02 oilers] got hurt, jumped out of the NFL pretty early, didn’t have a lot of accomplishments. If you are not familiar with who he is it doesn’t surprise me. But the name of the article is telling no story, no glory. It takes a tough guy to get tender with a personal story and a former NFL player Bo Eason is just the man to do it.

But he goes on to say, “The greatest story never told for most advisers, for most real estate agents, for most business professionals is their own. We tend to take or stories for granted, “Oh, I’m just Ryan what really do I have to offer? I just grew up in this little town of Vancouver Washington, it’s not like it’s New York or San Francisco. It’s not San Diego, it rains here 9 months out of the year. I’ve got a family just like everybody else and a brother, sister. Yeah, I’ve got this is a company, it’s not on the Inc. 500 list, it’s not a Fortune 500, I am not the CEO, I am not…” And we tend to undercut ourselves. But it’s the story that is always been used to lead nations, to move armies, to connect with others, nothing is more powerful than story because it engages people, it brings them into a word that you can create.

The other and the flip side of this is this is what people remember. So there is a saying I have it here, “if you teach me something I will forget it in 24 hours. If you tell me a story I will hold you in my heart forever.” So your authentic personal story, this is what makes people fall in love with you. And it drives me nuts that the guru party, that they don’t preach this. So if I go to almost every real estate agent website right now and I go to the, “About me” link, “Oh, Ryan Fletcher was a long time Vancouver resident who grew up here, went to high school in Vancouver blah blah blah.” There is no story, there is no character development, there is no personal narrative. If I pulled that bio, could we create a movie around it? Could I write a screenplay with that character? The answer is no, I couldn’t.

And so one of the 1st things that you should always look at is when you go out into the marketplace, how are you being perceived? And you have the ability if you think of yourself as a character that’s going to be developed in your own screenplay to script that movie however it is that is going to be most magnetic to the people that you want to attract.

And so in this article Bo Eason he goes, “Once Bo hooks you in…” And this is the writer talking, “Once Bo hooks you in, he takes you on an emotional ride that ends with you running with him onto the field under the roar of the crowd ready for battle. You are there with him because it’s how he tells his story.” Again, it goes back to engaging people.

Now I’ve always said I don’t sell, I just tell stories. And so those closest to me, I repeat this all the time. I never sell I just tell stories. I don’t ever do one-to-one presentations, I just write something in story format, I put it out to the marketplace, they read it and the response is, “I hate this guy,” which is fine or, “I love this guy. I like how this guy thinks. He thinks like I think. He believes what I believe. He’s overcome the same obstacle that I have had to overcome. He’s faced with the same challenge that I’ve faced. He’s achieved what I want to achieve.”

And so about 4 years ago… And see when I 1st got into copywriting I would buy all sorts of products and services for people and I would read the sales letter. Now I don’t give 2 shits about the sales letter. I just want to understand if I connect with the person. I don’t care what is promised in the sales letter because I pretty much assume it’s all bullshit. So I looked down at the beliefs, “Who is this person?” Who is his authentic self? What are the stories that he tells?” Don’t promise me another 30 listings, I want to know who you are as a person. Don’t promise me a seven-figure business with a 7th level team, anybody can do that. Tell me what you believe. And that only happens through a story.

It goes on to say, “Out of the 7 billion people on this planet the one thing that differentiates you is you, is your story.” And so when you start to think about this and if you go back to the protector video series again home of the protector.com, you will find a number of these types of stories which are called defining moments or turning point stories. And so most people will have 10 or 20 or 30 experiences or stories within their life that have changed the course of the decision-making process.

When I was offered the job for example as a junior copyrighted to go study with the best copywriters in the world and work for Agoura Inc. which again if you’re not familiar with it would be the equivalent of Rolls-Royce in the newsletter publishing direct marketing world. I had a decision to make; move 3000 miles away, leave everything I’ve ever known, my family, my wife. Now my wife was going to move down 6 months later, she was a teacher at the time she had to finish out the school year but I had to gamble. I had a choice. Because they pay down there was a pittance, merely livable but I chose to move 3000 miles away. If I didn’t make that choice and I didn’t move what would have happened? I don’t know okay but it is a turning point, it is a defining moment. And everybody has those in their life. Again we tend to take them for granted but it’s of those types of moments when you capture that in a story that builds relationships.

And so everybody, the guru party they preach, “This is a relationship business, this is a relationship business.” And then they tell you to send out a one size fits all newsletter. That’s not relationship building! There is no store in there that is unique and personal to you that builds your character! How is “9 ways to winterize my pipes” possibly going to resonate with my reader? Just because you quote unquote touch them you’re not building a relationship.

My in law every once in a while comes over and he is here and I wish he would go home. Same exact thing happens with a one size fits all newsletter; why does he send me this shit? Okay how about the recipe card? How about a fridge magnet? Oh, we will build a relationship, we will send them more of it; 33 of these worthless, useless quote unquote touches no, okay when people talk about relationship here is what the relationship does, you have to extrapolate it backwards so you can get the core of engineering it. A relationship is nothing more than a series of connections. A connection is nothing more than an experience or a belief that you share with someone. And the way that you convey this experience, the motion, the drama, how you would react, how you responded, how you felt, how you thought or this belief about something, maybe it’s about politics and you have a particular stance. I hate Barack Obama, see when I say that statement there are people on this podcast going, “Ha, ha, ha, I am right there with you. I hate that guy too, I can’t stand to look at him.” That’s a belief. Sometimes it does need to be any more than that, a simple sentence. But more times than not, it’s a story.

How did you stumble upon this belief? How did you come to believe what you believe? Or this experience, how did going through this experience change your thought process to lead to the belief that you now have? And the more of the stories you tell, the more of these beliefs and experiences you convey, the more connections that you make, the stronger the relationship you foster.

And so one of these turning point stories that Bo talks about in this article, I decided at the age of 9 that it was never going to happen to me again. And now what he was talking about is when he was 9 he was cut from his little league baseball team. I didn’t even know you could be cut from a little league baseball team. In today’s day and age, not only do you not get caught but everybody gets a trophy and there is no such thing as failure or losing [43:37 inaudible]. But apparently when Bo Eason, he is 53 now, was going up, back when people were a bit tougher, not everybody was seen as a little mush cookie, they cut the little leaguers.

And so he got caught and he goes, “That day I decided   at the age of 9 that that was never going to happen to me ever again. No one was ever going to cut me from any team or anything else I had ever given, that was more than 40 years ago and my life is based on that painful moment still today. I played professional football, I played college football, I played high school football, I played in primary school, I would not let them cut me because of the pain I experienced when I was 9.”

See when you tell the story, it conveys where he gets his work ethic. He’s going to go the extra mile, he is not going to quit, he is going to sacrifice because he decided when he was 9 years old that he was never again going to experience this pain. Okay Michael Jordan, you often hear this, he always talks about the story of when he got cut from his high school basketball team twice! See, pain is one of those universal things that people can connect with okay and it’s about the journey, it’s not about the punch line.

And so he is talking in this article, “If I climbed Mount Everest I wouldn’t stop there. , “Hey, I climbed Mount Everest,” no, no, no! I would start this story at the bottom of the mountain. Why did you even want to climb Mount Everest? What’s the story behind that? When you got to base camp what was that like? When you got two thirds way up the mountain, your finger started to turn black, did you quit? You are 100 feet from the summit you can barely breathe, your legs weigh 3000 pounds, you know you could die, do you turn back? Did the shipper have to carry you? You made it to the summit, what was that like? What did you learn from that experience that you apply to your clients and their success? Okay it’s the journey, it’s not the punch line. You always want to figure out a way to bring these people on a journey with you.




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And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like your comment or feedback to be aired on the podcast), head on over to AskFletcher.com – to record and send your message to Ryan!

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Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

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You Are Not A Real Estate Agent. People Love Characters. You Are The Lead Character In Your Own Sitcom – What Is Your Origin Story?


Pg. 72 –How Maryland agent, Eric Verdi, started using a “sitcom format” for his monthly newsletter and went from making 6-figures in a year to making 6-figures in a quarter—in just 12 months—after 6 straight years of plateau.

It goes back to this thing, I happen to know that Barber Quirker took $1000 loan as a waitress and turned it into a multimillion dollar empire. I know Damon John started with his homemade brand Fubu, sold hats and shirts out of the back of his trunk and built it into a $6 billion a year or 6 billion in sales. I know Robert Hirschavec is the son of a factual immigrant worker. These are the back stories to who they are and they make sure to create this character that is compelling and interesting and entertaining for the show. And so a lot of people well how do I do this? And see all the real estate gurus out there; the trainers, the coaches, the brokers, they are going to advise you, “Oh, you’ve got to have a unique selling proposition.” And then they tell you, “Your home sold guaranteed or I would buy it, your home sold guaranteed or I will sell it for free.” I have an 89 point marketing plan, ever 139 point marketing plan, yada yada yada. The key word here is unique, none of that is unique. As soon as another person does it it’s no longer unique. And the fact that every guru, the guru party, this is what they preach, I mean think about being unique; everybody uses the same scripts, the same dialogues, calls the same for sale by owners, the same expireds, handles in the exact same way.

The only thing truly unique like your DNA is your story, what makes you you? Your belief system, your personal experiences. And so when you tell these stories, that’s what character development is. When you tell the stories just like a movie if you think of your business like a movie, like a screenplay and somebody comes and sits down in your theater and they are going to watch your life roll out in front of them, what stories are they going to see that makes them fall in love with your character? Again, this goes back to what we do on this program creating that personal narrative. 




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And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like your comment or feedback to be aired on the podcast), head on over to AskFletcher.com – to record and send your message to Ryan!

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Brian Whitsitt: “Teach Me How To Do To Others, What You Did To Me! – Crafting Your Sitcom Character! – People Trust You Before They Meet You



FLETCHER: And again see that’s what this is, the power of story.

SLOPER: Well Ryan, the way that I found you was basically the power of your story right? I mean obviously you talked a lot about your background and how you found real estate and your kids and all of these different things which allowed me to identify with you and furthermore got me to the point where I basically told you that, “Hey, you basically got my money for life,” just so I can be associated with you right? But the only way I could get to that point is to have a strong enough story and for me to believe enough in your story that I could allow myself to fully invest in a relationship.

Now take the money out of it, I am committed to our relationship because I feel like if I am not associated with you then I’m going to miss out on something.

FLETCHER: Well I think our relationship has transpired money. I mean we’ve actually now started NTC where we are going into businesses with each other, we’re doing this podcast together, I mean it really is like a friendship that has opened up the door so that neither of us really expected 3 ½ years ago.

SLOPER: Correct.

FLETCHER: And so one of the things now that you bring that up like my story, is Brian Wizzit who is another member friend of ours, he read my story and he goes, “Dude I like to the moment I read about you.” He’s like, “You didn’t have to pitch me, you didn’t have to try to sell like I just wanted to give you my money. I didn’t know how.” He goes, “That’s what I wanted to teach me. Teach me how to do to others what you did to me which is I want others to know, like and trust me before they even… Before I even know who they are.” And so it is this really strange phenomenon. When you put your story out into the world, these people whoever they are and it could be you guys on the podcast okay maybe I don’t know you personally but maybe you feel like you know me or maybe it’s your favorite talk with your host or your favorite podcast individual or maybe it is somebody like Marcus Lamona’s if you studied and read about him or James Patterson, whoever your favorite authors or even if it is on a sitcom and it is one of the characters, you feel like you intimately know them.

And it has always been fascinating to me like how you can take a sitcom character or how you can take a movie star and somebody becomes a fan of that person when they are just playing a character, people fall in love with the character. And so this is actually from Gary Vanderchuck sticking on that same theme is, “How do you get people emotionally involved and how important is it?”

And so he wrote an article on medium the other day called, “Betting on the jockey, not the horse.” And again this is from Gary Vanderchuck, we talked about him a couple of episodes on the importance of creating content that builds a community. And he goes, “I invest a lot more in the jockey than the horse which means I am usually investing in the person, not necessarily their ideas and business.” I take real estate on the fact that if I really believe in you, there’s a chance you might not win this one but I want to be in your word for the 2nd or 3rd one. I want to know your story, how did you get to this point? How did your idea come to be? How did your team come about? Why is your team structured the way it is? How is that going to affect your business moving forward? In essence, I am investing in the unscalable, the humans behind it all.”

And so this is one of the key and defining differentiation elements for one of the platforms that we are billing out right now which integrates a built in traffic source using podcasting to drive a real estate business. And so I wrote this real simple explanation, we believe if you can’t trust the person then you can’t trust his work. Here is the truth, trust is a function of quote unquote getting to know someone. What is their story? Why did they choose the career path they chose? What drives them? What motivates them? What is their philosophical viewpoint? Does it align with yours? Do they have a family? Have they experienced tragedy? Adversity? Have they bounced back? If you put them in a difficult situation, how do they respond? You see, it’s these kinds of questions that allow you to build your character.

And Vanderchuck, he continues in his article. He goes, “You may have a great idea but if you don’t have the chops as an individual to build a strong team to execute your mission then what good is it?” See everybody has ideas, people go into shark tank all the time with ideas, Sloper talked about this. It could be the greatest idea, it could be the greatest product, it could be a very profitable business but if the sharks get the sense that the individual driving that idea, that business, that product isn’t somebody that could be trusted or isn’t somebody that has the fortitude to endure the brutal reality that is entrepreneurship, they pass. Everybody has got an idea. It’s why Vanderchuck invests in the individual, the jockey not the horse. “I look for leaders and operators that can build sustainable business while also creating an environment that allows those around to persevere with them. You may very well not win your 1st, 2nd or 3rd race but if you have the emotional intelligence, internal flame that I deem so valuable, then I am much more likely to put my money behind you the jockey than behind your horse or business.” 




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And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like your comment or feedback to be aired on the podcast), head on over to AskFletcher.com – to record and send your message to Ryan!

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Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

Talk soon Speak up! 🙂

The Villain-Killer: Trusted & Respected By Society. How Lemonis Positions Himself As A Protector!



FLETCHER: And so Brian Coppleman, he is a screenwriter, heavily involved in Hollywood, the movie industry. He was also the director of Ocean’s 13 and so he also interviewed Marcus Lamona’s and what was fascinating because he comes at it from a screenwriter perspective; character development for him is everything. And so if you think about this success or failure of a movie, it comes down to who is the character. Do you like him? Do you love him? Do you root for him? Is he an underdog? Does he have Iraq’s to riches? Who is the villain that is keeping him or the obstacle that is keeping him from achieving the goal?

And so I think it is fascinating listening to this guy on his podcast how he interviews people because he really tries to get to the bottom of who these people are from a character development standpoint. And so he is interviewing Lamona’s and he goes, “I watch your show, I love it. I discovered it last season and I am not somebody who really watches reality television but I did, I watched every episode on demand. And what them fascinated by and I think what a lot of people are is you.” And so let me play that clip.


BRIAN: “What I am fascinated by and I think it’s probably what a lot of people are is you. And so I want to talk about the show but I want to talk about how it is and why it is that you do the thing that you do in the way that you do it.”

End of recording.

FLETCHER: In other words, I want to understand who you are as a person, your thinking, your thought process. I am fascinated by you. Yes we will talk about the show, we will get to that, we will get to that I mean is over there. But I want to understand how you do it, why you do it, the thing that you do, the way that you do it. Because it seems like to me that you have an approach that combines and he continues, “The intellectual and the emotional and you lead with either one or the other depending on the situation and then kind of check yourself using the other one. And I’m wondering when did you develop that? Or consciously realize okay, I’m going to do it this way.” And so that’s the question.


LAMONAS: Wow, I think that’s a great question. You know it’s funny that you mention that because you made me think about tonight’s episode. Is probably the episode out of 24 of them now, tonight is the episode that was far more emotional than it was intellectual, far more emotional than it was financial because I saw a situation, a mother-son situation that was very fractured…”

End of recording

FLETCHER: And so there is that story element again. This isn’t about business, this isn’t about TV, this is about a mother, this is about her son, this is about their story, this is about a relationship that is extremely fractured.


LAMONAS: I think when I go into these businesses            I definitely cheer for the underdog so I use that emotion to kind of root for the underdog and whether that’s the employee or the owner who is in bad shape. But I definitely am a villain killer.

BRIAN: 100%.

LAMONAS: I mean, so…

End of recording

FLETCHER: A villain killer. I think this is what makes Marcus Lamonas so authentic. I mean I love this aspect of him, he is being a villain killer. And you heard it, “I root for the underdog, I root for these people who have stories. I root for these people who have obstacles in their life would just need maybe a little bit of resources, a little bit of help.” So he continues.


LAMONAS: I pride myself on being a villain killer and I really, I am embarrassed to tell you that I don’t do it with malice but I do it with great satisfaction that I want to be the guy that saves somebody from themselves or from somebody else and I use as much of my resources, not always financial by the way, as much of my resources and my influence to rescue that person from the situation. And when they don’t follow that or they question it, it isn’t about, “It’s my money and how dear you,” it’s, “I am here to help you and you are questioning my intentions.”

End of recording

FLETCHER: And so this is something I have often thought and it especially applies to real estate. There is nothing more frustrating than being rejected by someone that you know you can help because it doesn’t make any sense. Here you have a problem or should I say the person that you are trying to help has a problem, you worked hard to come up with a solution and he won’t accept it. It could be a trust thing, he doesn’t trust you, it could be an ego or an arrogance thing, he thinks he is smarter than you because maybe he just sees you as a real estate agent, nothing more yeah just like everybody else. Because of that negative label, because of that negative reputation. But whatever it is, and see that’s what Marcus is saying here. It’s, “I am here to help you and you are questioning my intentions.”

And so he did this article which I reference in the beginning of this episode with ink magazine. And he talks about this guy, he spends 4 or 5 days with me, the writer David with Ford and he said to me, “Do you feel like…” And he was being serious with me “Do you feel like or do you think of yourself as a modern-day superhero?” And Marcus he came back, “No, no but that would really be awesome if someone else did.” No I don’t but if that’s how people see me, then that’s a big responsibility.

And so the reason I bring this up is because it corresponds to a very core message that we did a test on 12 months ago, 24 months ago actually now which was, “Is this one word is the most powerful marketing message on earth?” This idea of being a protector, a villain killer. I think it is especially empowering negative reputation industries. And so I wrote the headline which asked the question and this was sort of lead into the hypothesis of the entire experiment, how might your business be different if a prospective client says, “Help me save me, over here.” If instead of seeing you as a salesman, as a quote unquote real estate agent, they saw you as a protector.

And so when I heard Lamona’s talk about this, this is like his core principle, he is being a villain killer. It is fascinating!




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And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like your comment or feedback to be aired on the podcast), head on over to AskFletcher.com – to record and send your message to Ryan!

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Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

Talk soon Speak up! 🙂

Jon Taffer. Bar Science. Marcus Lemonis. The 3 Ps – What Is Your Unique Approach To Business Building?



FLETCHER: But what I find fascinating James asks him, “So you get something like 40,000 requests for help from companies per month,” I don’t know, this is some sort of outrageous number of requests you get. Is that what they heard?” And so if you have ever listened to the James Alteger podcast you know he’s a bit of a schizophrenic. He’s all over the map. And so here was Marcus’s response, “No, no, no, no, no, since we started…


MARCUS: “Yeah, since we started the show we’ve had about 40,000 applications and obviously even that work is very involved in the process and very helpful and we do background checks on people and it’s got to be something that I am interested in or it’s got to be a business that I think of you are could relate to or something that I want to learn.”

End of recording

FLETCHER: And so 40,000 applications, it’s got to be something that I am interested in, the viewers can relate to or something I want to learn. And sometimes he talks about, he gets into this business and he knows nothing about them. And so every time he does this he goes, “Sometimes it’s a challenge to myself. I really want to see these 3P’s work; people, process and product.” He goes, “I want to prove it to me.” So I’m literally saying to this myself, if you’ve got this bold proof theory which he believes he does, I want to put it to the test! I want to make sure that it works in every certain circumstance. And sometimes he just goes, “I don’t know if it will but so far it hasn’t failed.”

And so James, he starts to press a more though. “Okay well before you get to know these people though, what are the basic metrics that you use to decide? Okay, I’m going to make this deal with this person. How do you even know how to bring them on the show? So you go from 40,000 applicants, maybe down to 1000 applicants, how do you get down to 10?” So Marcus he comes back and he goes, “I usually go into every business thinking I’m going to make a deal right? I would go if I didn’t think I could make the deal.” And so James of course keeps pressing…


JAMES: “Even deciding to go, let what makes you decide to visit? Like what you see that makes you decide to visit?”

End of recording

FLETCHER: And Marcus he goes, “The product, it has to be relatable, I have to believe to a certain degree that I can extract some sort of scalability out of it, I can do something with it, I cannot a new product, I can take one of their existing products, I can open up multiple locations. And so if I don’t feel like some level of scale in it, I typically don’t go.”

But here is what is interesting, but…


MARCUS: “But, the caveat to that is if I really, really love the people.”

End of recording

FLETCHER: “If I really, really love the people” and he continues because this is important.


MARCUS: “again I see… We do a little Skype video with them before I go and if I love this story, sometimes story and hard trumps economics. I will go to do it because I just like them. It doesn’t mean it’s going to be a bad business deal, it won’t, it will always be a good business new but just because I can’t scale it isn’t an absolute that I won’t do it, it’s not an absolute but it’s typically the rule.”

End of recording

FLETCHER: And so here’s a guy hard-core businessman, he’s looking at the profit, he’s looking at return on investment and the one thing that gets him to break his rule is the story. He is looking for scalability, so we you look at the cars or the ice cream or the manufacturing or distribution candy or clothing, the other companies that she has been involved in, there is always some level of scalability. But he goes on to say they are circumstances, there are instances when he will break that rule.


MARCUS: “There is one this coming season that isn’t really… People would argue that it is scalable, they would want me to scale it but it’s so fantastic and it’s so unique that it just needs to be what it is and nothing more.”

End of recording

FLETCHER: And so there is the tease, James is hooked, “What do they do? What do they do?” He goes on to say they are in the barbecue business, a little barbecue business in the little town of South Carolina, they are open, 3, 4 days a week, 4 hours a day and they do close to $2 million per year. And James, here is his response.


JAMES: “Why do they need you? Like what was the problem that was happening?”

MARCUS: “James, you have to watch the show, I can’t tell you that. You have to watch it.”

JAMES: “Now you’ve got me hyped up!”

MARCUS: “We are probably going to air that probably in the week of Thanksgiving because it’s just got a lot of heart and a lot of love and a lot of family in it and…”

End of recording

FLETCHER: Now here’s what’s important to that, there is 2 elements going on here. One is that the power of story is what convinces Marcus some owners to make the exception to his investment rules and so if you are the client for example vying for his money or if you are vying in competition for a client, this story is often times the thing that pushes you over the top. But here is the other aspect, the power of store is what compels people to want to know more. So you heard James there, “Wow, and why do they need you? What was the problem that was happening?” “James, you have to watch the show. I tell you that, you have to watch the show I can tell you that.” “You’ve got me all hyped up…” See, he wants to know the rest of the story.

Here is this little barbecue company, is got the most hard, it’s got the most love, it’s got the most family, it’s the best story, they reserved it for the week of Thanksgiving, the best week and again you have this businessman, you have this investor and the one thing that gets him to break his rule about scalability, product, upside potential is story. And so you see this a lot on Shark Tank, the entrepreneur comes into the tank, he pitches an idea, the pitch is going alright, the product is good and all of these sharks okay whether it be Cuban, Dave and John all on the fence. The next thing you know, they fall up with this story and why this product came to you and why it is important. And the bigger mission and the bigger purpose.

And you can argue that Marcus, a lot of his success, I mean not everybody just gets on TV. There is certainly plenty of candidates for the profit. So what is it? Why is a story so effective? And so here you have a guy that was born in war tour in Beirut, 9 months old he was adopted by a Lebanese family out of Miami and he’s got this great upbringing, this success story. So he’s exposed to positive, prosperous influence and business values, his company owned a car dealership in Florida. At the age of 12, bloomed as an entrepreneur, started a lawnmowing service, generated enough money to open up a can do business. Went to market University, studied political science, run for the house of representatives when he was 22, lost but he refocused himself. Went into some automotive managerial roles, a family friend and former Chrysler CEO Lee Iacocca happen to be one person who advised him. This got him into the camping RV business. He eventually became Chairman, he streamlined the RV industry, bought up consolidated more than 100 different RV companies, combined camping world with good Sam Enterprises, 6000 employees, $3 billion in profit.

And so he’s very successful at telling this story and this is what you see with shark tank too. I don’t know about the product, I don’t know about the business but I like you. There is something about you.

SLOPER: And you see time and time again [15:44] on shark tank that somebody will come in with [15:46 inaudible] and they don’t have a story right? And they could have the greatest numbers and at the end of the day they are just like, “No, I don’t want nothing to do with it.” You know, your valuation is way off, and not even going to deal with it. Versus the other guy that comes in, his numbers and his valuations might be way too high but his story is so great that they are willing to overpay for his company.

FLETCHER: Yep, and so one of the 1st things that we do for example in the protector social superhero program is in the 1st month we want to shift from a negative reputation to an empowered reputation. But before you can even begin to construct a new reputation for yourself, one that isn’t plagued by the label of quote unquote real estate agent, you have to de-Link and disconnect of everything that quote unquote labels you are real estate agent. But as soon as we do the de-link and disconnect process, then we are on to building your character which is your personal narrative, this is what we’re talking about.




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And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like your comment or feedback to be aired on the podcast), head on over to AskFletcher.com – to record and send your message to Ryan!

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Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

Talk soon Speak up! 🙂

The Low-Information Agent Begs. Chases. Marcus Lemonis, The Profit – Practices Spiderweb Methodology.



FLETCHER: But on that note new season of profit started okay so if you’re a big fan of shark tank which is far more well known for entrepreneurs, for business owners, people going in pitching their ideas. But there is a show on CNBC I don’t know if everybody is familiar with this, it’s called the profit, you should be you should start washing it for sure. It is with Marcus Lamonas. And this guy, there is something that fascinates me about him. It’s the authenticity, it’s the way he goes into a business, it’s his approach and so one of his biggest business successes is he is the chairman and CEO of Camping world. If you are not familiar with him which is a company that is about 100 different locations throughout the United States, throughout Canada and they are going to be doing about $3 billion of revenue this year. And so they have 6000 employees but the way he goes into these businesses he has a very specific approach, the 3 P’s which are people, process and product.

And so he was on one episode recently talking about… Or he was asked on a podcast, “How come you never go into business with tech?” He goes, “I don’t understand them. Like I am embarrassed to say this, but I just don’t understand the tech world, it moves too fast. I understand people, process and product.” And so I found this fascinating. And he’s talking about the exact same things as every entrepreneur does, it doesn’t matter what level of success you get to. So in an article that he did with Ink Magazine written by David Whitford; Marcus Lamona’s: The way of the profit. He’s talking about, “I’m tired, I have trouble falling asleep, I have trouble turning off my mind. Working and being in multiple businesses, fixing things have almost turned into an addiction for me.”

And so I think a lot of us feel the same type of compulsion to want to continuously hunt down ideas to continuously look at the business and say, “How can I revolutionize this from a profit standpoint, from a marketing standpoint, from an advertising standpoint or even product and process?”

So one of the things that I have always done, a lot of you listen to this probably do the exact same thing. You get hooked on a person for whatever the reason their story, their methodology, the way they think and you go try to learn everything you can about them. And so I have done this with James Patterson, I have done this with I don’t know too many to count. And so I started listening to a bunch of podcasts with Marcus Lamona’s, get on Google, search out all the articles that I can find about Lamona’s and so I came across this one stat. Last count Lamona’s has received 40,000 applications from companies begging for his help.

And so this is one thing that they talked about. And one thing I love about podcasts is is really more of a conversation. See when you find the article on Google whether it be ink Magazine or the New York Times, it’s often times the very quote unquote formal, proper story. It’s polished, it’s been… Well the podcast, it’s a conversation, it’s real. And it’s not scripted. And so Al Titcher he starts digging into Lamona’s to find out like how do these 40,000 applicants, how do the ones that actually make it on the show, how do they get chosen? Because it is really no different. And we’ve talked about this before with Peter Teal; venture capitalist, founders of companies come to him in Silicon Valley and they want to get him to invest in their company.

Well as real estate agents, as business owners, as service professionals, we go to the marketplace quote unquote has 40,000 applications, respective clients and we have to pitch our ideas but better yet, attract them to our ideas but nonetheless we have to do something that gets us chosen.

And so he is in this conversation and this is something we’ve done with your business slope, is built out platforms. And so one of the things that Lamona talks about is this idea of accumulating companies under a holding company. And he goes, “When you start to do this, you can get product integration with multiple companies.” And so she cited an example of moving eco-me into camping world or combining for example Key line type company with Crumbs. And he goes, “What you’ve got to be careful. You can’t start selling candy in an auto dealership. You can start selling clothes in a restaurant so it has to make sense.”

And so you for example we have set up a podcasting platform, we set up an entrepreneurial platform, we set up a book platform, we set up a philanthropy platform and it creates a spider web, it has to make sense but we’ve created this spiderweb where no matter where anybody comes in it’s really hard for them to get out.




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And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like your comment or feedback to be aired on the podcast), head on over to AskFletcher.com – to record and send your message to Ryan!

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Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

Talk soon Speak up! 🙂

Why I’m A Terrible Vacationer. My Obsession With Podcasts, Books, That Wife Hates.



FLETCHER: Now you just got back from Mexico yeah?

SLOPER: Yep, little 5 day stint in old [01:22 inaudible].

FLETCHER: Any disease? Any flu?

SLOPER: Actually I did. Last day I contracted the… probably the Mexican version of the West Nile virus it felt like.


SLOPER: Nice little stomach flu there for the last day which made for an interesting flight back home.

FLETCHER: I took a… I don’t to Cabo there in April. I am the worst vacationer ever. So I get there like the 1st 2 days you know I run, I don’t know a couple of different businesses and I am integrally involved in your business and all the other different members business. And so the 1st 2 days look I can’t shut off my mind and so I don’t even really want to be there because I’m thinking of all the stuff but at home.

The 2nd 2 days I’m finally been able to shut off was going on back at home but then I’m on the beach, I am reading the book, I am listening to podcasts and the people that I am with… “Well, have you read a good book lately?” “No I haven’t.” “Okay.” “Have you listened to a podcast lately?” “No, I haven’t.” “Okay. Have you had any ideas lately?” “No, I haven’t.” And I’m like, “Well, this is great conversation.” Because by day 2 or day 3 I mean we are done talking about our wives because they are off doing their thing, the guys were off to our thing and we could only you know, have the man-to-man conversation for so long before there is some sort of intelligent thought. And then of course, the last 2 or 3 days that I am there and thinking about, “Now I’ve got all of these ideas from the podcast that I have been listening to, you know I’ve gotten all these ideas from the books I’ve been reading, I just want to go back and implement them.” So I don’t know I’m not a good vacationer.

SLOPER: I agree with you. I’m not really either is interesting we both have kind of the same thoughts and actually the same thing happened. But you know it’s those things I think that’s but before I started turning into so-called student or wanting to create ideas like on a daily basis I probably would have just showed up to the beach and not do anything but it’s like now my mind doesn’t shut down and I don’t really want it to shut down right but everybody else in the group after you get done talking about each other’s problems for the 1st 2 days right it’s like, “Okay I need to go over here for a 2nd and I will be back next week guys.”

FLETCHER: I know I escape, I take my computer, I go to the bar and I sit there by myself; I write, I do something. Like I said, I’m a terrible vacationer.




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And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like your comment or feedback to be aired on the podcast), head on over to AskFletcher.com – to record and send your message to Ryan!

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Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

Talk soon Speak up! 🙂

iTunes Review: “You Are Definitely Onto Something Amigo!”



FLETCHER: So we’re getting some love on the podcast. Made new noteworthy this week as of this recording that is anyways and so iTunes is moving us up the rankings, some reviews are coming in. We’ve got one right here, “Food for thought, great podcast, 5 stars.” The food for thought expression gets thrown around quite a bit Ryan your podcast really does stimulate the mind, really does break down and breaks through the Ru, ha, ha, ha, ha of mainstream noise, keep it up my man. The best part of the show is the interviews and hearing about real-life case stories of how you are the people you have worked with have taken control of their lives, use that control to bring value to others around them. You are onto something amigo I will definitely take what I learned from the podcast, from what I read with your book and I’m sure they would both be great tools in the pursuit of my goals. Thank you.”

And so we’ve got a couple like that, it’s good to know that this is helping people.




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And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like your comment or feedback to be aired on the podcast), head on over to AskFletcher.com – to record and send your message to Ryan!

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Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

Talk soon Speak up! 🙂

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039: Laryngitis | Podcast Goes Global | Watchdog Publication | Truth Spreads | The PQ Factor | Keller Research Revealed | All 134 Agents Quit | More TGP Lies | Meet Chris | John | Carmela | And Carl…


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And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like your comment or feedback to be aired on the podcast), head on over to AskFletcher.com – to record and send your message to Ryan!

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Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

Talk soon Keep Fighting!

Sitcom-Based Newsletter: How Personal Beliefs, Convictions, and Story Arcs Trump “One-Size-Fits-All” Content. From $100,000 to $400,000 In 18 Months.


Pg. 72 –How Maryland agent, Eric Verdi, started using a “sitcom format” for his monthly newsletter and went from making 6-figures in a year to making 6-figures in a quarter—in just 12 months—after 6 straight years of plateau.

RAW TRANSCRIPT: But here’s what Eric did. He killed his one-size-fits-all newsletter, he changed the content, started diving into personal stories, started talking about his conviction, his beliefs, and all of a sudden within the next twelve months, he doubles his business from 100,000 to 200,000. The next year, which is this year, he’s on pace to hit close to 400,000. So we have six years of plateau and then two years of taking his income double, double. All he did was change his content.

Now here’s the kicker, he communicates his monthly newsletter, goes to 150 people. That’s it. And so if you’re a follower of, what the hell is his name, Gary Keller, he talks about in his book, The Millionaire Real Estate Agent, how you need 2500 people in your database, 50 people for every one transaction. He’s doing it wrong, he’s failing. Everybody he advises, he’s leading them astray. Either his research is wrong or his methods are far inferior. You can decide. But what do you expect when he sends out a recipe card? What do you expect when he sends out a fridge magnet? What do you expect? How strong will your community be when he refers to them as “touches” and they’re seen as obligatory? If I’m going to tune into you, your message, do I want to be “touched”? Oh, here’s a fridge magnet, here’s a recipe card. Here’s some one-size-fits-all newsletter. Or do I want to be moved?




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And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like your comment or feedback to be aired on the podcast), head on over to AskFletcher.com – to record and send your message to Ryan!

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Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

Talk soon Speak up! 🙂 

(Part 2) Radio Or Podcast? Plus, The Most Important Element To Consider When Creating Your Show



FLETCHER: … You fit out a concept and then you work the concept.

SLOPER: But you know what, you can buy just by putting yourself in an uncomfortable situation Ryan which would be, let’s just say there is an agent that didn’t feel comfortable, he could go over to another agent and say, “Hey, how about we get together and have a conversation, talk about what’s going on in market and let’s record that conversation?”

You and I often talk to Ryan that some of our best conversations are just on media are talking over the phone about nothing. And they just kind of wanders off into never Never Land and all of a sudden it’s like, “Damn, I wish I would’ve recorded the conversation!”

So I think that a good place to start from for many people is if you don’t feel comfortable talking by yourself, get somebody else that’s within your area, partner up and just start talking and see in which direction that leads you. At the end of the day you will get more comfortable. You will start actually believe things and there would be these emotions that are just ignited that you didn’t have before and I get very passionate on my show like sometimes I am very upset at half the crap that’s out there in media and I think that that’s important because people can really buy into somebody that has strong passion, strong beliefs and convictions about something versus somebody else that is just like, “Ah, the market is okay.”

FLETCHER: We will look at Gordon Ramsey.

SLOPER: Right.

FLETCHER: So Gordon Ramsey is one of the highest paid TV personalities. He cusses up a storm, he doesn’t care what anybody thinks, he is just who he is and people love him because he is so real, he is so authentic. But what you said, passion, it trumps pretty much everything else. And if you really want to think about what a podcast is, it is an MP3, just record it, you could speak into your phone, your iPhone, you go to your audio recorder, hit “record” speak, you have the MP3 file and now you could upload that to iTunes. That’s all a podcast is!

But just like this podcast right now, I’ve got a microphone, I am in my office but you don’t need anything special and so for very little money, for very little barrier of entrance, you can get started in this media business and now you can take that audio, your ideas and put them out into the marketplace whether it be getting them transcribed in article format, whether it be putting them on a blog in video format if you are recording the call with video as well you can post them to the podcast. And so there are all these different ways that you can take and converts it to a message where just like The Money Guys on actual radio and enduring the expense, you can get started for very little and it’s the content, it’s the message that drives everything. And so the question I always get of course is, “But I’m not an expert,” who is an expert? How does one become an expert? At what point do you get labeled an expert?

The entire notion of expertise, it’s subjective. It is! Who is to determine? Because somebody buys a bunch of alphabet soup behind your name, does that make them an expert? Because somebody buys fake authority and has a book chapter in a book, does that make them an expert? Because somebody buys a spot on radio, does that make them an expert? No!

You become an expert when you have something to say, a story to tell, a message to convey that will help people, that’s all an expert is. And so my advice, just map of the journey. Just decide.

So Sloper talk about this when he got into radio say “yes” and worry about all the shit that follows later. He failed and he was embarrassed the first time but he got through it; this isn’t so bad, I can do this. And so put that content out, make the commitment. And you will begin to create your community. And the community starts with one. And it starts with 2 and then it gross to 3 and then it grows to 4 and then it grows to 5. Nobody starts out with this audience of 10,000. Nobody starts out with this audience of 1000. Nobody starts out with this audience of 100.

But because you put out content, because you are passionate about it, because you speak your beliefs, those who think and believe like you are attracted back to you and then they start telling their friends,” hey, you’ve got to pay attention to this Ryan Fletcher guy.” “Hey, you’ve got to start paying attention to this Ryan Sloper guy.” You’ve got to pay attention to whatever your name is. And slowly but surely you begin to build up your audience.

And so I am seeing it with this podcast; our numbers are starting to take off! The firsts couple of episodes not a lot of people tuned in. 3rd, 4th, 5th we are seeing a lot more traction. 7th, 8th, 9th, far ahead of where actually expected and we’re getting feedback and people are buying the book and people are subscribing to Broken Industry and people are wanting more and more content. Because they say to themselves, “I like how this guy thinks.” That’s it! “I like how this guy thinks.”

SLOPER: Yeah and you know one of the things in my estimation that’s wrong with the real estate industry is that there is always the guru party out there giving you as many silver bullets as possible so everybody is convinced that everyone can happen and turn around for them on basically the drop of a hat. Like tomorrow your business can turn around and there couldn’t be anything further from the truth. And I think that I’ve always told you Ryan that if you’re going to do something like this, please take my advice and commit to doing something for a year, a year.

FLETCHER: No, just a week, just a week, if you don’t get results, cut it off. Quit, stop… No! Don’t ask people to commit for a month! The low information agent he will never go for it! We would have wasted this entire hour! We would have wasted all our breath. He will be turned off…

SLOPER: Yeah it’s…

FLETCHER: “Oh my God I have to speak and I have to have an idea? I have to work at this?! I have to get $100 microphone and have it recorded into an MP3? Can’t I just buy a designation? It would be so much easier. Can’t somebody promise me a bullet, a silver one, a really shiny one that will make me rich?” You, oh boy oh boy they will! And it’s why 91% of agents or whatever that number is, it’s big, fail because the shiny bullet they offer you asks you and forces you to be someone that you are not, that doesn’t resonate with the core of your character.

And so the only true way to become an authority, universal truth number 1. I have my stack of papers he and I want to read it to you. I want to make sure I get it right. Right down to last word because it is this important, it’s this critical if I could find it, it is somewhere here in my stack of stuff; which speaks loudly to how much I prepare for this show. It’s not something that I just get on here and for 3 minutes spout or talk. It’s pages, it’s study, it’s keeping up to date, it’s reading books and so I must have 30 or 40 or 50 pieces of paper in front of me with different ideas, different perspectives from different people; from political to marketing to talk radio to authors, to thought leaders.

Here is universal truth number 1 accept it, embrace it. In business and there is a distinct singular form of influence being perceived as a someone, the authority, those who possess it have power. And see the low information agent, he’s never going to have the ability to enforce obedience. He is never going to have the power to give orders. He’s never going to have the power to control a particular sphere because he allows himself to be controlled by the guru party and every single thing that the teach destroys authority.




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And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like your comment or feedback to be aired on the podcast), head on over to AskFletcher.com – to record and send your message to Ryan!

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Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

Talk soon Speak up! 🙂

Radio Or Podcast? Here’s The Argument For Starting A Podcast – Screw Radio!



FLETCHER: And so one of the things that I want to focus on and make the point about is that you don’t have to be on radio. Sloper no longer does quote unquote radio instead he has transitioned into doing a podcast. The reality is that podcasts are taking over because of the consumer. And so I have an article here, the rising popularity of podcasts why listeners are rediscovering podcasts.

It’s for the same reason why people like DVR’s. Because they can get the content that they like that only interests them that is specific to what they want to know about, learn about, be entertained by, when they want it at the time they want it on demand. That’s why people like the DVR. And this is why more and more people are discovering podcasts.

And so the USA Today recently had an article titled Remember podcasting, it’s back and booming!” It goes on to state that Apple now has over 1 billion subscriptions for podcasts via iTunes. That’s not counting Stitcher, that’s not counting Soundcloud. There are more than 18,000 on Stitcher alone; podcasts, not subscribers. An estimated 39 million Americans have listened to a podcast in the past month.

But I think what is more telling is the fact about some of the demographics. And again the medium is not as important as the content, as the message. And so if you have great content, if you have a great message, starting a podcast, it is every bit as effective as starting radio. So this is something that we are pushing to all of the people we are currently working with into; as a content creator.

Okay part task listeners are a highly sought after demographic for marketers not to because it’s composed of well-educated social sharers which means more referrals who want to find ways to get commercial free media. People don’t like ads, they don’t like advertisement. They don’t want to tune into a.m. talk which most agents can’t afford or because you are looking at 10 or 12 or $15,000 for a 30 minute spot unless you are in some obscure or small town.

Now the key is that you don’t even have to keep your content on podcasts. So if you think about what I do here, we have a podcast but then also I cut it up into segments, those become blog posts, they become content for other newsletters that I write, they become talking points for speeches that I give or interviews that I give; there are multiple ways to leverage the content that you create as a result of the podcasts.

And so there is a headline here, “Anyone who is anyone has a podcast these days and they are finding millions of listeners.” And so Donnelly Dumas, if you are familiar with the podcast world, if you are not we will talk about that in a minute. But here is a guy who is a real estate agent who was driving around in his car, he was listening to podcasts. He realized that there was nobody out there putting out a daily podcast. So he decided that he was going to start to produce one and within 12 to 18 months, started making $100,000 a month from his podcast.

Okay now he has a business worth $2 million a year. And he didn’t spend any money on external marketing. This speaks to how easy it is using podcasts it can be to find an audience; traffic to your offers. Hopefully you have a book, hopefully you have assets. Clear Channel, the nation’s largest radio broadcaster in July added podcast to its iHeart radio service. Clear Channel president of digital Brian Lakamp, “We need to be where the consumers are.” So a.m. talk radio, you are seeing it. So if you go to talkers.com, you can look at the ratings of 4 different talk radio hosts whether it be Limbaugh or Glenn Beck or Sean Hannity; over the last 12 months, over the last 24 months they’ve been on a downward decline from 20 million Rush Limbaugh used to have to 18 to 15 to now 12. 12 million weekly listeners, that’s a lot, don’t get me wrong but it’s not particularly helpful for the local business owner that kind of radio.

Because let’s face it, Saturday 9 o’clock, 10 o’clock, 11 o’clock are you listening to AM radio? Who is? Who does? Most of these people who have those kind of shows, the big their family and friends to call in so they have somebody to talk to.

SLOPER: Hey Ryan, and I talk to a lot of agents you know within my area and they are like, “That’s really cool that you have a radio show, it’s really cool that you have a podcast. Like how has that gone? How difficult is it to do that?” I mean it’s honestly simple, very, very simple. The reality is that most people feel they don’t have something to say or something important to say, a message and I actually want to talk to let those people know that you are not the only one because I didn’t really have anything to say in the beginning either.

FLETCHER: Well, it’s a learned skill. I mean you learn…




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And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like your comment or feedback to be aired on the podcast), head on over to AskFletcher.com – to record and send your message to Ryan!

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Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

Talk soon Speak up! 🙂

My Blunt Recommendation To A Listener: Three Steps To Escape “Salesperson Land” – The Shittiest Place On Earth!



FLETCHER: So I have an email here from Brady, I’m going to keep his last name blacked out, not important. He wrote me, book order, today, I look forward to reading it. So this is a guy who bought my book and now he’s writing me some of his frustrations, a bit of his rants. What he writes is indicative of what most agents feel. A lot of agents experience. Because they’ve been taken advantage of so many times, by the Guru Party down here in salesperson land. Predator-prey. And it’s a great distinction. In a sales culture, there is a predator and there is a prey. In the media business, the media culture, there is a community. People who like to consume the same type of information or have the same ideology that all think and like and agree.

And so I’m going to read this to you. “It’s been a while since I’ve read a real estate book that is worth anything. The internet is full of 100 people telling you what to do and charge you just to get an idea of what they’re pitching. Then once you buy it, you have to spend more time trying to determine what the “secret ingredient” is than actually implementing anything. Then comes a death spiral, chasing the paycheck that leaves everything you read thought or dreamed of about in the rear view in the hopes that you don’t come across desperate. I would like, really, I would like to just find a no-bullshit, step-by-step solution that spells everything out from the beginning. Tell me what to invest in and actually what it costs, 3rd party plus implementation and a step-by-step process from a broke agent point-of-view, no up sells. In other words, assume I have two to ten hours to implement something and anywhere between $25 and $400 or more, a month to invest, what hierarchy should I consider to take steps in?”

“I’m tired of being overpromised and never delivered by all the so-called coaches who are better at marketing to agents than agent marketing.” And he continues, “Whenever I get the pitch from anyone that says, one transaction pays back the investment, it pisses me off. That one transaction go towards living expenses and now, my health care costs.” Now, this gets to a bigger point. He’s tired of people promising him things that don’t get delivered on. Here’s what I promise. Here’s what Gary Vaynerchuck promises. Learning the skills to produce content that is engaging, that is entertaining, that is authentic, that is personal, that is ideological and conviction-driven, that focuses on the community and not self-interest, is the hardest damned thing that you’ll ever need to learn. That I can promise. It’s not easy. It’s difficult. It’s why most people will never build a community. Because they don’t have it in ‘em. They’re looking for that secret ingredient. They’re looking for that get-rich quick magic pill.

So I’m going to read one more phrase to you. “This, I fear, could be why”, and he’s talking about why he didn’t have the money to invest in something else that he saw. “This, I fear, could be why I’m unable to get the items I need, the REAL package with all the answers.” I responded back to this individual, I said, “That’s why you’re broke.” If you keep that mindset, you’ll continue to be broke. It goes back to what Gary Vaynerchuck said. If you don’t start to realize and accept that content, putting out stories, is the true currency of society, the secret to building a community, the secret to building true relationships, then let’s have this discussion in four years and see where you’re at. Because you’re going to be in the same exact place you are now. Or maybe worse off.

And this is a guy who read my book, bought my book and I’m grateful. And I hope he didn’t take my comments to him the wrong way. But the difference between me and everybody else selling, the Guru Party, is that I’m not here to cater to anybody, to pander to anybody. The truth is there is no step-by-step in business, if there were, there’d be no failing businesses. That’s why I love the message of the Lego movie. If you haven’t seen the Lego movie, I encourage you to go see it. There are instruction followers and if you lose the instructions, you stand there still waiting to get eaten, waiting to rot, waiting to deteriorate because you don’t know what to do next. Then there is the Master Builder. The person who doesn’t need instructions. The person who can adapt from situation to situation because he’s developed skills. He sees what other people cannot. That’s what makes him a Master Builder.

And so, when you’re thinking of building a community, and you’re thinking about creating content, and if you want to do this on a daily basis, there’s no step by step for that. There’re only skills that allow you to see what other people cannot see. And if you haven’t yet developed them, then you need to. And anything else is a lie. Anything else is a fraud. Now I’m not saying you can’t make money down here in salesperson land. You can. And I think about 2 to 3 to 5% of the population, that’s who they are, that’s their DNA. That’s what they think, believe, breathe and there’s no changing the cowboys who want to jump on the phone and just sell shit to people. But I think most people, and I think it’s indicative of why 92% of people never renew their licenses past the first two years is because they don’t want to be there in that land and that’s the only thing that the Guru Party pushes you towards.

And so with that, I want to leave you with one exercise. One activity. If you’re going to start to build a community, you need three things at least to start. You need a concept and so think of your community that is being built as a sitcom. A sitcom has ratings. A sitcom has an audience. That’s what you want. So you can look at a sitcom as a parallel context for your real estate business. You need a concept. What is your concept? What is the big overarching theme that you’re going to talk about, that you’re going to expound about, that’s going to drive all your content creation. That concept typically comes from something you believe. Sitcoms, they also need characters. That’s you. One of the things that a good sitcom has is good, well crafted characters. They have very distinct personalities. And you have that in you.

I know oftentimes, we look at ourselves and say there’s nothing special about me. We grew up in New York or Los Angeles or San Diego or Vancouver, Washington where I’m at and I go, “It’s just home. Why would anybody want to come here? Why is there even a hotel in this city? I mean, people come here and stay the night, why?” And then of course I come across people and they go, “Oh, Vancouver is such a beautiful place. I would love to go back there someday.” And I’m not talking about Vancouver, BC. I’m talking about Vancouver, Washington. It’s right across the Columba River from Portland, Oregon. And so a lot of people they come up, they go to Portland and they travel over Vancouver and they go do a little sightseeing, whatever there is to see. And I go, “What in the hell? There’s nothing here! It’s Vancouver! It’s just home.” I take it for granted. And people do the exact same thing with their personality, with their view points, with their convections, they take them for granted.

The reality is, a relationship is nothing more than a connection. You want to build a relationship with an audience, figure out who you are, what you believe what, your message is, put it out into the market place under the concept of a sitcom and you will get ratings, you will get viewers. People will tune into your show. And so, those three things is what I want to leave you with today. Concept, big overarching theme. Who is the character? You, define it. And once you define your character, what you stand for, what you believe, think of several stories that convey those beliefs. These stories are your message. That’s what you put out into the world.





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And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like your comment or feedback to be aired on the podcast), head on over to AskFletcher.com – to record and send your message to Ryan!

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Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

Talk soon Speak up! 🙂 

Encouragement: Sometimes That’s What It Takes – From Someone You Respect – To Get You Moving!



FLETCHER: You know, Ryan, another point that I want to make is the results that Eric has gotten is really a direct response from the relationship that he has with you, right? You encouraged and encouraged and encouraged until finally, you know, 18 months later he started this process. And, you know, I encouraged you to do a podcast and it took some time for you to get this off the ground so I don’t want everybody to think that just because we talk about these things that, you know, that it’s easy for us. It’s not, right? It’s definitely not.

And I think that, you know, if anybody that’s tuning into this podcast will consistently tune in to this podcast and will take notes, not just take notes on what Ryan’s saying but also take notes on the resources, the books, the articles and dive deeper into what he’s talking about that there’s so much more to gain from it. I think on a surface level, people will gain a lot from the podcast but I think if they teach themselves to dive deeper and as Peter Till would say, “Ask better questions.” Right?


SLOPER: They’ll find more purpose in their life. They’ll find more content to be able to give to their community and ultimately, that leads to better results.

FLETCHER: And it goes back to what you just said, you did encourage me to do this podcast. You have been doing a podcast, I didn’t know what the hell a podcast was. And so, all of a sudden, I say, “Well, what is this podcast?” Yeah, I record it and here is what I talk about, I wanted to listen to it. Because you’re telling me how you burned a CD and that’s what goes out with your monthly newsletter which is personality driven, conviction driven, ideology driven and if you go listen to his podcast, RealEstat360, you’ll find it’s much of the same. He’s talking about politics. He’s talking about the economy, he’s talking about right versus wrong. At least, how he sees it with his viewpoint. And naturally, those who believe and think the same as he does, get attracted back to him.

And so, after discovering podcast, and if you’re not familiar with podcast, I imagine if you’re listening to this you are, but you might be listening to the recording of this on the website or something, I encourage you to go seek out what a podcast is. Jump on the Appstore, download the podcast app and search, play around with it. It’s an incredible collection of people building communities. Listen to them, learn from them. Figure out what kind of format that might be something that you can do. And for me personally, I thought about this for over a year. I was going to originally launch this on October of 2013. Here we are in 2014. And I thought about it, I kicked it around and I was hesitant and I couldn’t get involved and I couldn’t put my foot forward and I was going to do it tomorrow, I was going to do it the next day, I was going to do it the next month.

And finally, I just got to do it. And one of the things that you’re going to run into is this idea of I don’t have time. I don’t know how to produce content. I don’t have a team. I don’t know how to manage a show. I don’t know how to get the recording equipment. So I came across a blog post the other day by James Altucher. And so this can put to rest, anything that you believe about what it takes to do a podcast. He’s got one of the most successful podcasts on iTunes. And he does his podcast literally, recording it to his computer, sitting on his couch in his living room. The days of needing a radio station, going into a studio, having mixers and tens of thousand dollars of equipment, they’re gone. The barrier of entrance has been erased. This podcast is being recorded with Skype and a $100 microphone. That’s it. That’s it. And so, from a financial standpoint, there’s no excuse not to do it. From a content standpoint, yeah, it takes work, you got to figure it out.




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And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like your comment or feedback to be aired on the podcast), head on over to AskFletcher.com – to record and send your message to Ryan!

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Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

Talk soon Speak up! 🙂 

Secret of Content-Creation: People Don’t Care About The News. They Want To Be Entertained! – Case Study: From $100,000 to $400,000 in 18 Months.



FLETCHER: And this is something I mentioned in episode 1 is that I have always been fascinated with talk radio. Because it’s the simplest form of media, there’s nothing to look at. It’s just there’s a radio, there’s a guy talking and then there’s you. And either he engages you with what he says or he doesn’t and those who engage you, you want to deconstruct why. What are they talking about? What are they saying? What are their emotions? What are the topics? I was listening to Michael Berry the other day. Anyhow, people don’t turn to me to get the news. People turn to me to get my perspective on the news. And it’s absolutely what you just said. People want to hear your thoughts, your beliefs, your personality, your convictions. They don’t want to hear about the latest home sales. They may, if you’re going to talk about that, want to hear the latest home sales but then how does it directly relate to them, what are your thoughts and beliefs and convictions about what that means in the market place and should somebody buy or sell.

Now, in reality, it’s not very good content because most people aren’t that interested in real estate. It’s kind of like me, I have a mechanic but I’m not interested in what he does. I don’t care how the front brake works. I don’t care about the rotor being out of balance or warped. Just fix it, I want to turn the key and I want to go from point A to point B. And so, for most people, real estate falls along this same line. And so, you have to figure out a way to make it more personal. So if you haven’t communicated in four, five years with a client base or if that’s how you’ve been communicating, four, five years with your client base from a very, one-size-fits-all, news-driven perspective, not your personal perspective, then the best way is to correct that.

Stop publishing one-size-fits-all. If you have a one-size-fits-all newsletter, neuter it, kill it, murder it. And start talking about what moves you, what inspires you. If you read a good book, tell people about, that recommend it, tell them how it changed your life, how it change your viewpoint. If you watched a good movie, if you heard a YouTube video like I just did with Gary Vaynerchuck, share it with other people. But don’t just share it, tell them how it impacted you. The thoughts that you went through, maybe how it altered your beliefs about something, maybe you thought one way, after watching the video, you thought a different way. And then ask a question. Am I wrong? Am I right? Did you get the same feeling from that?

And so, a good example of this is one of our good friends Eric Verdi. So Eric, he’s been in real estate about ten, eleven years now but for the last eight or nine years, consistently, he sent a monthly newsletter. Now, in the first four years, he went from zero to six figures and then for six years after that, he stayed at six figures. So bouncing around maybe between 90, 110,000 for six years, plateaud, glass ceiling, couldn’t get through it. And he was, he found me maybe a little bit before you Slope. And we started talking and he goes, “I can’t get pass this damn six figure mark, no matter what I try, no matter what I do.” I go, “Well, you still sending out that one-size-fits-all newsletter?” He goes, “Yeah?” “You think this is the year you’ll kill it because I’ve been telling you now for the last 18 months, you got to get rid of that piece of shit.”

Relationships are not built with one-size-fits-all. Think about this podcast what if I just came on and didn’t have an opinion or conviction about anything. What if I just had like Siri. Read the news, a little iPhone personality. That was my entire podcast, just one-size-fits-all, Siri read like how to write a good headline. Was it me? It didn’t have my personality, it didn’t have any of my ideology. Or Sloper’s. And if we didn’t talk about a different approach, what if I talked to you about how to cold-call better? And I just went though more scripts and dialogues? Would you listen to me? Would you tune into me? Would you pay attention? Or would you just say, “Douchebag, not listening to that.”

And so, when you put out one-size-fits-all content, it’s crap content. Do you know what it says to your audience? I don’t care about you enough to tell you a personal story. Now it’s better than nothing, I guess. But here’s what Eric did. He killed his one-size-fits-all newsletter, he changed the content, started diving into personal stories, started talking about his conviction, his beliefs, and all of a sudden within the next twelve months, he doubles his business from 100,000 to 200,000. The next year, which is this year, he’s on pace to hit close to 400,000. So we have six years of plateau and then two years of taking his income double, double. All he did was change his content.

Now here’s the kicker, he communicates his monthly newsletter, goes to 150 people. That’s it. And so if you’re a follower of, what the hell is his name, Gary Keller, he talks about in his book, The Millionaire Real Estate Agent, how you need 2500 people in your database, 50 people for every one transaction. He’s doing it wrong, he’s failing. Everybody he advises, he’s leading them astray. Either his research is wrong or his methods are far inferior. You can decide. But what do you expect when he sends out a recipe card? What do you expect when he sends out a fridge magnet? What do you expect? How strong will your community be when he refers to them as “touches” and they’re seen as obligatory? If I’m going to tune into you, your message, do I want to be “touched”? Oh, here’s a fridge magnet, here’s a recipe card. Here’s some one-size-fits-all newsletter. Or do I want to be moved?





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And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like your comment or feedback to be aired on the podcast), head on over to AskFletcher.com – to record and send your message to Ryan!

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Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

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The 4 C’s Of Effective Audience Building – Through Content-Creation And Storytelling!



FLETCHER: Yeah, Ryan I was talking before we came on the air that what I took out of that and you know, I have three C’s, I mean, I have four, Commitment to Consistent Content Equal Community, right? But, you know, you bring up a lot of great point in your message and I think many people are probably thinking, you know, you took off eight months and look at the response you still have. I think that highlights the fact that it’s never too late to rekindle that relationship with past clients and customers, right? Or to start. I think a lot of people had the hesitation that, you know, I haven’t communicated with my customer or client in the last four, five years and it’s too late. I can’t go back. I’m not going to be able to capture their attention. And I think that there couldn’t be anything further from the truth. People are begging and waiting for people to communicate with them, right? And a lot of the time, people get so caught up that there’ not a message.

I sat there and listen to you talk for the last 20 minutes and I’m thinking to myself, everything that you talked about has so much to do with researching and pay attention to what the hell is going on out there, right? And what your feelings and belief are about a story or a book or a podcast and how you can relate that back to you. Which then, you can ultimately give back to your community because guess what, you’re not the only one that has these thoughts. And I think that it’s important to me to not get so caught up in the fact that somebody may not like your message. The reality is 50% of the people won’t resonate with your message. But who gives a damn, right? It’s you. And it’s your community. 




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And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like your comment or feedback to be aired on the podcast), head on over to AskFletcher.com – to record and send your message to Ryan!

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Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

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From $3 Million to $65 Million: The Reason Gary Vaynerchuk Says “Everyone Is In The Media Business.” Plus, The Fastest Way To Make Yourself Irrelevant.



FLETCHER: But I got one here, that says, “This has been the greatest podcasting week in history of my life. Gary Vaynerchuck starts his podcast a few days ago and now AMS starts theirs. I practically memorize the videos you had in the past and I’m stoked about learning more. The podcast sounds good and I’m looking forward to more content from Ryan.” And so, this brings me to my point that I want to truly make. I’m going to play a video clip in a second and it comes from Gary Vaynerchuck. And if you’re not familiar with Gary Vaynerchuck, you should go subscribe to him on Youtube just search his name out. Go to your podcast app, search his name out, subscribe to his podcast because the guy is no bullshit. He’s blunt, he’s to the point, he speaks with conviction. He’s black or white and he has a success history as good as anyone.

And so, one of the things that Gary talks about is this idea that the internet has changed everything. Previously, to get into the media business, whether it be a newspaper, you had to own a printing press. If you wanted to get into books, then you had to be accepted by some large publisher. If you wanted to do video, then you had to have all sorts of video production and you have to pay a lot for hosting fees and you had to get a server of some kind. All of that has changed. You have YouTube, you can start a show instantly. We have people going like Justin Bieber being discovered on YouTube and I hate Justin Bieber, I don’t know why I mentioned his name. It’s a disgrace to this entire show.

But you have people starting shows, building communities with a flip video camera. And this is what Gary did back when he grew his dad’s wine business, a little liquor store in New Jersey, from a 3 million dollar company to a 65 million dollar company. He did it with YouTube and a flip video recorder. He produced content. And the lines have been erased. With WordPress, you can now instantly be in the publishing game. You got the blogger who is on par with the New York Times. It’s leveled the playing field. You got medium which will deliver your stories immediately to an audience. You have podcast, iTunes, that will take essentially, a radio show and plug it directly into people’s iPhones if they’ve subscribed or smart phones, if they’re on Android. But there are no large barriers of entrance anymore.

And so Gary speaks, I want to play that clip. “Here’s what’s really happening. Where I think people are misunderstanding things is that the cost of entry to being relevant in our society today is content. If you’re not putting up stories, you basically don’t exist. And so, what I really want to make this video about is for once and for all to put a stake in the ground or my fist in this table, Khrushchev style from Russia. Every one of you is a media company. Now, I know people hate hearing the term personal brand. It feels icky. Fine, call it your reputation. And I know it might sound like, ugh! Everybody’s a media company. So cliché marketing talk. Fine, call it what you want. But if you’re not putting out content that is bringing value to people, whether it’s making you giggle, whether that’s making you think, whether that’s educating you on wine or business or whatever it may be, if you’re not putting out that content, you’re being drowned out by the massive volume of content that is being put out by businesses, media companies, entrepreneurs, on and on and on.

And if you don’t understand this and you head into a 2014 world and you don’t have a very strategic strategy on putting out content on a daily basis, a weekly basis that’s bringing giving value to the end consumer which then reciprocates you getting business, you will be left out in the cold. You will be Blockbuster, you will be the person, Blockbuster Video, you will be the person that own a ton of horses before the car, you will be Borders Books that laughed at Amazon, you can laugh at this video all you want but I’m looking forward to having a conversation with you in four years if you do not act on this brand.”

If you’re not putting out stories, you’re not relevant. Because if you think about what a community is, it’s a group of people who consume information of like mind. That’s what a community is. So if you think about religion, there is a religion that everybody within that church or organization adhere to, believe in. And so people who follow Gary Vaynerchuck, they believe what he talks about, what he advises, what he preaches. And so, one of the things you have to understand he mentions is big companies don’t lose to little companies unless they don’t understand the game. And so he mentions Border Books, he mentions Barnes and Noble and how they lost to Amazon. See, in 1997, Amazon was this tiny, little company. Jeff Bezos was an entrepreneur, he was shipping books literally out of his garage. Fast forward 15 years, Amazon is putting Barnes and Noble out of business, it’s putting B. Bolton out of business, it’s putting Borders Books out of business because they didn’t understand the game that was being played. Jeff Bezos understood that it was about communication. That when somebody got their book package, what was the experience? It’s about recommendations, how many times has Barnes and Noble ever sent you something customized to your reading habits and patterns? Are there reviews? So most people before they buy a book, they go down and they read the reviews. What is being said about it? Is it good, is it bad? It’s about expansion of services.

See, this is about the relationship with the customer. Here we have Jeff Bezos, he understood this. He started off selling books. But he understood what the relationship with the customer, if he had that, if he owned that, he could sell everything else too. Go to Amazon, there’s nothing that you can’t buy. Now they get into iPhones, they get into steaming video. They get into providing server and business needs for large companies. They do everything because it’s all about leveraging the relationship with the customer.




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And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like your comment or feedback to be aired on the podcast), head on over to AskFletcher.com – to record and send your message to Ryan!

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Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

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These Days, Who Can You Trust? No One! – So How Do You Earn Trust In A World Of Skeptics?



FLETCHER: And so, this is from a guy named John Duncan. And I want you to hear the skepticism. This is why it’s important to build a community because people are skeptics. They’ve been misled. They’ve been abused. They’ve been taken advantage of. You can’t trust the media, you can’t trust Wall Street, you can’t trust your bank, you can’t trust…We live in a world today that is more untrusting than anything than any other time in history. And so, although you’re a good persona and you have integrity and you have morals and you have character, conveying that to the world is more challenging today than it ever has been, in business or in history.

So, here’s a guy and he did purchase my book and he did subscribe to Broken Industry. And he writes, “While I really like the way you write “appears to be your intention”” See, he’s skeptical. He’s questioning. What is your real motive? Are you authentic? Why are you giving so much? And not “coming after me with a sales pitch”? What’s the catch? People are so used to being taken advantaged of when somebody actually comes at them with an honest, authentic approach, they don’t know how to respond. They automatically get pegged, stereotyped. And I talk about this a lot. “What appears to be your intention” at least on the surface, sure. I couldn’t help but wonder where has this guy been anyway?”

And he goes on and he writes a very personal email. And tells a great story. But this gets back to my point. If you have a community, and if you’ve built real relationships, even if it’s from afar, one to many. And this is how most people in business who have massive success do it. So if you think about authors, they have their readers. If you think about talk radio, they have their listeners. If you think about movie stars and producers or documentary filmmakers who tell stories on the big screen, they have their viewers, their fans. There’s no way that you can build a massive audience and communicate with every single person, one to one. At some point you have to figure out how to multiply your message. This podcast, a great example. I’m speaking to hundreds, maybe thousands of people right now. It’s being recorded. I can link to it later. I can promote it later. I can reference it later. I can burn it to a CD and send it to people. All of this is about multiplying message.

Now could I call up each and every one of you on the phone and go through this 25 minute, 30 minute, 40 minute podcast and deliver it individually? Yeah. But how many times can I do that in a day? And how long would it take me? And how inefficient it would be? The truth is you don’t need to. You can communicate one to many.




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And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like your comment or feedback to be aired on the podcast), head on over to AskFletcher.com – to record and send your message to Ryan!

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Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

Talk soon Speak up! 🙂 

Building An Audience: How Often Should I Communicate? Honestly, There’s Only One Metric I Look At!



FLETCHER: And see, this brings me to my point. Is that if you truly want to build a community, and this is how I’ve done it, and I’m going to read you some of the feedback in a minute. And you can judge for yourself whether I’m succeeding or whether I’m failing, because by my own determination, it’s irrelevant. Only the feedback from the people that I receive these letters from doesn’t matter. That’s the only metric I can look at as to whether people enjoy my content, get value out of it or don’t. I can’t call it value.

Which is the focus on quality over quantity. Yes, you want to be consistent. You got to be consistent. And if you’re building a community, daily is better than weekly. 6 days is better than 5 days, 5 days is better than 4 days, 4 days is better than 3 days, 3 days is better than 2 days. But you have to focus on engaging over un-engaging. You have to focus on entertaining over boring, thoughtfulness, authentic over mindlessness, commoditized and stories over sales pitches.

The problem is each one of these are talked about everybody knows what they mean. But rarely are they ever practiced. And so I ask myself, when I disappear for 8 months and I didn’t communicate, did I hurt myself? Did I damage my relationship with the audience? With readers of my writings? With viewers of my videos? And of course now, listeners of this podcast? The last answer of course is no because it didn’t exist.

But if you look at the open rates, if you look at the click through rates, if you look at the amount in number ,and this is the only true metric that matters to me, of people who have sent me letters and emails wishing me well, that were rich with stories, and that requested updates on what I’ve been up to, requested updates on my kiddos, Jackson and Zoie, then the answer is no, I don’t think that it has hurt me because I’ve always been focused on you. The fact that somebody takes time in their day, given how busy they are, I never take that for granted. I never think it’s a privilege like the Guru Party does that I am communicating with you. “Oh, you should be lucky to read my writings. You should be lucky that I share my videos. You should be lucky that I put out this webinar, this training or this sales pitch. You should be lucky that I’m willing to put up this strategy session, put you into some sort of sales call and then try to take money from you. You should be lucky that I’m here.”

And see, that’s the mindset of, pretty much, every person out there. And it’s why the “sales industry”, the Glenn Gary, Glenn Ross’s of the world, the coffee for closures mantra, it’s why they’re hated. It’s why they’re despised. It’s why even people who buy systems and courses from these people, they end up regretting it. They end up hating it. They don’t use their materials, they don’t use their systems because everything is over-promised and under delivered.

And so, I’m going to read you a couple of these emails that I got back. And again, I was worried about being forgotten. This one is from Meg O Harrison. “Ryan, I do enjoy your email messages, I do remember you though it’s off the grid for a bit. Don’t worry about that, in my experience, a person with a message, a passion, a purpose will be heard by those who need to hear them. You are one of the few out of many salacious email that I receive on a daily basis that I ever responded to. I believe I sent you an email a year ago in reference to your expounding on your personal beliefs of integrity that I admire and agreed with. So keep doing what you’re doing. Do what you are meant to do. And check out when you need to. I do the same thing for myself from time to time as it gives me clarity. Sometimes, my mission changes as I have to remove myself from all the propaganda that I am plugged into that supports my belief to find out if it really holds true. For me, or for my perception, has gone off kilter. I cannot endorse anything that I do not believe in and when I have doubts I go quiet, I go within.”

This is exactly what I did. I wanted to find out what my purpose was in life, I wanted to work with those people who signed up with the Protector Social Superhero program and see where it took us. And it’s taken us some amazing places. We made discovers that we never would’ve expected. But because we’re willing to change, because we’re willing to go on a journey rather than “step 1, step 2, step 3, step 4” we open ourselves up for discovery. And so, one of the greatest breakthroughs came from a random conversation with Trish Yocum, a member and she was talking about how she set up this community of entrepreneurs. And how she went from basically to 0 to 30 transactions or 3 million in production, she used to live in a town where the average transaction is a pittance. But 8 months, did 3 million dollars in production from nothing in a brand new marketplace going from Southern California to Peoria, Illinois. And I said, “Woohohoho. Stop, backup. What do you mean you took 9 listings last week?”

Here’s another one. This one’s from Mylene. “Good for you Ryan. The book, I missed your emails and WELCOME you back. I love how you really talk from the heart, not a lot of BS. So refreshing.” Okay, here’s another one. “This should prove to you Ryan that you’re not forgettable. If you have something important, we are listening. If not, that’s okay. Those of us who matter are not stupid and wont’ forget you from week to week even if we don’t get an email. I’m looking for the book in the mail today.”

And I can’t tell you, when somebody believed in you enough to buy your book, something that you labored over, something that you’ve put immense amount of thought, into. And you’ve been waiting the day that it gets published and somebody finally says, “I want it.” There’s no way to say thank you. But here is the importance of why building this community is so damned important for every single business owner, for every single entrepreneur and I’m going to talk about Gary Vaynerchuck in a minute because this is something that he trumpets, that he preaches, that he practices. And it’s something that he and I are in alignment about. It’s the importance of building a community because in business, it’s not about leads, it’s not about conversion, it’s about relationships. When you start worrying about the “numbers”, how many cold calls you make, every no is closer to a yes. When you stop worrying about the follow up scripts and how many calls you need to make in order to convert one person. And you focus on the relationship. All of that shit takes care of itself. Because all of a sudden, now you’re collaborating on project, you’re not pushing products and services.




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And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like your comment or feedback to be aired on the podcast), head on over to AskFletcher.com – to record and send your message to Ryan!

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Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

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Salesperson vs. Content Creator. Database vs. Audience. You Have a Choice To Make? Here’s The 2nd Piece of The Puzzle…



FLETCHER: Now, I’m not saying that their life is not going to go on. I’m not saying that I’m needed in any way. They’ll find other people to get content from. They’ll find other people to entertain them. They’ll find other people to get them to think. But in the past, I’ve always wondered and I’ve always had this fear of how often should one communicate. Should they do it weekly? Should they do it monthly? Should they do it daily? How much is too much?

SLOPER: [Inaudible 13:50] podcast that I do, Real Estate 360 for those who are interested in getting some macro finance real estate info, not everybody. [Inaudible 04:00] before that. When I didn’t post a podcast on the day that I normally did that one of the listeners found my phone number or my assistant’s phone number, my office number, gave them a call and said, “Hey, when in the world is the podcast going to be posted?” Right? It’s what you say, these people are counting on consistent content and if something’s not there the day they’re used to getting it, they’re let down, right? Like, they want that.

FLETCHER: And I think it’s a two part formula and you hit it on the head. Consistency. So that when you do come back, you come back, you have a content schedule and so if you look at major media sources, if it’s a daily newspaper, it’s a daily newspaper. If it’s a weekly newspaper then it’s a weekly newspaper. It’s not a daily then a weekly then a monthly. I think it’s hard to build a community when you’re doing that.

And so the second piece of this puzzle though is you can’t just send out crap. I’ve realized it that sending out crap content, sales pitch after sales just because, again this goes back to the two different levels of entrepreneurs. Sales person land verses the entrepreneur who is out to make an impact. And so, just sales pitch after sales pitch, and I know one when I see one, so do you. It’s a slap in the face to any audience that you ever hope to build and/or communicate with. And you see this a lot from the Guru Party.

And so right now, go to your inbox, open it up and see what you find. Find all of the gurus, all of the real estate trainers, open up their emails, read ‘em and tell me what you find. Do you find content that is valuable, that is intriguing, that is entertaining, that inspires you, that encourages you? Or do you find an email with a message that says you’re not good enough? That you’re not the CEO of your business? That you don’t know about this secret? That you’re not getting 63 listings in a month? That you’re not, that you’re not, that you’re not. It makes you feel terrible with yourself and then of course, there is a sales pitch to attend a webinar or training where they promise to offer you solution. The magic bullet. To make all of your problems, fears and worries go away.

And so, there’s a big difference. Between building a “database”, that’s what sales land does versus building an audience which is a community. 




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And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like your comment or feedback to be aired on the podcast), head on over to AskFletcher.com – to record and send your message to Ryan!

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Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

Talk soon Speak up! 🙂 

Self-Doubt. Fear. Bungee Cord Hooked To My Feet. I’m On The Platform. My Knees Are Locked – That Describes My First Time



FLETCHER: Well, you hit it on the head. It is a matter of showing up. And so when you talk about this in episode number 2, when you got to radio, you were there, you’re on. Whether you have anything to say or not and you failed miserably, you sat there in silence for five minutes because you didn’t know what to say and the board operator, he’s screaming at you. “C’mon, you got to say something. Anything! Just speak!” And so, the very first time, and this is kind of little behind the scenes folks, maybe you’re interested in this. The very first time we did this episode, I sat here and I pushed the record button but I couldn’t bring myself to actually start the show. And Sloper’s like, “What’s going on?” “You got to give me the countdown. 3, you got to give me the countdown like…”

So I’m standing at the top of the Grand Canyon, I got a bungee cord hooked to my feet, I’m out on the platform but my knees are locked. I can’t jump. And he finally gives me the countdown and I jump. And now, every Wednesday comes around when we record these shows, I’m excited. I’m pumped. It’s a blast. I love to produce content for you, for the audience. I hope that everyone listening, everyone reading, everyone watching the content that I produce gets something out of it. And there’s nothing better when you get that feedback. There’s this euphoric, emotional high that happens. And it’s happened this entire last week. Like I said, I thought that I was going to be rejected and it was entirely the opposite. More people bought my book than I could’ve ever expected. Actually ran out of books I had to rush another couple of hundred from the publishing warehouse.

And one guy, Tony Acosta, so he sent me and tagged me on Facebook. And this was really the last drop of emotion that created a flood for me. To have somebody share your book, to have somebody identified as the “turning point”. And so here’s what he said, he tagged it in Facebook, I woke up the next morning and it said, “Finally here, turning point ahead. Thanks, Ryan.” And it was those seven words, it was that one picture that made me realize that I can’t take 8 months off again. I have a responsibility. I have a duty to the community that I serve.




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And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like your comment or feedback to be aired on the podcast), head on over to AskFletcher.com – to record and send your message to Ryan!

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Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

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To My Son The Author – The Letter From My Mom – The Eventual Progression From Marketer To Someone Who Inspires



FLETCHER: But it was important to me when I wrote this first book to include my mom in this process. And my mom, she isn’t really an English major but she is in the Education space and so after I wrote my book, and I got the manuscript done, I sent it over to her and we went through it 4 or 5 different times. She did the editing process. And so one of the things that I received about a month ago, and I haven’t shared it with anybody, really because it’s meant a lot to me. And she wrote me this letter. I’m going to read it to you because it is a huge accomplishment in my life. And I hope everybody gets the chance to experience something like this.

And more importantly, when you write a book, see, I’ve written thousands of pages whether it be for newsletter, whether it be articles, whether it be content that is distributed to members or clients, but this is the first book and so, the response to this is entirely different.

And so, the letter starts, “To my son, the author. Ryan, congratulations on your book. I want to be the first person to actually buy it. So please find $20 enclosed.” And so, I only had a proofed copy at the time when she sent this to me so I signed the proofed copy and I sent it over to her. “I truly enjoy reading your book and I’m so proud how far you’ve come. You’ve always set goals for yourself and always said about reaching them. Whether it be in football or medical school or owning your own company, writing your very first book.” Now, there is a caveat there about medical school, I never did get accepted. Now I tried, 47 times, 4 year period. And I always said that I would continue to apply in medical school until I just was no longer interested. That came about 5 years ago.

“I really enjoyed reading it and feel honored to edit it in the best of my abilities. As I read through your book, I was especially struck by how far you’ve come. I love that you found a purpose in your life and that is to inspire others to dream and to reach their own goals. I found that if you listened and truly cared about others, that it returns to you three-fold. I’m also struck by your ability to tell a story. Of course, you’ve always been talented in that department. You always made your dad and me laugh, even when you were small and clearly, you have an undeniable charm.”

“In my work, so much is about the story and you learned everyone has a different story and that everyone has a different perspective. And that’s what makes the world go round. Sometimes, it’s easy to dismiss people, their viewpoints. But each and every one of us has a story to tell and those stories are powerful. It is through listening to those stories that understanding happens. So not only am I proud of your book but also, what you have said in it. I see a young man who is intelligent and skilled at communicating his point of view. I love you very much and feel blessed to be your mom. Love you, Mom.”

And so, I read this and there’s something inside that wells up, and my tears want to run down my face. I try to hold them back. But I think, it’s indicative of everything that I’ve tried to do in business. And it’s always been, and I think there’s this progression that you go through as a marketer. First, you’re a copy-writer, okay, you make promises. Next, you try to get to a point where you’re making benefits and delivering on those promises and ultimately, you start writing content that inspires, that encourages, that gives people a bigger vision of what they already have now.

Now, most people stick down here into sales and promises department and they never get up into the inspiration, encouragement, getting people to dream department.




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Sloper’s Response To: “So, How’s The Market?” – Hint: You Can’t Care What People Think



SLOPER: Well you know Fletcher, you said earlier and I thought it was keen when you brought the whole doctor versus real estate agent analogy where basically nobody really cared right? You always get the question, “Oh, so you are in real estate?”


SLOPER: And I mean the very next question is, “So how is the market?” So let’s take that question for example. So if you are a typical real estate agent and you get asked that question, how do you respond? If you don’t have an identity, if you don’t have ideas and beliefs, then you can’t really answer that question any other way than ever everyone else does. “Oh, see the market…” You see, the reality is I am forced to study each and every day not just about the comparables because I could give a really a rats ass about the comparables at the end of the day Ryan because you have to look at things on a macro scale, a microscale, you have to understand people’s mindset, you have to understand what’s going on with unemployment and all these other factors. But that really helps me create a message.

Now some people, my message will resonate with and some people it won’t but that’s the whole idea behind it. You want to attract people that think like you or that are interested in things that you are talking about. And I understand that I can really turn people off by a lot of the stuff I talk about in Fuse, talking about politics. I talk a lot about the touchy subjects that people might not go that route because they don’t want to be labeled as that guy that’s a crazy whack job but I think that creates personality. To me you can’t really find out what your message is or find your true identity unless you are willing to take a risk; dare to be wrong. Have conviction and have belief. Put yourself out there.

And really don’t care about what other people think. You are doing this for yourself. And by doing this for yourself you are able to inspire and help others through the process. You really have to dig deep and it took me a long, long time to get to this point. And honestly trying to find people like you Fletcher that kind of have the same beliefs that I do. But the questions that I started getting once I started doing the radio show was, “Well, I know you are in real estate but tell me about this radio show.” It was less about the business that I was in and more about what I was talking about.

FLETCHER: Well when somebody asks you what going on with the market, it’s a more valuable saying and less valuable positioning standpoint to say, “This is something I talked about on my radio show. This is something I talked about on my podcast. I wrote about an article recently about that.”


FLETCHER: “This is what A, B and C experts say…” because you are reading and keeping up with news. You are keeping up with economics. You are keeping up with politics. You’re keeping up with marketing and positioning and how it should be sold from a story standpoint. Okay when you are at the top of your game, idea wise in the arena of ideas nobody can compete with you.




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Negative Reputation Industries! – What Agents Can Learn About ‘Media & Message’ From Studying Financial Planners



FLETCHER: And so here is a fascinating case study. And one of the things that they always talk about is it negative reputation industry. So you have politics, negative reputation; nobody trusts one, nobody likes them. Real estate agents, negative reputation. Car salesman, negative Contractors…

So you’ve got Adam Crawler her right now on TV doing, “To catch a contractor.” Because there is a negative reputation about contractors. Plastic surgeons, on again cable, you have a show called “Botched” a lot of plastic surgeons promising transformation, botching the surgeries, leaving people in dire straits.

And so one of the things that you really want to do is study those professions outside of real estate that are also negative reputation industries where the people in those industries are doing something phenomenally well. Financial, advisors is another negative reputation industry because of course they are tied to Wall Street. And so if you see a financial advisor doing something really smart, differentiating themselves from all their competitors, the smart question to ask is, “What are they doing?” How can I bring that back to real estate?

And so I got an article here “Media magic: How the Money Guys struck gold on air.” This goes back to what we talked about on the last episode. Gary Vaynerchuk becoming a media company, putting out content, crafting a message, feeding an audience with constant content. Okay media is the key word here, become a media company. Don’t be in the sales culture. Be media focused. And so these are couple of financial planners, The Money Guys struck gold on air.

And so in the financial planning industry if you are not familiar with it, everybody does preview seminars. – Come, have a free dinner, listen to the sales pitch by the guy on stage who is a financial advisor. He talks about 401(k)s or IRAs or [39:24 Ralfs] or retirement or different levels of annuities. They give out a free dinner and then of course hopefully they convert a certain percentage of those people into appointments and then they become clients.

Here is the problem, the event itself has a negative reputation. It’s kind of like our industry, the guru party, they use webinars. Webinars have a negative reputation. Nobody has to tell you what it is, it’s a sales pitch. It’s not a training event, they are not there to help you, they are there to sell you. And so you have, in the financial industry, organizations like AARP and financial industry regulator authority, they are warning the public, consumers about financial advisors putting on these kinds of seminars. And they are seeing all of the advertising rates, response rates, their ROI, they are plummeting because of course nobody wants to come to the seminars anymore.

You are seeing the same thing with the guru party and the real estate industry; the attendance level for these seminars, these pitch fests, it’s plummeting. Why would you ever get on one? There’s nothing valuable, you’re going to be sold. And so the media guys or the money guys here, the financial advisors in this case, based out of Baltimore, they said, “We’ve got to come up with something else.” They decided that they were going to get on radio.

Now here’s how you know when you can become the authority, is when you have an idea, when you can talk. When you believe in something and you can communicate that to an audience. I am not talking about a flipchart, I’m not talking about representation, am talking about believing something, actually having knowledge, expertise because you’ve researched, because you formulated a viewpoint, a worldview. So they knew that they had to change and so now prospects, I’m going to read this, “Prospects now come to us whereas previously we had to go to their homes or restaurants or meet them in public places like Starbucks.

They’ve also changed their business model anybody who has a pulse, i.e. real estate, only accepting 100 new clients a year.” Okay they named their show “The money guys.” But here is the thing, here is what really made their show take off, they fine-tuned their content, they figured out what the message was. Kind of like Sloper, when they first got on the radio, it talks about him, here it summarizes, “They failed they work on getting the lead they wanted, they weren’t getting the quality of leads that they wanted.” And so the media alone isn’t the answer. Just getting on the radio will make a difference. It’s kind of like going to a fake gala or having some sort of alphabet soup behind your name, having another designation. You can’t buy authority because it’s something others perceive about you.

And so just because you say you are an authority, you don’t get to determine that. But if you have a message, if you have a believe, if you have a conviction and you fine-tune that content and now you put that out into the world using radio or another medium, people get attracted back to you. And so one year after starting the show they were able to retire their seminar marketing. So one year after they started doing radio and now remember the firsts 6 months they weren’t getting the results. One year after that they stopped doing all that ridiculous stuff that are taught by the guru party in their industry.

And I’m just going to fast forward. All the details aren’t really that important so dramatically changed their business, how they are perceived now by those they come in contact with, how there is never any negotiations on what plan is going to be, how they, control, how they force obedience. “We no longer go out to dinner without someone recognizing us as The Money Guys.” They’ve become legitimate celebrities in their marketplace; not manufactured, not fake, legitimate. And so they go on to say, “If you are not using radio or TV to promote your practice perhaps it’s time that you give the media a second look.”

Sloper you’ve been in radio. How did it change your business?

SLOPER: Dramatically. I mean it made me reinvent myself altogether because I actually realized that I had to put in about 10 times the work of what I was doing just in my regular business because I actually had to prepare a show. I had to create new content and topics and the guests and everything down the line. And so from that perspective it made me on top of my game every single day. Which I think is important. I mean I feel like if you are not everyday working on researching, gathering more knowledge and Intel and from other businesses, not just from your own industry, then you are probably failing.

And then from the consumer perspective I just gained immediate credibility right. But I mean because it’s easy to go on to our radio show where somebody interviews you and you talk for 5 minutes. Like anybody can do that. They can give you a list of questions, you can prepare for that. But then to be on the other side of that where you actually have to be in control of the show for an entire hour, it takes a big leap of faith to do something like that.

FLETCHER: And I want to make a point, when you talk about creating content, a lot of real estate agents, the low information agent, he’s going to hear this and he’s, “Oh, that’s what I do I research the market all the time. I look at the MLS, I pull the Comps, I go preview homes.” That’s not what we’re talking about.

When we say content creation, we are talking about putting ideas on paper, recording your ideas on video, recording your ideas to audio, burning CDs, writing articles, writing books because you have that level of research of a different approach or innovative concept. We’re not talking about researching the market because all of that just positions you as another real estate agent. We are talking having a different set of beliefs about how you operate your business and then of course communicating that in a message.




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The Rise Of Fake Authority: How Being A “Best-Selling Author” Hurts Your Credibility



FLETCHER: And so right now you’ve got the gurus out there who have jumped onto this idea, the power of authority. It’s a buzzword like the word “value”, like the word “mastermind” and they are using it to try to sell you on all of these things that quote unquote create fake authority. And so you can picture this. They claim that you are going to be a best-selling author and so you say, “Yeah, I’ll take that. I’m going to write a chapter in a book.” You realize you’ve got one chapter of 30.

Now how did you really get to bestseller status? Anybody on Amazon now can be a bestseller because the bestseller lists are updated hourly. And so if you buy 100 books all at one time within an obscure category, you are a bestseller! And so this is how they get people to be bestsellers. They go, “Okay, we’re going to get 30 different agents, you’re all going to write one chapter, there will be 30 chapters in the book. We will all get you to buy 100 copies of your book, that’s 3000 copies. We will place the order in one hour and guess what, now you are a best-selling author!” Really?!” Well, kind of. You 1/30th of a best-selling author.

But the funny thing is, now these same people, they turn around and say, “Why don’t you come to the bestseller authors Gala?” And they roll out the red carpet and everybody sits around the roundtables like they are at the Emmy’s and everybody goes up on stage and everybody claps and the sheer as you accept your fake award for being a fake best-selling author and then you, the stage and the interview you. You are on set like the infomercials, everybody knows it’s fake. And they are being interviewed and they are being videoed and they are taking pictures and now they’re going back to the marketplace calling themselves best-selling authors, saying, “We’ve been in the Wall Street Journal” or “The New York Times” or on some obscure affiliate of ABC or NBC or CBS.

But here is how you can tell if somebody is an authority. It’s not the symbols that the guru party sells you, it’s the ideas that you have in your head. Well tell me about some of your ideas, you are a best-selling author. You attended this best-selling author gala, you got a video, you’ve been in the newspaper because they bought space in it and now they can say, “As seen in the Wall Street Journal,” or, “As seen in the New York Times.” They created a fake documentary, ran it on again, some obscure affiliate of ABC or NBC or the Discovery Channel or History or Biography, and now they say, “As seen on…” It’s all manufactured. It’s all fake.

So ask somebody. Well tell me about some of your ideas. “Well…” No, no, no. Tell me about some of your really innovative ideas. “Well, you know, I wrote the chapter…” No, no, no, that’s common sense, that’s mundane, that’s yesterday, that’s old… Tell me about some of the really innovative ones as to why you are the authority. “Wow” me with your ideas, with your mind, with your beliefs, with your convictions. “Well…”

That’s the hard part. See that’s what Hillary, that’s what Warren, that’s what Obama, that’s what they don’t want to tell the lowest denominator of the Democratic base who wants everything handed to them. That’s what the low information agent does, they jump all over this and the guru party, they get rich selling agents these quote unquote authority symbols because they don’t want to put in the hard work of coming up with a message or having a real idea. “Okay, I will just write a check.”

SLOPER: So what you are saying Fletcher is you actually have to put in the work to become an authority, am I getting the drift there?

FLETCHER: That would be step number 1.




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Please Stop Helping Us: How The Guru Party Makes It Harder For Agents To Succeed



FLETCHER: And so there is a book out right now that I am reading. It is written by Jason Riley, excellent book because he makes the case and here is the title of the book, it’s telling, “Please stop helping us: How liberals make it harder for Blacks to succeed.” And see we can twist this around and create it for the guru party, for real estate, “Please stop helping us: How the guru party makes it harder for agents to succeed.”

And so here is one of the things that Romney got right okay Romney lost but he got this right. The problem was he was demonized for it when he said it. “There are 47% of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. These voters are dependent upon government who believe that they are victims, who believe that the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, you name it.”

I couldn’t be more opposite of that person. I don’t want anything from anyone. I don’t want to handout, I don’t want an entitlement, I don’t want anything I did not earn, I don’t want anything I did not build. I don’t want anybody to have to fail in real estate or in life or collect minimum wage. I want everybody to be rich but the only way to get to that is to have ideas, to develop skills, to create a message.

And so Christie, Chris Christie, he comes out and he gets torn apart, demolished for a message that we should embrace, that we should all embrace, that we should teach our kids. So here is what he said “I don’t think…” And this is in regards to minimum wage. He says, “I don’t want to talk about minimum wage. I am done with minimum wage! It’s an old argument!” so he goes on to say, “I don’t think there’s a mother or father sitting around the kitchen table tonight in America who are saying, “You know honey, if my son or daughter could just make a higher minimum wage, my God all of our dreams would be realized.” “Is that what parents aspire to for their children, minimum wage? Of course not, of course not.

SLOPER: You think that Hillary and Bill were telling their daughter who was learning in Chelsea to just sit back and let the government take a of her? Do you think that Hillary is against the free market and free enterprise when she is collecting $15 million book advances; her husband is getting $250,000 plus per speaking engagement? What allows them to collect such high amounts of money for the speeches? The free market! That’s what creates it!

FLETCHER: Well you must have missed her comments when she came out of office. They were broke and heavily in debt, dead broke! They were heavily in debt.

And so if you want to get above just existing, just surviving, and a lot of agents are at this, “I just need to make a few more cold calls, I just need to go and knock on a few more doors. I’ve just got to make a few more family and friends.” If you want to eliminate and erase all of that, there is a solution. This is a universal truth, this is a universal truth and here it is – there’s a distinct singular form of influence, being perceived as a someone, a someone! Not a real estate agent because by and large, by and large society hates real estate agents! Car salesman, politicians, these are not the people that you want to be pigeon hold as or even in the same category. Being perceived as a someone, the authority, those who possess it have power.

And so here is the definition of authority because the guru party likes to take this out of context and twist it. They like to say that you are going to become the authority in your marketplace if you just buy this software and it’s never going to happen! Software does not elevate your status. Software does not allow you to impose control over people. Software, whatever the get rich, shiny object of the week is, here is the definition of authority then you can tell me if authority runs rampant in real estate despite everything the guru party teaches defined as the power or the right to give orders, make decisions and enforce obedience.

How many real estate agents are enforcing obedience with their clients or prospects? Or are they begging? Or are they pleading? Or are they being their advice and expertise and knowledge depreciated, devalued, not listened to?

The second definition – a person or organization having power or control in a particular sphere. And so if you are a telemarketer, that’s how you are reacting, that’s how you are behaving, someone who begs for business, someone who chases leads, someone who forces property searchers to text something to another number just to collect contact information because they are that desperate only so that they can turn around and call them and overcome the objections and try to set up an appointment only to have a no-show rate of those people who said “yes” only because they wanted to get off the phone with you. Does that sound like authority? Does that sound like control that agents have? How much obedience can you enforce if you are that person?

I mean if we are really talking truth here, it would be safe to say if someone saw you as the authority they wouldn’t waste your time, they wouldn’t reject you, they would not blow you off, they would be chasing you! There would be no need for a listing presentation. There would be no need to sell yourself or to convince people of your self-worth or your ideas, all of that would be obsolete! You have a waiting list if people see you as the authority. People would go out of their way to meet with you, they would fill out applications.

And so if you think about this in the financial world or if you want a concrete example, Warren Buffett hands down authority. So when he speaks people listen. Investors blindly follow his advice. They do it because his opinions are judged as fact. And this is something that he has built up over years of reputation, being authority not a guy who pitches “to get rich quick” not a guy who jumps on the bandwagon. Disciplined religious belief about how he invests and because he has a track record that supports what he believes is correct, he is the authority. When he stops speaking his next the soundbite is eagerly awaited. The news media, the rest of the financial world, they all clamor, “Please Mr. Buffett please tell us the next trend, tell us what to expect. What do you see coming? Don’t keep… Please Mr.… Tell us!”

I mean it’s strange but there is this phenomenon. Society is conditioned to behave this way. When they are in the process that they deem the authority, I mean just watch a couple of episodes of the celebrity apprentice with Donald Trump. They go into the boardroom on one side there is Donald Trump, on the other side there is all the celebrities and when he says “quiet” whew! There’s nothing but church mice; power to control a particular sphere, power to enforce obedience.

The next time you go to your doctor’s office as patients, we have been conditioned that the doctor is the ultimate authority. He puts on a white lab coat and we all think they are gods. We go, we check in, we sit in the waiting room for 40 minutes; we are pissed, we are angry but you don’t disrespect an authority. You get back to the room, “Oh how is it going? Thanks Doc for seeing me I really appreciate it.” You were mad, you were angry!

Imagine if a real estate agent showed up 40 minutes late to the appointment. Could you imagine that prospect waiting around for the real estate agent? Can you imagine him going back and saying, “Oh, I really appreciate it, thanks for meeting with me.” It doesn’t happen! It doesn’t happen because it hasn’t been conditioned, because real estate agents are not seen as authorities largely because of what the guru party teaches, a sales culture. Glengarry, Glen Ross, boiler room, the Wolf of Wall Street, this is the culture that they’ve instilled.

And so I firsts got awoken to this fact if you will, the power of authority when I was a premed student. When I was a premed student every mother that I had met wanted to introduce me to their daughter, “Shirley, this is Ryan he is going to be a doctor.” “Oh, Susan this is,Ryan, he’s going to be a doctor.” “Lindsay, this is Ryan, he’s going to be a doctor.” “Elizabeth, this is Ryan, he’s going to be a doctor.” It was insane!

Now nevermind that they had a girlfriend since high school, I had a girlfriend in college, the same one, I am married to the same woman today, it did not matter!

Fast forward 4 years I get rejected from medical school 47 times. I get into real estate, nobody is introducing me to their daughter anymore. Not that I care but you get my point; somehow, “Honey, Ryan is going to be a real estate agent.” There is not that same panache, there is not the same ring to it. Nobody cares if you’re going to be a real estate agent. If you’re going to be a doctor, it’s entirely different, the world is your oyster. That’s how little respect the society has for agents. And so I found this frustrating but I also found it fascinating.

Here is the truth that I discovered. Because I was that agent like a lot of agents out there who hated cold calling, who hated doorknocking, who hated baking family and friends and I couldn’t find any other solution and my broker told me, “Here is what you have to do.” And none of it made sense to me because it was counter and opposite of everything that true authorities were doing that I was observing and starting to study at that time. Everything that the guru party teaches is an authority killer.

If you don’t want to believe me that’s fine, you don’t have to. There are going to be people that are listen to this podcast that are going to ignore me. They are going to blow me off, “Agh!” Fine don’t believe me! But put yourself in the shoes of the authority. Put yourself in the shoes of Donald Trump. Your brain is now his brain, you think like he does, how he sees the world is not how you see the word.

For the first time by doing this perhaps you will understand what it really means to have power. Imagine that you are Donald Trump for a day walk in his shoes. Would he do any of the things that you are currently doing? And I’m not talking about just the listeners on this program. In fact most of you are probably different. Most of you will being entrepreneurial don’t act and behave and think like a traditional real estate agent, the low information agent. But that’s why they are so stuck, struggling, failing. It’s because they haven’t realized that they have to think like Donald Trump rather than Glengarry, Glen Ross.

So a Trump prospect, would he cold call? Would he ever knock on doors? Would he beg family and friends for business? Would he give elevator speeches? Would he be a human spammer? Would he chase leads? “You’ve got to believe me, you’ve got to trust me,” I am the real deal!

Would he ever use a listing presentation? Go to somebody else’s place where he wasn’t in control, where he wasn’t in command? And use a listing presentation or a sales presentation which is the tool the label of the salesman. I mean if you see a guy with a hammer, you pretty much know that he is a construction worker in some way shape or form. You make judgments about a person who has and uses a hammer on a daily basis. I am not saying it is negative but when somebody comes in with a presentation, a listing presentation, a flipchart; you are not an authority, you are a salesman. You are there to convince me. You are there to sell me something.

Trump says, “Here are the terms, here is how the deal will be structured. Take it or leave it.” Would you beg for referrals? Would Trump ever quote unquote withhold property information just so he could convince somebody to give them their number so that he could immediately call them back as a telemarketer, ask them a couple of probing questions, overcome the objections and then hopefully set an appointment? Would he ever allow himself to be rejected or treated like dirt? Would he ever play small ball? But this is how most agents; this is what they have been conditioned to believe. What is necessary to be successful.

SLOPER: Would Donald Trump go around handing out business cards?

FLETCHER: No! And it gets to the point, just like Clinton, just like Warren, just like Obama with their, “You didn’t build it.” What they teach, they mislead people, they lie people, they lie to agents, they deceive agents and a lot of people I am sure I’m going to get hate mail here. But I have invested in them. Hey, I’m not telling anybody this to create animosity but when you realize and you dissect everything that is being taught by the guru party, it liberates you. Even if you paid 10 grand for it, it’s a gangrenous green infection; cut it off the arm to save the rest of your body! Start over! You can move forward once you realize that it kills authority.

Change is on the horizon; more and more agents are seeing this because I’m getting their mail after they read my book. I’m hearing their stories after they read my book. I’m getting their brokers asking how they can buy bulk shipments to give to their agents at their office. The guru party, they can keep their whole, “Coffee is for closure” mantra. Their ideologies “Always be closing” fine, let them keep it. You can make money that way. But I have said it 1 million times; most people don’t want to be a honey badger. They don’t want to be a buck locking antlers with other agents out there competing for clients begging, pleading with low status.

And so ABC is not a virtue of success “Always be closing,” it is the attitude of the lowly salesperson, the pest, the beggar. The only reason anyone would ever need to do that, “to close strong” is because they opened a weak.

And so going back to Chris Christie, his comment about minimum wage; Moms, dads, this isn’t what we want for our kids. This isn’t what we want for ourselves though either. We don’t want to be at the bottom of the barrel! The solution here is to engineer authority and I’m not talking about fake authority. 




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And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like your comment or feedback to be aired on the podcast), head on over to AskFletcher.com – to record and send your message to Ryan!

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Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

Talk soon Speak up! 🙂

Hypocrisy: The Tactic Hillary Clinton Borrowed From The TGP – Or The Other Way Around?



FLETCHER: And so here you have Clinton, she is in Massachusetts, again she is actually campaigning seeking with Elizabeth Warren at this length. Okay pull that up, cut 1.


HILARY: “Don’t let anybody tell you that it’s corporations and businesses that create jobs. You know that old theory, trickle down economics? That has been tried and that has failed. It has failed rather spectacularly. You know, one of the things my husband says when people say, “Well, what did you bring to Washington?” He said, “Well I brought arithmetic.”

[End of recording]

FLETCHER: I think Bill Clinton also brought Monica Lewinsky to office. So I mean I think his character is a little bit in question. But here is the bigger picture; this is quote unquote that what she meant to say. And so after she made those statements about corporations, business owners not creating jobs, she got Lamb blasted. And so being the politician, she has got to damage control.

So she comes out and says, “I want to clarify my statements.” And so this is an article from CNN Politics, “Hillary Clinton back pedals on claims that businesses don’t create jobs.” She went for a do over. Hillary Clinton went for a do over saying, “Let me be absolutely clear about what I have been seeing for a couple of decades; our economy grows when businesses and entrepreneurs create good paying jobs here in America where workers and families are empowered to build from the bottom up and the middle out, not when we had over tax breaks for corporations that outsource jobs to stash their profits overseas.”

I think that’s exactly the opposite of what she just said. These people and this is the problem with them, is that they cater so much to the base, to their audience rather than just communicating what they believe in the deepest part of their fiber and their being, it’s as if they don’t even know what they stand for! It’s hard to keep all your lies straight and so one day she is saying X, the next day she is saying Y and she is saying I did not mean to say that so I really meant to say Y. And now she is campaigning for minimum wage but she is saying, “We don’t want to have businesses or corporations that send profit overseas.”

Well here is the reality, the economics of the business; it requires you to make a profit! And so common sense trumpets pretty loud, it increased… We’re talking about labor, we’re talking about wages, if you increase the price of a good or a service, the demand for that tends to go down. And so when the government comes in and mandates that the employer has to pay a higher price for someone that he does not think the person is worth. So if it is $7 an hour versus $9 an hour or $9 an hour versus $11 an hour, he just says, “I am not hiring that person.” And we all know what this is! We all know what this is.

Minimum wage is a form of government intervention. It is a way to redistribute wealth but it ends up making it worse! My question is, is you hear this, and I hear this and I do have a point that is tied to real estate here. I could talk politics all day but this is not what this is about. But I hear statements like that, they are clear pandering that are just telling people what they want to hear, the lowest common denominator, demonizing the successful, lifting the government up as it creates everything and the government does everything and they are playing on class warfare here, us versus them, “We’re going to take care of you, we are compassionate, government good, big business bad, you don’t actually have to work. You don’t actually have to think, you don’t actually have to have any ideas. You just need to vote for us and we will take care of you.”

And you hear this and it’s a joke! Who believe this?! Of course nobody’s going to fall for that! Hard work, self-reliance, the arena of ideas, that’s what we believe, that’s where we compete. And so we hear this and now, no, nobody’s going to fall for that! She is just blowing wind. She is up there wasting her breath. But this is exactly what the left, the liberals, the guru party preys on.

91% of agents fail. 91% of agents never renew their license past their first renewal term, 2 years. These are the people that they are making the same promises to, “Success is easy, you just have to buy this program, you just have to learn Facebook, you just have to learn Pintrest, you just have to join this mastermind group or this coaching programs. You just have to get this software. You don’t actually have to work, you don’t actually have to have any ideas, you don’t actually have to have any skills, you just have to give us your money, your vote and we will do everything for you and you will be successful.”

See, here is what they know; the more desperate the individual, the more gullible he becomes because the more desperate he is, the more receptive he is to possible solutions because he doesn’t know of any others. And so now somebody arrives and they promise to fix and make all that pain go away and they jump on it. They leap at it.

And see again, to me, to you, the guru party, their message it’s a joke! Who is going to fall for this? Who is going to believe it? But the low information agent, he eats it up. He eats it up.




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And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like your comment or feedback to be aired on the podcast), head on over to AskFletcher.com – to record and send your message to Ryan!

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Red Bull Sued For Bait-and-Switch: Does The ‘Guaranteed Sale Program’ Gimmick Put Agents At Risk?



FLETCHER: Here is another article, Red Bull. So red bull went to court, I don’t know if a lot of people know this. This actually happened, it came out a couple of weeks ago, it’s a settlement. So a number of Red Bull customers took the company’s “It gives you wings,” slogan a little too literally and they sued the drink maker for false advertising.

Now I always thought this was common sense. No, not literally, it does not give you wings okay but this signals to you one very important point, that there are 2 different types of people; stupid people and smart people. And or and this is probably the more likely scenario, this proves that there is always someone out there eager to sue you.

Now the idea that red bull got sued for “It gives you wings” slogan and has to pay $13 million is not especially relevant to real estate but it is particularly interesting to what we talked about and hit on just a couple of episodes ago which was bait and switch advertising. And so you have the guru party out there telling you that you need to come up with a unique selling proposition the guaranteed sale program or your home sold in 120 days or I would buy it, some equivalent, some version of that. And they put a little asterix in there and they say, “Oh no, that denotes all of the program details. It’s not bait and switch!”

But there are so many different qualifications because they don’t want to lose, they only want to offer this program if it makes them when. And literally they just want to get the phone to ring using one of these programs and then they want to disqualify somebody so they never actually have to offer, they are never actually at the risk of needing to buy a property if it doesn’t sell in 59 days or 39 days or 120 days. I just think it is interesting how many real estate agents sooner or later are going to get the short end of the stick when somebody who is sue happy comes after them because clearly they have no common sense. You promised to buy their home, that was that and they don’t care about the asterix.

If the courts are going to award $13 million to customers of Red Bull because they used a slogan “It gives you wings,” it doesn’t give me a lot of confidence for the guru party and those that they instruct that their case will hold up in court.

Sloper: Yeah, if I’m not mistaken Ryan, there is already been lawsuits for those exact guaranteed sale programs right? And let’s just say that somebody actually did qualify with all the other conditions that were set forth, what happens if they can’t get financing to buy a house when it’s their 3rd or 4th house that they need to buy? It is exactly what you said, it’s gimmick, it’s bait and switch, it’s setting the foundation of the relationship in the wrong spot. You are basically preparing yourself for a disaster down the road.

FLETCHER: Hey, I am not the one instructing them to do this but we all know who are and I think it’s crazy that they continue to take their advice. 




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Swear In Marketing? Fuck I don’t know. It depends on your Authentic Personality



FLETCHER: So I got an email here from Sonja Wood, buyer of the book, great to hear from you, thank you for your kind words. “I got your book on Friday, love it! And I love how you swear in there! My business partner is constantly making it, taking things of our Facebook page because sometimes our clients get offended. I’m so sick of that! Hell, if they don’t like it, they don’t have to look at it right?”

I get this question because I do swear in my marketing, I do swear in my normal conversation; in my emails, in my newsletters. For me though it’s just part of who I am and I think when people ask that question they are really just trying to get permission to be who they are. And so Wanda Sykes was a comedian, she had a great skit called, “I’m gonna be me, im’ma be me, However that’s pronounced. I am a be me. And I always found my biggest breakthroughs came in business, in my personal life when I stopped trying to be what everyone is wanted to be me and I just started being who I am. And so for me I grew up in a construction family and 4 letter words are just part of my vernacular. Somebody says one and it’s almost like a comforting effect, “Oh, that’s my type of people, that’s my kind of person.”

And so the question or the answer rather is I think it depends, who are you in your authentic state? If you grew up, if you went to Harvard, if you come from the royal family and it’s not part of your vernacular to use those words, then using them it’s a big mistake! Because it telegraphs to everybody that you are trying to be somebody you are not or maybe you are playing a role, maybe you are catering to an audience, just be who you are. If that’s the words you use, use it. If it’s not, then don’t. But I would love to get your feedback on this too, what is your experience?




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    036: Industry of Beggars | Popbys | Guru-ism Defined | I Am Not A Beggar | The Brilliance Of Brad Thor | Us vs. Them | How To Quit The Guru Party Guilt Machine

036: Industry of Beggars | Popbys | Guru-ism Defined | I Am Not A Beggar | The Brilliance Of Brad Thor | Us vs. Them | How To Quit The Guru Party Guilt Machine

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    034: Brain Tumor | In Tears | Mom Feels Helpless | The Framework My Dad Instilled In Me | For My Kids | I Have Documented Everything | My Sole Purpose In Life

034: Brain Tumor | In Tears | Mom Feels Helpless | The Framework My Dad Instilled In Me | For My Kids | I Have Documented Everything | My Sole Purpose In Life

In Tears | Brain Tumor | Mom Feels Helpless | Makes You Think | The Story Of Can’t | What My Dad Taught Me About Success | If I Died Tomorrow — Could I Be Content? | I Think About My Kids | Gary Halbert | The Boron Letters | How To Be Your Own Messiah | The Advice I’d Give To My 18-Year Old Self | The Framework My Parents Instilled In Me | My Kids | The Book-A-Night Regimen | Programmed | Great Leaders Are Great Storytellers | The Communication Bank | What I’ve Dedicated My Entire Life Too | And The Next 30 Years | Sloper Gets Teary Eyed | We Tear Up Together | Email From Mike | Amazon University | No Limits | My Greatest Fascination | He Documented Everything | Private Notes To My Kids | A $500,000 Blueprint | How To Create Value For What You Do? | Income Argument | Size Argument | Impact Argument | The Three Incredible Stories | Over 1,000 Pages |  I Stopped Counting | Letter From Chris | Letter From Jon | Letter From Barry | ReWork | The Book | David Heinemeier Hansson | They Said We Couldn’t Do That | We Said They’re Wrong | The Reason I Wrote My Book | The Ultimate Reason I Do Everything I Do | This One Reason Is Why I Was Put On This Earth…


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Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

Talk soon Keep Fighting!

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    033: A Thief | Stabbed In Back | The Baltimore Riots | Hidden Parallel To Real Estate | Mayweather | The Guru Party | The Alternative To Shameless Self-Promotion

033: A Thief | Stabbed In Back | The Baltimore Riots | Hidden Parallel To Real Estate | Mayweather | The Guru Party | The Alternative To Shameless Self-Promotion

Stabbed in Back | A Thief | Innovator vs. Copycat | The Full Story | 48 Retarded Cousins | The Baltimore Riots | The Hidden Parallel To Real Estate | Pope Francis | The World’s Greatest Marketing Advice |  Mayweather vs. Pacquiao | Us vs. Them | A Clarification On The Podcast | Loyal Listeners Begin To Fret | The Low-Information Agent | The Most Insane Thinking Ever | His Facebook Community Page | He Throws Up All Over Himself | Respect For Real Estate Agents Plummets Further | “Dumb Agent In Kansas City Business Journal” | The Unethicals Caught In The Act | Discount Broker  Lies To Journalist | How To Defeat Discounters | Redfin Defeated Ep. 32 — Revisited | Another Story Out Of Virginia | The Pocket Listing Scam | Baltimore, MD. | Ferguson, MO. | Confirming The Stereotype | The Infamous  Facebook Ad | Successful Agents = Aggressive | Tenacious | Hungry | Willing To Annoy Everyone | Every Other Agent = Mediocre & Lazy For Not Prospecting | The Alternative To Public Begging | One Sane Agent Speaks | Enter The Hypocrisy | The Guru Party | All They Care About Is Money | Floyd Mayweather | Ego-Absorbed | His Reputation? | The Letter To Police From His Son | The Guru Party | Bankruptcy | “Look At Me, I’m The Best” | Look At Me, I Sell 300 Homes” | The Fraud Revealed | Email From Shane | The Email From Doug Humphrey | How Doug De-linked & Disconnected | Pope Francis | Serve vs. Manage | Get To Do vs. Obligation | Impact The World vs. Heads Of Cattle | Combating Mental Obesity | Method #4 of 4 | My Kids | The Story Of Drunken Sailors | “You Suck!” | It Cuts Even Deeper | The Approach I Take As A Parent | Speed Reading | Creating Emotional States |  The Memory Bank | “But Fletcher, Adults Are Different” | No, They’re Not | My Wife Gets Her RE License | Her Broker: Painfully Predictable | The Thing That Makes Us Different | Y Combinator | True Founders & Entrepreneurs | We’re Driven By Vision | The TGP: Why They Will Never Understand | The True Secret Of This Podcast | Revealed…


Remember to subscribe on iTunes, just search “Agent Marketing Syndicate” or “Ryan Fletcher” in your podcast app, which can be downloaded from the app store, then click subscribe. This gives you a live feed to all future episodes, as they are released and before they are posted here. 




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t-shirt_design_AMSAdditionally, reviews for the podcast on iTunes are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show and I read each one. Every one. You could even win a FREE Agent Marketing Syndicate® T-Shirt. Just head over to iTunes, leave us a review. Then send me an email with your review, attached. Every 5th review is placed into a drawing to win. That’s a 20% chance of winning, about 7.9 millions times better than winning the lottery.  

And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like your comment or feedback to be aired on the podcast), head on over to AskFletcher.com – to record and send your message to Ryan!

Don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes to get automatic updates.

Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

Talk soon Keep Fighting!

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    032: Must Listen | Redfin Defeated | The Lesson Of Jim Morrison | The Guru Party | Outwitting The Devil | My Advice To A Parent | What Society Craves | How To Be That Voice

032: Must Listen | Redfin Defeated | The Lesson Of Jim Morrison | The Guru Party | Outwitting The Devil | My Advice To A Parent | What Society Craves | How To Be That Voice

Redfin Defeated | Must Listen | Lesson of Jim Morrison | This American Life | The Backfire Effect | People Dig Deeper Into Their Beliefs | My Experience Is The Opposite Of That | This Podcast | Transformation Of Thought | Andrew Carnegie’s Never Discussed Advice To Napoleon Hill | Beyond The Grave | The Definition of Being A Perfectionist | The Guru Party | Outwitting The Devil | The Danger Of Playing A Zero Sum Game | Ways To Combat Mental Obesity | My Advice To A Parent | Her 17-Year Old Daughter | My Employee | The 6-Page Wanted Ad | How I’m Training Him To Be Masterfully Skilled | Stories Into Documentaries | The Future Of Business & Marketing | The Low-Information Agent | What Chance Does He Have? | Frustration | He Feels Stuck | Method #2 | A Look At My Business Religion | Conviction vs. Lottery Mindset | Businesses Are Not Roulette Tables | Tenet #1 | Tenet #2 | Tenet #3 | Redfin Agent Defeated | How Eric Did It | No Presentation | No Paperwork To Sign | $10,000 Higher Commission | Have You Ever Heard Of A Property Story? | The Hatfields And McCoys | 6823 Buckingham Lane | Listen In, I’ll Read It To You |  Dan Kennedy On Luck vs. Developed Skill | Method #3 | The Much Talked About Glenn Beck Soundbite | The Day Beck Thought He Ended His Career | How The Opposite Happened | His Audience Exploded | The Secret: It Goes Back To Jim Morrison | This Is What Society Craves | How To Be That Voice | Email From A  KW Agent | His Tragic Fall From Envy | The Painful Lesson He Learned | Why Your Identity Is Everything | Plus, As A Parent — The Ultimate Responsibility I Have To My Kids | The Detailed Answer I Give To Deborah…


Remember to subscribe on iTunes, just search “Agent Marketing Syndicate” or “Ryan Fletcher” in your podcast app, which can be downloaded from the app store, then click subscribe. This gives you a live feed to all future episodes, as they are released and before they are posted here. 




Thanks again for listening to the show! If it has helped you in any way, please share it using the social media buttons you see on the page.

t-shirt_design_AMSAdditionally, reviews for the podcast on iTunes are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show and I read each one. Every one. You could even win a FREE Agent Marketing Syndicate® T-Shirt. Just head over to iTunes, leave us a review. Then send me an email with your review, attached. Every 5th review is placed into a drawing to win. That’s a 20% chance of winning, about 7.9 millions times better than winning the lottery.  

And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like your comment or feedback to be aired on the podcast), head on over to AskFletcher.com – to record and send your message to Ryan!

Don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes to get automatic updates.

Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

Talk soon Keep Fighting!

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    031: The Experiment | $9.35 Million In Production | The Origin Story | Ryan Sloper | The 31 Reasons It’s Worked | Discussed: The 2-Part Formula

031: The Experiment | $9.35 Million In Production | The Origin Story | Ryan Sloper | The 31 Reasons It’s Worked | Discussed: The 2-Part Formula

$9.35 Million in Production | 6.5 Months | Ryan Sloper | The Basis Of The Experiment | Finding A Different World | OMG, I’m Not Alone | Interstellar | The Mentally Obese vs. The Mentally Fit | Mr. France| His Response To The Low-Information Agent | The KW Recruiting Letter | Painful | A New Way Forward | The Story Behind The Experiment | Launched in September | The 31 Reasons The Experiment Has Worked | How To Apply These To Your Business | Joining The 0.04% Club | You Should Speak @ The College | Overcoming Negative Reputation | The One Word | How It Opens The Door Of Collaboration | Partnerships | Instantly Positions You As A Someone | The Tim Ferris Approach | Simon Sinek | TED | People Buy What You Believe | The Power Of Never Marketing Yourself | Stronger Positioning | Easier To Command Premium Fees | Increases Conversion | Increases Response To Ads & Sales Letters | Increases Compliance | Increases ROI | Positions You As A Man (Or Woman) On A Mission | Positions You As A Philanthropist | Facilitates Endorsed Mailings | Guarantees Your Message Never Gets Thrown Away | Earns You Attention From Influential People | The Best Approach To Partnerships | Distribution Alliances | The Results Halfway Through The Experiment | Month 1 | Month 2 | Month 3 | Month 4 | Month 5 | Month 6 | $280,000 In Commissions In 6.5 Months | The Low-Information Agent Swears It’s Not Possible | He Doesn’t Understand Distribution Channels | An Army Of 200 Evangelists | The Magic Question | How Many Platforms Have You Built? | An Update From Episode 25 | Painter | An Update From Episode 27 | Auger | Traffic Sources | An Update From Episode 28 | 3,000 Expected In Attendance | Relationship Aggregators |  A Letter From Cheryl | The 2 Part Formula = $9.35 Million in Production in 6.5 Months…


Remember to subscribe on iTunes, just search “Agent Marketing Syndicate” or “Ryan Fletcher” in your podcast app, which can be downloaded from the app store, then click subscribe. This gives you a live feed to all future episodes, as they are released and before they are posted here. 




Thanks again for listening to the show! If it has helped you in any way, please share it using the social media buttons you see on the page.

t-shirt_design_AMSAdditionally, reviews for the podcast on iTunes are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show and I read each one. Every one. You could even win a FREE Agent Marketing Syndicate® T-Shirt. Just head over to iTunes, leave us a review. Then send me an email with your review, attached. Every 5th review is placed into a drawing to win. That’s a 20% chance of winning, about 7.9 millions times better than winning the lottery.  

And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like your comment or feedback to be aired on the podcast), head on over to AskFletcher.com – to record and send your message to Ryan!

Don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes to get automatic updates.

Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

Talk soon Keep Fighting!

Harassment. 75 Agents Guilty! – These Agents, by Associated Stereotype, Are Soiling Your Reputation…

The Alternative?
Listen to Episode 27Episode 17or Episode 25
FREE Book Copies Available

I didn’t believe it at first.
It was brought to my attention by a good friend of the program, Lauren Collier.
“Talk about C-Level ideas at work.” — [a concept discussed from Episode 28.]
That was her message to me, as she directed me to a link. When you hear the news story, you won’t believe what these agents did to this woman.
Most of us know there is a problem. Agents are taught to do things that “annoy the shit” out of the rest of society, but somehow, in the name of sales, they have let the The Guru Party convince them that this “Ok” behavior, even ethical…
But the fact is, these agents, by their actions – soil the reputation of the ethical agent. [Yours]
This story is why society hates real estate agents. 
You need to know how to fight back. To defend your reputation.
Overcoming Negative Reputation is the single most important factor to success, in industries where the profession suffers a negative stereotype.
We can’t afford to be judged the same.
You should despise these agents, The Unethicals, just as I despise The Guru Party. They are cut from the same cloth.
I also get into an ethics debate with Mr. Low-Information on Facebook.
Wait til you hear his argument. [Minute 6:09]
It totally disregards the right to personal space, or the need to respect prospective clients. But most fascinating to me, is how this guy felt the need to defend himself to other agents, who commented on the thread, when he asked me about the alternative
A bunch of KW agents jumped in to defend the Credo. “The Agent Code.”
But to the bigger point: As an industry, how did we get here? When did this kind of behavior become acceptable? Tolerable? Why do we continue to settle for C-Level ideas? Why do agents continue to give money to the TGP to be told:
  • To “make more cold calls…”
  • To “be more aggressive…”
  • To “harass more people…”
The Information Diet is how we got here. And it is, I think…the most fascinating conversation that has taken place on the Podcast to date.
Clay Johnson, the book’s author, explains it brilliantly. This progression.
It was eye-opening to say the least. Plus, it lays the framework of how to fight back… 
Be sure to join the fight, subscribe on iTunes or better yet, on the iTunes App.
We need as much support as possible. New episodes will be downloaded straight to your smart phone.
Go here for FULL Show Notes


 Talk soon my friend,

Ryan Fletcher
Author, Defeat Mega-Agents
Editor-in-Chief, Broken Industry (a monthly print magazine)
Founder and CEO, Agent Marketing Syndicate.com




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t-shirt_design_AMSAdditionally, reviews for the podcast on iTunes are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show and I read each one. Every one. You could even win a FREE Agent Marketing Syndicate® T-Shirt. Just head over to iTunes, leave us a review. Then send me an email with your review, attached. Every 5th review is placed into a drawing to win. That’s a 20% chance of winning, about 7.9 millions times better than winning the lottery.  

And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like your comment or feedback to be aired on the podcast), head on over to AskFletcher.com – to record and send your message to Ryan!

Don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes to get automatic updates.

Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

Talk soon Speak up! 🙂 

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    030: Mental Obesity | Financial Struggle – $31,759/Year | The Direct Correlation | Story Of William Banting | Method #1 | Method #2 | Treat The Cause | Cure The Symptoms…

030: Mental Obesity | Financial Struggle – $31,759/Year | The Direct Correlation | Story Of William Banting | Method #1 | Method #2 | Treat The Cause | Cure The Symptoms…

Financial Struggle | Mental Obesity | The Direct Correlation | $31,759/year | iTunes Review | More Agents Guilty | Rise of the Unethicals | Fox 4 News | Unusual, Threatening Real Estate Notices | The Guru Party Teaches This Stuff | The Agent Knew It Was Misleading | She Still Did It | Corruption Has Run Amok | DEA | Sex Parties In Columbia | Drug Cartels Pick Up Tab For Entertainment | The Bigger Point | Lawlessness | Fame | The More Corrupt, The More Popular | Soundbite | Champion For The Little Guy | Pandering At Its Worst | Magazine Article: What Does She Stand For? | No Issues Section | They Think You’re Too Stupid | The Question That Puzzles Me | The Information Diet | Story Of William Banting | 1863 | 63,000 Copies Sold | Formula For Influence | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | The Establishment Wanted To Silence Banting | The Explosion Of Information | Buckminster Fuller | Every 12 Hours | Harder Than Ever To Know What Information To Consume | 603,000 Results | How Do You Choose? | Method #1 | Method #2 | Method #3 | The Desire For A Quick Solution | The Guru Party Steps In | 17 Listings By June | Mental Obesity = Financial Diabetes | Pain | Constant Struggle | The Inability To Secure Clients | Etc. | We Do It To Ourselves | Letter From Dan Degrie | His Advice Is The Solution | 4 Paths To Treat Mental Obesity | Treat The Cause | Eliminate The Symptoms…


Remember to subscribe on iTunes, just search “Agent Marketing Syndicate” or “Ryan Fletcher” in your podcast app, which can be downloaded from the app store, then click subscribe. This gives you a live feed to all future episodes, as they are released and before they are posted here. 




Thanks again for listening to the show! If it has helped you in any way, please share it using the social media buttons you see on the page.

t-shirt_design_AMSAdditionally, reviews for the podcast on iTunes are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show and I read each one. Every one. You could even win a FREE Agent Marketing Syndicate® T-Shirt. Just head over to iTunes, leave us a review. Then send me an email with your review, attached. Every 5th review is placed into a drawing to win. That’s a 20% chance of winning, about 7.9 millions times better than winning the lottery.  

And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like your comment or feedback to be aired on the podcast), head on over to AskFletcher.com – to record and send your message to Ryan!

Don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes to get automatic updates.

Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

Talk soon Keep Fighting!

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    029: Harassment | 75 Agents Guilty | Shocking Channel 9 News Story | Anchor Summarizes Attack | More Resemblance Of Rape Than Relationship | Agent-Reputation, Soiled | How To Fight Back…

029: Harassment | 75 Agents Guilty | Shocking Channel 9 News Story | Anchor Summarizes Attack | More Resemblance Of Rape Than Relationship | Agent-Reputation, Soiled | How To Fight Back…

75 Agents Guilty | Harassment | Shocking Channel 9 New Story | Note From Lauren Collier | It Just Hit So Quickly | Is This What Agents Want To Be Known For? | Is This What Agents Want To Be Perceived As? | Soundbite #2 | My Troubling Facebook Conversation | Ethics Debate: Me vs. Mr. Low-Information Agent | Agents Bully Agents | KW Agents Defend The Credo | Explain THAT! | The Painful Truth That I Point Out | Soundbite #4 | News Anchor Summarizes The Attack | No Doesn’t Really Mean No | Agents Stereotyped | More Resemblance of Rape That Relationship | The Guru Party Instructs Agents To Call The DNC List | Broker Comes Unglued | Issues A Stern Threat To His Agents | Podcast Listener Points Out The Plot Twist | Email #1 | Email #2 | How Did We Get Here? | Why Do We Settle For C-Level Ideas? | Why Do Agents Continue To Give The TGP Their Money? | Clay Johnson | The Information Diet | The Best Steve Jobs Quote I Had Never Heard Before | It’s Parallels To Real Estate | The 7 Words That Changed His Perspective | The Hidden Irony | Disrupting The Mental Machine | The Industrialization Of The Information We Consume | Empty Calories | French Fries | The Analogy To Business | How This Is Equally As Destructive To Our Thought Process | Confirmation Bias | C-Level Ideas vs. Great Ideas | iTunes Review In Response To Christine Domina | A Look At Brilliance | The Solution Moving Forward | Glenn Beck | Tim Ferriss | The Secret That Built An Audience | A Letter From Dan Degrie | The Single Most Important Skill You Can Learn | Letters From Listeners | Joe Kraus | Bryan Tobiason | The TGP Believes Agents Are Stupid | Are You? | The Proof That We Must Pushback | If We Don’t, Who Will?…


Remember to subscribe on iTunes, just search “Agent Marketing Syndicate” or “Ryan Fletcher” in your podcast app, which can be downloaded from the app store, then click subscribe. This gives you a live feed to all future episodes, as they are released and before they are posted here. 




Thanks again for listening to the show! If it has helped you in any way, please share it using the social media buttons you see on the page.

t-shirt_design_AMSAdditionally, reviews for the podcast on iTunes are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show and I read each one. Every one. You could even win a FREE Agent Marketing Syndicate® T-Shirt. Just head over to iTunes, leave us a review. Then send me an email with your review, attached. Every 5th review is placed into a drawing to win. That’s a 20% chance of winning, about 7.9 millions times better than winning the lottery.  

And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like your comment or feedback to be aired on the podcast), head on over to AskFletcher.com – to record and send your message to Ryan!

Don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes to get automatic updates.

Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

Talk soon Keep Fighting!

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    028: Create A Movement | 3,000 In Attendance | The SHAM Of Coaching | The Guru Party Exposed | I Read The Email | A Better Way Forward | Organize An Army

028: Create A Movement | 3,000 In Attendance | The SHAM Of Coaching | The Guru Party Exposed | I Read The Email | A Better Way Forward | Organize An Army

3,000 In Attendance | Create A Movement | The SHAM Of Coaching | BHHS Joins KW | The Guru Party Exposed | I Read The Email | A Better Way Forward | Organize An Army | Great Ideas vs. C-Level Ideas | What Is Your Product? | It’s Not Your Real Estate Services | The Purpose of Your Product: To Aggregate Relationships | The Network Effect | Users Become Recruiters | A Movement Is Born | Christine Domina | Thousands In Attendance | Media Coverage | Dozens of Sponsors & Community Partners | Evangelists Spread Her Message For Her | Movements Are Born From Message | Message Is Born From Story | Here Is The Story That Birthed Christine’s Movement | I’ll Read It To You | The Pressing Need | The  Fight | The Threat Of Failure | The Vow | Her Personal Narrative To Justify The Mission | Do You See What Christine Has Done? | I Fight The Same Fight You Fight | The Battle Of Perception | New iTunes Review | Skeptic Turned Committed Listener | You Have To Decide: Who Do You Want To Be? | A Someone? | A Leader Of A Movement? | Or A Real Estate Agent? | A Salesperson?| Transformation | From A Commoditized Product | To Crafting Addicting Characters | The Elements Needed | Dennis O’Neil | The Unethicals | How A Maryland Agent Applied This Concept | From $100k To $370k Per Year | The Power Of The Monologue | I’ll Read It To You | That Is What A Great-Idea Looks Like | C-Level Ideas = “It’s A #’s Game” | Porter Stansberry | Leader vs. Follower | Steps To Take | The Story Of 30,000 Books | The True Reason For Porter’s Success | His Mentors = Storytellers | Market Knowledge vs. Story | The Low-Information Agent | Desperation & Constant Struggle = Prime Target Of The Guru Party | $1,000/Month To Be A Salesman | We Have To Pushback | Great Ideas Require Fresh Thinking | Hotels vs. AirBnb | Accountability Sucks! |  The TGP Can’t Help You | Great Conviction Doesn’t Come From Working On C-Level Ideas…


Remember to subscribe on iTunes, just search “Agent Marketing Syndicate” or “Ryan Fletcher” in your podcast app, which can be downloaded from the app store, then click subscribe. This gives you a live feed to all future episodes, as they are released and before they are posted here. 




Thanks again for listening to the show! If it has helped you in any way, please share it using the social media buttons you see on the page.

t-shirt_design_AMSAdditionally, reviews for the podcast on iTunes are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show and I read each one. Every one. You could even win a FREE Agent Marketing Syndicate® T-Shirt. Just head over to iTunes, leave us a review. Then send me an email with your review, attached. Every 5th review is placed into a drawing to win. That’s a 20% chance of winning, about 7.9 millions times better than winning the lottery.  

And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like your comment or feedback to be aired on the podcast), head on over to AskFletcher.com – to record and send your message to Ryan!

Don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes to get automatic updates.

Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

Talk soon Keep Fighting!

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    027: Publish a Magazine | Create Magic Moments | VP of Growth @ Facebook | $28,000 Per Month |Paid (FREE) Distribution | The YCombinator Method | Startup Mentality Applied To Real Estate

027: Publish a Magazine | Create Magic Moments | VP of Growth @ Facebook | $28,000 Per Month |Paid (FREE) Distribution | The YCombinator Method | Startup Mentality Applied To Real Estate

Create Magic Moments | Publish a Magazine | VP of Growth @ Facebook | Paid (FREE) Distribution | $28,000 Per Month | The YCombinator Method |  Startup Mentality Applied To Real Estate | 4 Core Areas Of Focus | #1 Is Not Intuitive | The “False Sense of Reality” | 10 Years To Millions | Why Business Never Gets Easier | Google | Facebook | AirBnb | The Essence of Having Great Conviction | Competition Is Bad | Why Targeting FSBOs & Expireds is Stupid | Mr. Low-Info | Real Estate Agent vs. Founder Of Startup | Clients vs. Distribution Channels | Slow Growth vs. Scaled Growth | The Secret of Explosive Growth | Ryan France | Permission To Be Different | Kevin Kemble | You Can’t Game The System | You Need A Strong Growth Curve | How Do You Create That Growth Curve? | Insightful Learning vs. Intellectual Learning | “How Can We Integrate That?” | The Importance of Hovering Patterns | Create A Magazine | Marketing Sherpa Study | How Content Format Dictates Trust-Level | Digital Content vs. Printed Content | Self-Promotion vs. Builds The Audience | VP of Growth @ Facebook | Soundbite | Magic Moments Catalyze Trust | Problem #1 | Solution #1 | Magic Moment #1 | Problem #2 | Solution #2 | Magic Moment #2 | Why We Launched A Podcasting Platform | This Led To 3 More Magic Moments | Why We Launched A Printed Magazine | $28,000 Per Month | This Led to 2 More Magic Moments | This Also Led To Unlimited Paid (FREE) Distribution | Without Creating Magic Moments — Why Your Business Will Fail…


Remember to subscribe on iTunes, just search “Agent Marketing Syndicate” or “Ryan Fletcher” in your podcast app, which can be downloaded from the app store, then click subscribe. This gives you a live feed to all future episodes, as they are released and before they are posted here. 




Thanks again for listening to the show! If it has helped you in any way, please share it using the social media buttons you see on the page.

t-shirt_design_AMSAdditionally, reviews for the podcast on iTunes are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show and I read each one. Every one. You could even win a FREE Agent Marketing Syndicate® T-Shirt. Just head over to iTunes, leave us a review. Then send me an email with your review, attached. Every 5th review is placed into a drawing to win. That’s a 20% chance of winning, about 7.9 millions times better than winning the lottery.  

And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like your comment or feedback to be aired on the podcast), head on over to AskFletcher.com – to record and send your message to Ryan!

Don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes to get automatic updates.

Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

Talk soon Keep Fighting!

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    026: Idea Sex | Hitler Of Ideas | New York Cracks Down | The Peddler’s Permit | 43 Types Of Thinking | How I Invest My Money | The Hovering Pattern | How To Publish A Print Magazine

026: Idea Sex | Hitler Of Ideas | New York Cracks Down | The Peddler’s Permit | 43 Types Of Thinking | How I Invest My Money | The Hovering Pattern | How To Publish A Print Magazine

Hitler Of Ideas | Idea Sex | New York Cracks Down | The Peddler’s Permit | My Prediction Coming True | The Agent Army | ReMax | James Altucher | Becoming An Idea Machine | Lost $15-Million | The Six Month Process | Compound Fracture | Muscle Atrophy | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | How Procrastination Benefited Me | A 20-Year Ritual | The Definition Of Idea-Sex | Ideas vs. Execution | Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 | Hollywood’s Secret Formula | “James Bond Meets The Titanic” | The Birth of Google | The Great Depression | Your Perspective Is Controlled By Your Experiences | How I Invest My Money | Rush Limbaugh | Glenn Beck | Howard Stern | $251-Million In 2015 | Idea Pornography | 43 Different Types of Thinking | 17 Ways To Package Your Services | Alex Osborn | My Accidental Discovery | Magnify vs. Miniaturize | The Fabled 43rd Way Of Thinking | Open House Beer Pong | The Power of “Shelfies” | Risk vs. Reward-Thinking | The NO B.S. Marketing Letter | Timing-Thinking | How To Know The Exact Moment A Client Will List | Longevity-Thinking | Creating A Hovering Pattern | Marketing-Thinking | Becoming A Someone | Media-Thinking | Publishing A Print Magazine | Sell-Through Marketing | Synergy-Thinking |  Sloper Targets His Barber | From Timing-Thinking | To Authority-Thinking | Becoming A Media Company | Value-Thinking | Perception-Thinking | The Direction Kennedy Is Pushing His Private Clients | AirBnb | Results Of The Marketing Sherpa Study | Story-Thinking | Contrarian-Thinking | Vince McMahon | WWE | The Idea-Sex That Made Him A Billionaire | This Strategy Applied To Real Estate…


Remember to subscribe on iTunes, just search “Agent Marketing Syndicate” or “Ryan Fletcher” in your podcast app, which can be downloaded from the app store, then click subscribe. This gives you a live feed to all future episodes, as they are released and before they are posted here. 




Thanks again for listening to the show! If it has helped you in any way, please share it using the social media buttons you see on the page.

t-shirt_design_AMSAdditionally, reviews for the podcast on iTunes are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show and I read each one. Every one. You could even win a FREE Agent Marketing Syndicate® T-Shirt. Just head over to iTunes, leave us a review. Then send me an email with your review, attached. Every 5th review is placed into a drawing to win. That’s a 20% chance of winning, about 7.9 millions times better than winning the lottery.  

And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like your comment or feedback to be aired on the podcast), head on over to AskFletcher.com – to record and send your message to Ryan!

Don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes to get automatic updates.

Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

Talk soon Keep Fighting!

The Science Of Charlatanism: Plus, A Moral Question?

DEFEAT MEGA AGENTS? FREE Book Copies Available


FLETCHER: And so I asked the question who are these people?

And so in the book, The 48 Laws of Power and you can see tri-care if you’re watching the video, Robert Green, he talks about this and there is a section called the science of charlatanism. These are basically hucksters who go from town to town and he is looking at historical case study. They would get up on a stump, they would give a speech, they would get up on a stage, they would promise all sorts of cures and magic elixirs and get rich quick schemes and then they would move out of town. And in their wake there would be all these people who got taken, exploited and as soon as they left they realized it, “Oh my God, I just got sold a fake bill of goods.”

And so he talked about who this person is, every charlatan needs of gullible Claud. Every charlatan needs a gullible Claud. And so these are people who are uninformed, unintelligent. They typically suffer from some sort of a fear, an ailment, a condition, a circumstance that causes them to be vulnerable to this kind of manipulation these are the targets. And this is the personal becomes the victim of the huckster.

Now he also talks about the kind of desperation that these people have. So you dangle in front of them on you cause, an elixir, a get-rich-quick scheme, the latest technological threat to their existence, and they jump at it. Maybe they are not making the income they want, maybe they’re not having the life they want, maybe they are working too many nights and weekends and they have this fear that if they don’t change their ways they’re going to get divorced, their wife is going to leave them, their husband is going to leave them, their kids aren’t going to… And they jump at it.

And so typically there is some sort of fear, there is some sort of circumstance that makes them vulnerable to this type of deception. The question I would ask though is who’s fault, is who is at fault? Is it the person who is being manipulated? Because there are agents out there that desperately want to believe that there is a secret and if they would just find it, it would solve every problem and make them rich. Are these the people to blame for this deception because it does take 2 – or is it the guru party who knows that the agent is desperate, who knows about these types of people exist who are fearful and deliberately work to exploit them?

So if you want to say that in different terms, the person in search of authority, is he to blame or is it the person that claims to be the authority?

And should he be required to hold himself to a higher level of integrity and morality?




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Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

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Prime Targets: How Fearful Agents Are Manipulated



FLETCHER: But a lot of agents do and here’s what I can tell you, they are the ones who are the prime targets to be manipulated. They are the ones who are the prime targets to be exploited. They are the ones who are the prime targets to be taken advantage of because people who are afraid by people who manipulate, they are the prime targets because they can be made more fearful.

Okay this is what the news media does as we talked about; fear builds upon itself – start small like a wave and grows. This is what politicians do, this is how they drive their ratings, it’s how they gain acceptance, it’s how they gain policy or get people to take action or to buy votes. So think about Obama, when he was selling Obama care through rhetoric, media, aggressive use of speeches, fear he instilled in people that if you don’t have healthcare, that you are one freak accident away from basically the end of your life, not literally dying but from a financial standpoint. You’re going to lose your home, you’re going to lose your house, you’re going to lose your money, you’re going to lose your bank account, you’re going to lose your savings, you are not going to be able to pay for your kids, you’re not going to be able to pay for… And he described the worst situation imaginable.

Now the reality is we are talking about a .01% chance out of 1 million but he made everybody believe that health insurance was the most critical thing in their lives and if they don’t have it panic. But this is how he sold it to the low information voters, his followers who are dependent on government handouts who can’t fend for themselves, who don’t have rational thought.

SLOPER:  And now all those same people are wondering what’s going on with healthcare.

FLETCHER:  Well you don’t get what you vote for, you get what you deserve.

SLOPER:  Right.

FLETCHER:  And so what does the guru party do? They see this opportunity. You’ve got what’s going on with Zillow and Trulia. They’ve got an opportunity here to exploit, to manipulate, the same thing that people are scared, how can we use this?

So again I’ve got seats to sell, I’ve got coaching programs to sell, you find a major news event, you find a headline from the news event or a quote from that article, you take it, you twist it, you want it, you re-report it in a way that it only supports your agenda. It scares agents, it might motivate them.

And so I have 2 different articles here or I would say articles. But if we are putting this in terms of media and politics, what we’ve got here is propaganda that’s what it is. I mean, let’s call it what it is, it’s propaganda, the spread of a false reality, the use of obscure facts, quotes to manipulate.

Okay and so I have 2 different emails here from 2 different gurus; one sent on September 17 okay and I haven’t bothered to report it but it’s becoming more prominent okay. I must have gotten 2 or 3 in the last week!

Okay so this guy comes out and he says, here is the subject line; “If you are a traditional real estate agent, you are a dinosaur.” In other words, if you don’t do something, you’re going to die. That’s what he’s saying! Okay, here is something every agent needs to pay attention to – Zillow just bought Trulia for 3.5 billion, billion! Exclamation mark, that’s more than the value of the other 2 real estate companies in the US, you know who they are, combined times 2. Wake-up call all caps, exclamation points.

And here is a quote from CNNMoney regarding the merger – “Zillow and Trulia could make brokers irrelevant,” there is the phrase! Grab it, take it, twist it, take it out of context, warp it, rereport it. This is serious! Again, not to scare you, it’s simply to make you aware of where real estate is headed. Buyers and sellers now have the power to do as they please when it comes to their homes and property. Agents are no longer necessary, they are a choice.

Now if I’m not mistaken, when were agents ever not a choice? Was there some kind of law that I wasn’t familiar with where agents were necessary or home owners didn’t have a choice where they were mandated to use an agent? No!

Now entrepreneur comes out, Entrepreneur.com, they write an article, “Who will step up and disrupted the real estate industry?” And they start to look at different technologies that have disrupted different industries and so you’ve got the Ford model T, it killed stage coaches. You’ve got Google, it killed the phone books. You’ve got Expedia and how it killed travel agents. So technological advancements; you no longer need to go sit down with a travel agent, you jump on Expedia, you bust in your credit card, you choose your package and you are done!

Get E-Trade how it’s killing stockbrokers, Netflix how it killed Blockbuster, iPhones how it killed Kodak film, Uber how it is killing the taxi services.

Now the point of this article was never to quote unquote predict the death of the real estate agent. The contributor who wrote this article, he was merely asking the question, “Who will step up and disrupt the real estate industry with a disruptive technology?” But it gets skewed. Take it out of context, twist it, warp it and then report it in a way that might scare agents, might motivate agents, that supports your agenda.

And so here comes the guru and he is talking about and guess what? Zillow bought Trulia now Zillow owns the majority of consumer home search and for those who are unprepared if and when they decide to quote unquote complete the transaction themselves in other words, “Open up a brokerage, hoard the leads, not sell advertising to other agents as a means to go to business, it will be game over, maybe even for you. That’s pretty unsettling so here’s what I would do.”

Now this is terrible copywriting, it’s poor copywriting, it’s amateurish copywriting but nonetheless, this is what they are trying to do, fear mongering.




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Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

Talk soon Keep Fighting!

Fight Or Flight: How The Guru Party Replaces Rational Thought To Get Agents To Buy



FLETCHER: I mean you hit it on the head. You said essentially it puts aside rational thought and so if you make this connection to real estate, the guru party, when your ideals alone won’t sell your course, your program, your technology, your seminar seats, what do you do? Of course you turn to fear mongering just like the news media, just like politicians, you turn to the use of fear because people inherently who are already afraid, who become more fearful, they are looking for a solution and so you find some major news event, you extract a headline about that news event, you take that out of context, you twist it, you warp it.

Think about the ‘fight or flight’ response, that’s what we are doing here. That’s what they are triggering all I know is that I’ve got to run. And if somebody offers me a safe haven, if somebody can offer me safety, protection, place where I don’t have to worry about all of these threats, then they are doing it, they are running towards it.

And so I need to tell you but this is why the guru party uses fear.




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Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

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Fear-Mongering: The Storyline That Drives Ratings & Sales



FLETCHER: But I want to get back to this idea about fear mongering – why nobody trusts the media, why nobody trusts the guru party because if you are a marketer, you need to understand how fear works. But more important, by those who empower or claim to empower, you need to understand how they manipulate using fear.

And so if you go back to the media, if you didn’t follow along and all you looked at is the evening news, if all you looked at where the programs, you would think that the Ebola was spreading like wildfire across the United States okay. You think that 3000 people had contracted this, the news media is calling it an epidemic, you’re getting a new person on the news every night that saying, “We have no p why nobody trusts the media roof that this can transmit  via airborne, through breathing in the lungs, but we can’t rule it out. Looked There were some early studies in the 1996’s, there’s actually been no proof but we could have airborne.”

Okay, you are seeing more people coming and say the protocols are right, the protocols are wrong. Now you’ve got enterovirus it’s coming across the border down in Arizona. A lot of people are saying it’s because of illegal immigration but I have a number of headlines here. And so the headlines are all meant to scare people because of fear drives rating. This is why people you trust the news though is because they are not reporting the facts, they are not reporting the truth. The only thing they are really reporting is whatever can drive ratings and fear sells okay.

And so here are a couple of the headlines Bright Bar was fear of enterovirus D 68 growing as kids become paralyzed, die from illness.” “CDC develops faster new tests for enterovirus.” D 68 – “Polio like illness claims 5th life in the US.” Slate –, “A public health crisis hits the border, detain children must be screened more vigorously for communicable disease,” says Dr. Siegel.”

Washington Post – “Americans want flight restrictions for Ebola countries and is not even close,” this is what he is saying, “This is not even close to the damage of what’s happening in the Arizona area with the enterovirus.”

Okay so the news media comes out and they want you to be fearful. They don’t want to report the facts, they don’t want to report the truth, they don’t want you to know that it’s really a very isolated incidence, they need a storyline…




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News vs. Commentary: Which Is More Effective?



FLETCHER: And see this is what Roger Ailes was getting at; the news does not have a message, the news is just a story. A message is somebody’s convictions, a person. And so if you have ever watched your local news or CNN or MSNBC, they read from the Teleprompter, it’s like a bunch of robots telling you what’s happening in the world. If the Teleprompter went down, I mean you’ve seen this with Obama, [stuttering]… “Just 1 minute folks, technical difficulties”

SLOPER:     Right.

FLETCHER:     They don’t have thought of their own! And see this is why people don’t trust the news. On the other hand if you look at Fox News, these are people who have a message, it’s internal to them. Whether it be Bill O’Reilly, whether it be Sean Hannity, whether it be Megan Kelly, whether it be Rush Limbaugh, whether it be Glenn Beck, whether it be right on down the line. These are people who don’t need a Teleprompter to tell you what they believe.

And so my point was if you want to increase the results of your client newsletter, you will shift from quote unquote reporting the news, real estate stats, statistics, neighborhood sales, how to winterize your pipes, how to feng shui your home and all of the one size fits all content that you buy from the so-called guru party who supplies your newsletters; that’s what CNN, MSNBC do, they report the news, nobody trusts it, nobody cares, it’s not interesting, it’s not entertaining and you will move over to what Fox News does where you drive home a message – your internal convictions of why you do what you do and why you believe as you believe…




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Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

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022: I Regret It | Audience vs. Database | Redfin Agent | Wicked Stepsisters | Donald Trump | The Legend: Chris Kyle | First 15 Minutes = Chapter 1 | Tune-In vs. Tune-Out Marketing: Part 2 of 2

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“The Abraham Plan” For Real Estate Agents. You’ll Love This! – Except
He Leaves Out The Critical First Step…



FLETCHER: By the way, did you catch the Abraham plan?

SLOPER:    Didn’t catch that man, what’s going on?

FLETCHER:    So this last week, you may have caught this. People in the audience may have caught this maybe tune in. So Jay Abraham, he’s gotten a lot more involved in the old real estate industry. Like everybody else, there is money to be made so why wouldn’t it draw him back? And so I am on a tele-seminar, I am going to tune in, maybe he has something to say, smart guy, $9.4 billion man.

And so I have got the Cliff notes here for you. And paraphrased, this is 60 Minutes. Here is what he says, it is imperative and it is important. And this is what he has planned for success. And again, these are the Cliff notes, these are paraphrased.

“It is imperative, it is important to be strategic and progressive, to have a sequential predictable system prepared. It’s got to be a well-thought-out plan. It’s vitally necessary, it must be dynamic and forward thinking, something revolutionary that sets you apart preeminent. You must be open-minded, you need a system advanced positioning. You need to be strategic, to focus on high dollar. Say goodbye to mediocrity and welcome to greatness. The key is strategy, a system to create authority, is important, imperative. Breakthroughs come from outside the real estate industry, not from within. Control, command, the preeminent person in your marketplace, that’s who you’ve got to be, it’s about the strategy. Integrated synergistic systems, progressive, forward thinking, multiple factors combine, this is what gives you influence, it is imperative, progressive, dynamic, unified, the strategy of preeminence, competitive edge, status, impact, leverage.”

Did I mention you must be strategic?”

Yes Jay, you did. 400 times in 60 minutes, we get it. You have firmly impressed upon us “Be strategic.” And yes, we understand your impressive use of adjectives. You’ve got a firm-command over the thesaurus. By the way, Jay, real quick what was the main take away from, that you really want the people to gather? “Be strategic,” yeah, got it. I didn’t want anybody to miss it.

And see, this is what drives me crazy about speakers, consultants, is that they never get to the meat, they all have the talk and they talk in vague generalities. The reason people use the words “strategic” is because it doesn’t mean anything. You can define it however you picture it in your mind. And so there is always a magic secret that they keep you chasing.   

Now don’t misunderstand, they will sell you something that promises you to be more strategic, that’s what this is, it’s a sales pitch, it’s not a training event, it’s a sales pitch. It’s a tele-seminar meant to get you to a seminar which at the seminar, they are going to pitch you something else that is probably going to make you more strategic. It could be Infusionsoft, it could be mastermind, it could be coaching, I could be more scripts and dialogues, everything is designed to make you more strategic.

And so I will offer you a shortcut. If you want to get rid of low dollar activities and focus on high dollar activities but you don’t know exactly what those are, there is a book, is called “The 80/20 Sales and Marketing by Perry Marshall.” And on page 119, flip it open and I mean, let’s face it. Jay Abraham, I don’t want to be disparaging in any way, he is brilliant, nobody is doubting that. But he is a corporate guy. He doesn’t care about the real estate agent!

His advice is targeted at the company doing 10 million, 15 million, 50 million. His sole focus right now is partnerships, that’s what he wants. He is used to working with teams, talented teams, not individual entrepreneurs.

And yes, all of the strategies do translate. They do. For every one of those strategies, here is what it comes down to and why most agents can’t ever execute them; because it requires skills. He doesn’t teach you the skills, he teaches you the strategies. And if you don’t have certain skills then you can execute and conceptually you get it. To be the authority, you need symbols. You need to write books, you need to write articles, you need to have endorsements, public platforms, appearances where you are interviewed on radio or television or you’ve got media support and or you create platforms where you can spread your message like Roger Ailes did at Fox News and then hire people to fill his network the Rush Limbaugh’s, the Glenn Beck’s, walking, talking messages.

But if anybody ever talks about being strategic and then tells you to cold call, here is what to do, ignore that person. Write them off, forget anything he has said and or is saying. Cold calling is the antichrist when it comes to authority. It’s not even a skill, is an activity. Worse, it’s an activity that destroys and sabotages your status. The phone call never forget this, is the tool of the salesman. So go to page 119 and you’re going to see four different columns on the left there would be $10 per hour activities to the right of that, there is $100 per hour activities column than 1000 and then a 10,000.

And see the guru party, they want you to believe that right now you are doing $10 per hour activities. And that if you hire them as coaches or if you buy their systems or courses then they can get you to $100 per hour and then they can get you to $1000 per hour and then ultimately after four years of coaching or nine years of masterminds and you spent $50,000, you can do $10,000 activities per hour.

SLOPER:    You know, it’s interesting too is the $10 per hour work, making those phone calls, if you are the coach basically advising the real estate agent that they’ve got to make their three hours of calls per day and they have an accountability session was a week and they get on the phone and then they say, “Well, did you make your calls this week?” Had no they didn’t make their calls! They didn’t want to make the calls because they got rejected on the first and they didn’t want to make any more calls. So it’s easy because now it’s no longer the coach’s fault. It’s no longer the coach’s fault.

FLETCHER:    I mean, we’ve talked about it before. You could force yourself to do anything you hate for a week or two but it’s not something you’re going to do long-term because you hate it! Why would you ever want to build a business where what you do you hate doing? And so this entire premise of climbing ladders, it’s destructive, it’s dangerous, is precisely why so many agents fail!

So Robert Ringer talks about this in his book “To be or not to be intimidated.” About a Leapfrog theory and he says, “Nobody needs to start at the bottom.” You don’t need to start at $10 and work your way up rung to rung to rung from 10 to 1,000 to 10,000. You just start at the top. And so if I’m going to enter into the market, here is what I want to do. I want to have a book to my credit, I want to be an author, I want to have articles, I want to have videos.

Within the first 30 or 60 days I want to be interviewed on radio, I want to be talked about in my local news paper, I want to be seen on television, I want to be seen as a leader in my business community for partnerships, cooperation. In short, I want to be seen as a someone. This is what I talk about in my book “Defeat Mega Agents.” The way you gain power, the way you gain influence is you be seen as a someone, not as a quote unquote real estate agent. I know, I know, it gets back to the question, “How do you make this happen?”

The answer is very simple. The answer is simple; if you were given the opportunity, the invitation to speak at a TED.com conference. If you are given 18 minutes to speak to the brightest minds in the world, to share your ideas, what would you say? What would you say? You are given 18 minutes, what’s your message? What would you say? What do you stand for?

And so if you don’t have an answer to that question then everything else, all of this talk about quote unquote being strategic, it’s all bullshit! Do you know how Obama got elected president? Do you know how George W. Bush got elected president? Do you know how Clinton got elected president? And how every president before those three got elected president including Ronald Reagan the great communicator? – By having a message. It’s the Roger Ailes’ blueprint for success at Fox too; 3 million viewers versus 500,000.

Okay typically that message is written by some speechwriter that you’ve never heard of in some backroom who is putting the words in the mouth of the president who is inspiring and moving millions. Folks, this is the skill that they never talk about. They don’t want to tell you. It’s the art of copywriting, message creation and writing for influence. Why? Because 99% of people don’t believe that they can write.

And so rather than convince them that they can, or teach them that they can, they offer up “Be strategic.” No, you have to learn how to craft the message.

The guru party, before being strategic even matters, you must learn this skill. And if you don’t have it, you either have to develop it and or you have to hire someone like a presidential speechwriter who can do it for you. What is your Ted talk? What would you say? What is your message to those 200 or 400 people in the audience? After all, without that, what do you have worth saying? Without a powerful message, without the ability to move people why do any marketing or advertising? What are you going to say that is worth saying? Nothing!

And so now, just like every other real estate agent, this is why 91% of agents fail or why 90% of agents fail. You are restricted to go out there, the prospect, to beg. Low status, low dollar activities elevate you to performing at $10,000 per hour activities.

The better approach is to move all the way over to the right, find the $10,000 per hour activities, you will see that there is “message creation” and start working on that. Because now, when you put that message out into the marketplace, you inspire people you capture the minds of people. They remember you. And all those other people come flooding to your doorstep and you can hire people now to do the low dollar activities; the administrative work, the nuts and bolts.

And this is why my main message for this show, for my book, for everything that I write and publish an e-book for the public to see, is tread carefully with the guru party. There is always an agenda. Be skeptical. Second-guess and question everything. They will deceive you if you allow them. Debate the merit of every one of their ideas.

At minimum, even if they don’t intentionally attempt to deceive you, because I am not saying every single person out there who sells resources is a terrible person. But at minimum, they are going to take you on the long winding path to success where strategically they will pass you by all of the sales tables where they pedal their wares, all the coaching programs, all the website companies with plenty of opportunities to join their coaching programs to extract as much money out of you as possible, they are no different than Trillia or Zillow or realtor.com or NAR or any other government bureaucracy who wants to squeeze you like a turnip.

By the way, that’s the real reason people hire Jay Abraham, to his credit, he is masterful at it, separating people from their money strategically. Good for the client if you hire him, you get people not to make one purchase but to come to a seminar and then to buy all the products that you recommend and page from the stage and then join coaching programs at 10 or 15,000 a year and then to escalate to masterminds and on and on and on, good for the client who is selling the resources, not so good always for you.

And this isn’t hard to figure out folks, it’s why I am so passionate about doing this show as I am exposing the reality behind all of it. By skipping the first most important critical step, they keep you chasing the secret. If you will just craft a message first everything else takes care of itself because now you have something to say, something worth saying…




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And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like your comment or feedback to be aired on the podcast), head on over to AskFletcher.com – to record and send your message to Ryan!

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This Is Why Real Estate Agents Despise The Guru Party! – Their Advice
Sets You Up To Look & Feel Like A Fool…



FLETCHER: And see, this is what frustrates the hell out of me about the Guru party. Is that they are experts at asking questions. They are. They are experts in making you feel inferior. And so I have a couple of articles here. “Three strategies to take your real estate career to the next level.” Now this is published as a means to help you. But don’t lose the ulterior motive. It’s written by somebody who is in the coaching business. And so strategy number one, renovate. Sometimes you need a mix of in your life. Sometimes you renovate your kitchen, it makes you feel better. Sometimes you just got to renovate your real estate business. Let me ask you some questions, this will put you on that path.

How many hours a day are you prospecting? What does it look like? Well, I am told that I need to prospect 3 to 4 hours a day but I do it about 13 minutes because here is how he goes; call number one, rejection, call number two rejection, call number three, the destruction of my self-worth, I feel ridiculous, I am annoying people, they hate me, I am not doing it, it is not who I am, I am not wired that way. That’s what my prospecting looks like.

Ninety, 91, 92% of agents in this industry fail, they don’t make it past their renewal of their real estate license because nobody out there is talking about a different way. They only cater to the salesperson; the person who is wired with an annoying gene. How many different sources of lead generation are utilizing? Are these enough? How do you stay in touch with your sphere of influence? When and how? I make random phone calls, “well, I just want to say hi, “Well hi.” Anything else? “Hi.”

Oh, I forgot, you are supposed to go by the formula FORM Family, Occupation, Relationships And then the money question. “Oh by the way, would you know that might be interested in buying or selling in the next 30 to 90 days?” Are you building an email list? Are using E alerts? Are you generating online leads? Are you converting online leads? Do you have a geographic or niche forming strategy? Are you getting ratings and reviews from your clients? Are you communicating a consistent branding strategy with your marketing activities? Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah!

Remember when I said if people are starting to survey you, if they are asking you questions, it is just a setup of a sales pitch. The reason they ask these questions, if you knew what was wrong with your real estate business, you would fix it! Okay so all these questions, they are designed to make you feel terrible about yourself. Well, I don’t have the answers. Naturally, this leads to, “Oh, maybe you should hire me as a coach.”




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    021: Tune-In Marketing | Witnessed A Suicide | Tom Brady | American Sniper | The Great Twist | 11-Pages Of Brilliant Marketing | The Twist Revealed | A Multimillion $ Business Is Born…

021: Tune-In Marketing | Witnessed A Suicide | Tom Brady | American Sniper | The Great Twist | 11-Pages Of Brilliant Marketing | The Twist Revealed | A Multimillion $ Business Is Born…

Witnessed a Suicide | Tune-In Marketing | Tom Brady | American Sniper | Death Is Upon Us | The Low Information Agent | Tune-Out Marketing | 50 Shades of Grey | The Great Twist | 11-Pages of Marketing Brilliance | I Didn’t See It At First | Sports Illustrated | Mr. Miyagi | Power Naps Scheduled 3 Years In Advance | Dictating Success vs. It Being Dictated To You | Calculated | The Sum Of Everything | Content Strategy | Marketing Process | Conversion Sequences | Iron-Willed Discipline | Your Business-Religion | Contrarian Beliefs vs. Lemming Mentality | The Importance Of Being Competitive | Charity Football Event | Swollen Testicles | What Makes A Great Leader | Winston Churchill | Steve Jobs | The Beer Pong Lesson | Why The Guru Party Continually Fails Agents | Why Coaching Is A Giant Waste Of Money | Copycats | My Thought Process When Creating Marketing Platforms | Windows Of Opportunity | Window 1 | Window 2 | Window 3 | Window 4 | The Mental Game | Michael Jordan | Dealing With Change | 4 Constants | The Dominant Trait Of Terrible Leaders | The Guru Party | Ego-Maniacs | Brady’s Counter-Intuitive Philosophy | “Daddy How Come Gravedigger Always Wins?” | 40 Hours Of Work, Done In 2 Hours | My Responsibility As a Good Parent | Ideas | Not Manual Labor | The Great Twist Revealed | Simply Brilliant | The Birth Of A Multimillion $ Business…


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Talk soon Keep Fighting!

TV Ratings. FOX News. How It Applies To Your Real Estate Newsletter.



FLETCHER: Now if you really want to, and this is fascinating – if you really want to understand the success of Murdoch, you’ve got to look at news Corp. and the most profitable entity within news Corp. is Fox News. It’s not Murdoch at all that runs Fox News. Let me grab it.

And so when Murdoch originally launched Fox News, here is the guy he hired, Roger Ailes. Roger Ailes comes from radio background, comes from television background and he was hired by Murdoch to build Fox News into a juggernaut. The media establishment wrote the effort off as a joke and so all the NBC’s, the major networks said, “Ha, ha fat chance. You are never going to be able to compete with us, not in the world.” Ailes, never wanted to create criticism and by the way, I am taking this right out of a book called, “The loudest voice in the room.” Okay, I will get to that in a minute.

The heat criticism turned into challenge the powerhouse earned more money than any other division of Murdoch’s news Corp.

And so I have an article here and here is the headline, “TV rating, TV ratings, Fox News wins.” Okay it goes on to talk about, “Fox News was unshakable as the number one cable news channel last month overall Fox News owned by Rupert Murdoch’s 21st century fox media company ranked as the most or the third most popular channel in August behind only sports juggernaut ESPN which, last face it, ESPN is going to beat everything in cable in the world. It’s sports, Americans has a love infatuation with sports and of course USA Network; which isn’t in the news industry at all.”

And so how much are they beating them by? During prime time, Fox News has 3 million viewers versus CNBC, CNN and MSNBC, you’re looking at 500,000 and so wide and vast margins; 3 million versus 500,000. They are doing 600% better. And so if you want to look at the brilliance of Rupert Murdoch and you want to figure out how his companies have grown and how you might be able to put this into your real estate business, what you really want to do is go study Roger Ailes because here is that I will build Fox News into the juggernaut that it is.

So it goes on, no one could rein Ailes in, not even Rupert Murdoch. And so at times Ailes, he is doing things that nobody else is advising him to do. Nobody can reign him in, not even Murdoch. In 2008, Murdoch even contemplated, and again, I am reading from this book taking the quote “The Loudest Voice in the Room ,” excellent book, you should go read it.

In 2008, Murdoch even contemplated supporting Obama in the pages of the New York post instead of the Republican John McCain. When Ailes caught wind of the possible endorsement, he threatened to quit. It was a game of brinksmanship that Ailes won. In other words, in his own organization, Roger Ailes has more power than Rupert Murdoch. If Ailes quits, Murdoch takes a massive hit to the wallet because they don’t understand what this guy does. They don’t have the courage to do what this guy does. They don’t have the ability to understand what a message that this guy does. And so now you have and it’s fascinating because Murdoch even sided with Ailes over his own son, his blood. Murdoch even sided with Ailes against his children in 2005 Murdoch’s older son, Lakeland left the company after clashing with Ailes among others over management decisions.

So I have this headline here. Brian Williams, NBC, he pleads with kids to start watching the news. “NBC nightly news anchor Brian Williams is joining a clutch of frustrated journalists and educators who are worried that today’s youth are going up news free. On a broadcast, he surprised and organized an effort to engage students providing a two-minute public service announcement in which he frets that quote unquote news isn’t even in the lives of almost 1/3 adults. They are essentially going up news free.” “Come on kids, please watch my news channel, and please!”

And so this is what you see CNN, this is what you see MSNBC doing, “Come on guys, why don’t you tune in to our news broadcast? We’ve got the news, we’ve got the best news, we are doing the most accurate reporting, please, tune into our stuff.” One might think that you would look at Fox News, you would study Roger Ailes and you would figure out what he was doing.

And so if you go to just Amazon really quick and you type in “Roger Ailes”, you come back with four or five different books that you could then read and by to figure out what Ailes is doing over at Fox News to get up his ratings. So here is one that is very telling, the name of the book, “You are the message.” And this is 100% relevant to your real estate business.

Because I guarantee you, right now all of the guru party, they are putting out one size fits all content that is no different than CNN and MSNBC. They are quote unquote reporting the news and they are selling this to you and they are saying, “To just swap out your photo. Just swap out your name. Mail it out to your database.” And then of course your business isn’t growing, you get one or two deals a year out of it and like Brian Williams, you get the low information agent, “Come on guys, give me some business. Just read the newsletter. I am sending you all this, why don’t you repay the favor? Please!” It doesn’t work that way.

If you want people to tune into your broadcast, you’ve got to give them something and this book reveals it. You are the message. It means that when you communicate, and I am just reading the description of this book. It means when you communicate with someone it’s not just the words you choose to send to the other person that makes the message. You are also sending signals about the kind of person you are, very important word, “The kind of person you are.”

And so if you look at your own newsletter, if you are sending out a one size fits all and you send the article “Four ways to feng shui your home or six ways to prepare for fall,” or, “19 ways to de-freeze a pipe what does this say about you? He continues, “Everything you do in relation to other people cause them to make judgments about what you stand for and what your message is.

I have talked about this at depth, what do you stand for? Is that what you stand for? How to feng shui your home? Is that what you stand for? How to de-winterize pipes or winterize pipes? “You are the message,” comes down to the fact that unless you identify yourself as a walking, talking message, you miss that critical point.

And so if you think about what Roger Ailes did 1992, 1994, the first thing he did is he brings in Rush Limbaugh. He brings in now Bill O’Reilly, Kennedy, [inaudible 30:10] Glenn Beck. These people are walking, talking messages. They have beliefs, they have convictions, they stand for something. Whether you like them or not, it makes no difference. They have a viewpoint, they have an ideology, they have opinions, they have courage, they are not afraid to stand up and speak.

My question is, in your local marketplace right now, and this is a challenge I guarantee none of the low information agents are doing this and they would never have the courage to do it.

But what if instead of promoting your real estate business you publish an article about why a guarantee sales program is a scam? And what if you distribute it to all home owners in your marketplace and you warned everybody that you might do business with on what to look out for. If you defined just as I did what bait and switch advertising and associated with the guarantee sale program, I guarantee you, you’re going to be seen as trustworthy and they, they are all going to be exposed for what they really are. But most agents won’t do that. The truth is too painful, “I might offend somebody…




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And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like your comment or feedback to be aired on the podcast), head on over to AskFletcher.com – to record and send your message to Ryan!

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Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

Talk soon Speak up! 🙂 

A Simple Method To Defeat Agents
Who Use The “Guaranteed Sale Program” Gimmick

Humiliating: My One Experience With This Program: Listen to this

How Mega-Agents Rationalize Being Unethical: Now watch this


SLOPER: And previously in the past, and I am not referring to myself, I have never offered the guaranteed sale program but there is multiple agents that have because that is what they were trained to do right? They got into the business, somebody said, “Hey, you should offer a guaranteed sale program. You should broadcast that on the radio and everywhere else and if you didn’t do the variation of “Your home sold or I would buy it, you offer the variation of “no hassle listing agreement” or your home sold in 30 days or the commission is free.”

They created a variation of it and they consider that innovative right? They consider that a new creation, a new spin and twist on these things. But let’s say there’s an agent out there that says, “You know what, I do feel like I am bait and switching my clients and I want to change my approach,” what would your advice be for those people that are kind of thought either they were taught one thing and now we are completely talking about something that is going 180° in the opposite direction?

FLETCHER: The first thing you would have to do is you would have to make the decision to do everything entirely different. The one of the things that I always recommend is here you have this industry that has this negative and massive reputation and stereotype of unethical undertrained, overpaid, why would you want anything to do with that positioning?

And so the phrase that I use is “de-link and disconnect. De-link and dis connect.” in a negative reputation industry, the most powerful thing that you have is truth. If it’s bait and switch, call it bait and switch. Write an article why it is bait and switch and then give that to everybody that you might do business with. So now, let’s say you are interviewing, I don’t recommend interviewing, I don’t recommend competing at all. I go with the Peter Teal idea of creating a monopoly for who you are and what you do – the dominant personality. And it comes from a message.

Okay but you publish that truth and you give it to people and now other agents come in and are like, “Whoa, I have got this guaranteed sale program.” And a client, John and Barb Smith, “Ryan warned me about this, yep, bait and switch, I can’t trust you.” Low character, low moral integrity. You are out.

That’s how easy it is to be to these people. It’s not that hard if you realize in a negative reputation industry, the truth is your greatest superpower. And so that is what I would recommend, is the de-Link and disconnect, make the decision to do things differently and then publish the truth about all of the different ways in which homeowners are routinely taken advantage of, victimized, horror stories.

But this gets back to the newsletter; if you want ratings, if you want the readers. And so here is what is described in the book. “Fox News is watched by true believers” and so the people who listen to this podcast, they are most likely hard-core fans of Ryan Fletcher. In the same way that they are Glenn Beck friends or they are Kennedy fans or they are Rush Limbaugh fans or if you go to the liberal side, there is Rachel Maddow fans, I like the way this guy thinks. I like the way he thinks. I like the way she thinks.”

And so if you want to create that for your own business, a great study would be, “How did Roger Ailes do it?” Fox is watched by true believers. Ailes built Fox into an entire political universe but ultimately it’s an expression of one man with all of his obsessions and idiosyncrasies, everything he had absorbed Roger is Fox News. Without him, you don’t have it. Every single element of the network is by design. He is not just an executive, he understands how to drive a message…




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And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like your comment or feedback to be aired on the podcast), head on over to AskFletcher.com – to record and send your message to Ryan!

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Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

Talk soon Speak up! 🙂

Humiliating: My One Experience With ‘The Guaranteed Sale Program’ – Ex-Military Dude Destroyed Me! – It Confirmed My Belief: Pure Bait-and-Switch!

How Mega-Agents Rationalize Being Unethical: Listen to this

The Way To Defeat The Guaranteed Sale Program:  Now watch this



FLETCHER: Now this is a funny story about this because when I first got into real estate, most people know this, I was a premed major, never taken a business or marketing class in my life. And so I get into real estate, how do I do this? I failed my first year, I ended up going to a Craig Proctor conference and at this conference I mean you are desperate, I don’t have any money, I haven’t sold any homes and I see all these agents doing the “Guaranteed sale program.” And I start to think to myself, “This is what I need to do.” But it doesn’t feel right to me but when I get back from the conference I convince myself, “Let’s just do it.” Everybody is doing it surely I mean it can’t be that wrong.

And I convinced myself of this. And so I go on this first listing presentation and it’s an ex-veteran, probably about 45 or 50, sort of a hard-nosed guy and he says, “I see you’ve got some program that is guaranteeing to buy my house, what’s that about?” And I say, “Yeah, it’s a pretty simple program. If your home doesn’t buy or sell in 120 days then I will buy it.” “How much money have you got? How can you run around offering to buy everybody’s house?”

“Uh, well I mean there are different terms and there are conditions, not everybody qualifies.” “And so it was bait and switch is that what you’re telling me? The Asterix? It’s like winning the lottery, there are so many terms and conditions it doesn’t apply to anybody, you are talking about bait and switch?” And I was like 26 years old and I was starting to sweat, you can start to see the beads rolling down… “I am like no, no.”

“Then let me hear those terms, let me hear those conditions.” “All right.” And I start listing them off, “Who is going to fall for that? You think they are stupid?” “Oh, no…” “You think I’m stupid?” “No, I don’t think you are stupid.” “Who is going to fall for that? Who is going to wholesale their home? And then you’re going to take 7% of that?” “Uh…”

He eviscerated me! I mean absolutely destroyed me! I walked out of that appointment. Not only did I not get it but I felt about this tall. I mean put your fingers together make a very tiny crack and look through it, that’s how smart I felt. And from that day forward I never did that program again. It confirmed everything I believed; that it is disgusting, that it is bait and switch and that if you are a person who wants to earn trust, there’s a lot more harm than good.

If you are a salesman and you’ve got the salesman gene where it’s on to the next and you don’t care what people think of you in any way shape or form in terms of your reputation, fine, have at it, do it. But I don’t know, I happen to be of the Warren Buffett mindset about reputation. “If you cost me money, I will forgive you. If you cost me my reputation, I will be ruthless.” And so I protect my reputation at all cost and I wish more agents would do the same…




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And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like your comment or feedback to be aired on the podcast), head on over to AskFletcher.com – to record and send your message to Ryan!

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Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

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It’s Funny How These Agents Think. The Guaranteed Sale Program: Pure Bait-and-Switch. Listen To This Guy’s Rational.

Humiliating: My One Experience With This Program: Listen to this

The Way To Defeat The Guaranteed Sale Program:  Now watch this



FLETCHER: So I get back in my car and I don’t know why I punish myself this way but I do. And so I start to listen to other podcasts in the real estate niche where so-called experts and trainers are interviewing other agents and they are dispensing advice as if this is the Messiah, you have to listen, this is what you need to do to be successful.

And so I don’t remember the name of the podcast Real Estate Nation or Rockstar Nation or, I can’t even tell you. If I had my phone handy I could find it folks but it’s not important. You need to know that there is one guy who had sold a lot of real estate interviewing and other guy who had sold a lot of real estate, claimed both to be world-class experts and they are talking about the validity of the performance guarantee.

And I assume… I’m sorry, and I assume everybody is familiar with this. “So your home guaranteed or I would buy it.” First originated with Proctor, passed down to every guru since. And so any major market, if you listen to the radio, talk radio, you are probably going to hear one of these guys saying, “Your home sold a guaranteed or I would buy it.”

Now here is what’s fascinating to me though. Is that everybody knows this program is bait and switch. Just because you put an Asterix up there and you give it 49 different conditions, it’s bait and switch, it doesn’t make it not bait and switch. It doesn’t change whether it’s moral or ethical or has integrity, it’s bait and switch. And so I am listening to this podcast and I’m going to play… Do we have that soundbite? Grab it.

FLETCHER:    Yeah, pull that up. Okay, play 1.


Speaker one:“I love it and the one thing that people need to know when you are listening in on to rockstar nation, you guys need to know that you are in complete control. You can put out a performance guarantee on a postcard or an ad…”

FLETCHER:    And so you are in complete control. You can put out a performance guarantee, your home sold a guaranteed or buy it on a postcard or an ad…


“And, like if you go to a house and they want to overprice it and it’s a complete dump…”

FLETCHER: And if they want to overprice it and it smells like feet, you have made this promise, you have made this guarantee but you certainly don’t have to live up to it. And so he continues and he picks up.


Speaker one:    “You don’t have to give them said a guarantee. You are in complete control. You pick and choose who you give the guarantee for it and you go into a house that is in great condition and they are reasonably priced, that’s who you give guarantee. I don’t want to call it a bait and switch…”

FLETCHER:  He doesn’t want to call it a bait and switch but it kind of… It kind of hits at bait and switch. Why do you think he makes this statement? “I don’t want to call it bait and switch…” But it kind of is.


Speaker one:     It’s not a bait and switch. It’s a bait that someone is going to nip on and then you go over there and see if you want the fish or not.

Speaker two:    Now that is a Pearl.

FLETCHER:    Now that is a Pearl.


Speaker one:    “And some of these you are not going to give them to. There’s nothing wrong with you not giving, not taking the fish. It’s just like throwing a small fish back. If you don’t want to give the guarantee to a house because it scares you to death or you think you are going to lose then don’t. Only give it to the ones where you are pretty much know that you are not going to lose on.”

Speaker two:    “That’s right.”

FLETCHER:   “That’s right.”

Now I don’t know the definition of “bait and switch” but I do know it’s illegal. I do know the FTC regulates it. So I started doing some research and I went and pulled the definition of the bait and switch. So according to Merriam-Webster, the pulley of offering a person something desirable to gain favor then thwarting expectations with something less desirable, I think that’s what he did.

You can offer the guarantee but if you think you’re going to lose, then you have to offer it at all. You can just pull it back. You can withdraw it. Okay and so now I said, “Well, maybe Merriam-Webster doesn’t have the most accurate dictionary on the term. Maybe we should research the history of the terms bait and then switch.

The verb “to bait” is meant to supply a hook or a trap with a morsel of food so as to attract the fish or animal since about 1300 or the 14th century. I think that’s exactly how he described it. “You are in complete control, you pick and choose who you give the guarantee to. It’s not bait and switch, it’s a bait that someone is going to nip on.” Okay, so far I think we are in agreement.

The verb “to switch” has meant to change alter or transfer one thing to another since the 1890s. “If you don’t think you’re going to win, if you think you’re going to lose then you withdraw it.”

Okay, well let’s look at one more. We’ve got the urban dictionary too. Everyone familiar with the urban dictionary? If not kind of a fun place to play around. Bait and switch, the term can also be used for relationships. When a guy or a girl quote unquote advertises her or himself as being something she, he is not and in the end up being a shoddier “product” a lesser person then was originally promoted.

Now this is in dating terms but let’s turn it around into just integrity and character terms. I could read it this way. The terms can also be used for relationships when someone “advertises” him or herself as someone of great character and integrity and in the end he ends up being a shoddier “product, ” A person of somewhat less character and low moral integrity.

That’s what we are talking about here. That’s why I despise the guru party. Because they make you think that this is what you have to do to be successful, that you have to bend your morals, that you have to bend your ethics…




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Talk soon Speak up! 🙂 

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    020: Truth vs. Hate | Shut Up Bob!!! | The Dangers Of Being a Truth-Teller | Unethical Agents | The Guru Party | But Somehow We’re The Bad Guys

020: Truth vs. Hate | Shut Up Bob!!! | The Dangers Of Being a Truth-Teller | Unethical Agents | The Guru Party | But Somehow We’re The Bad Guys

Shut Up Bob!!! | Truth vs. Hate | The Dangers Of Being a Truth-Teller | They Attack The Messenger | The Government | NAR | The Guru Party | The Low-Information Agent | We’re Hatemongers To Them | The Root Cause Of The Problem | Bankrupted Of Trust | Domino’s | McDonald’s | Facing Your Harshest Critics | Transparency | Culture of Innovation vs. Culture of Sales | Boiler Room | Desperation To Survive | The Ability To Alter Human Behavior | Unethical Agents | But Somehow We’re The Bad Guys | Fletcher Attacked | Chicago Association of Realtors | Shut Up Andrea! | $50,000 Defamation Suit | Bob Floss | History of Deception? | Their Mission To Silence The Truth-Teller | Legal Suits | Gag Orders | Cease & Desist Notices | Truth vs. Agenda | Cal Thomas | Bob Marley | But If Not Us, Then Who? | It Takes Courage To Speak The Truth | 2016 Politics | The Millennials | America: The Anti Self-Reliance Movement | Govt Dependency Hurts Others | Funny Comments From Smart People | Detroit Man Walks 21 Miles | $125,000 Donated | Work Ethic | Mastery of Certain Skills | Tom Brady | Truth: Success Must Always Be Earned | Should You Educate Clients? | False Prophets…


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And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like your comment or feedback to be aired on the podcast), head on over to AskFletcher.com – to record and send your message to Ryan!

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Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

Talk soon Keep Fighting!

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    019: It’s Begun | The Great Awakening | The Real Tragedy Of The Agent-Broker Model | The Thinkers vs. The Laborers | The Guru Party | Are You A Donkey? | American Sniper | Three Types Of People | Which Are You?

019: It’s Begun | The Great Awakening | The Real Tragedy Of The Agent-Broker Model | The Thinkers vs. The Laborers | The Guru Party | Are You A Donkey? | American Sniper | Three Types Of People | Which Are You?

The Great Awakening | It’s Begun | The Real Tragedy Of The Agent-Broker Model | The Thinkers vs. The Laborers | The Guru Party | Are You A Donkey? | Friends Don’t Let Friends Prospect | Bulk Orders | Defeat Mega Agents | 90 Minutes | My Daily Ritual |   Email From Steve | His Confession To Me | It’s Not What You Think | Dale Carnegie | $25K Wasted On KW | MAPS Coaching | Make More Cold Calls | Knock On More Doors| Comments About Brian Buffini | Joe Stumpf | Why You Should Consult Your Own Business-Religion | Bullet In My Skull Mentality | Episode 15 Reference | Start-up | Co-Founders | Humans Trained Like Seals | Southwest Airlines | Direct Mail | Welfare Recipient | The Low Information Agent | How Not To Market Like A Douche Bag | 500 People In Attendance | At Capacity | The Sage Advice Of Gary Halbert | Hate Mail | Fan Mail | Why None Of It Matters | The Mission Of Those Who Spew Venom | Martin Luther King | iTunes Review | Lesley Burger | This Is Why I Do This | It’s Called a Social Cue | Fear Of Rejection | It’s Not About Rejection | Personal Fulfillment | De-link & Disconnect | One-To-Many Communication | Public Begging | Asking For Referrals | American Sniper | Three Types of People | The Sheep | The Wolf | The Sheepdog | Which Are You? | And Why Everyone Hates The Sheepdog…


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And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like your comment or feedback to be aired on the podcast), head on over to AskFletcher.com – to record and send your message to Ryan!

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Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

Talk soon Keep Fighting!

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    018: State Of The Union | How Politics Relates To Marketing | Rush Limbaugh | The Broker-Agent Relationship: Broken | Redfin | The Future of Real Estate? | Emails From Listeners…

018: State Of The Union | How Politics Relates To Marketing | Rush Limbaugh | The Broker-Agent Relationship: Broken | Redfin | The Future of Real Estate? | Emails From Listeners…

How Politics Relates To Marketing | State of The Union | Rush Limbaugh | The Broker-Agent Relationship: Broken |  Deception At The Highest Level | How To Spot It | The Guru Party | USA Today | The Results Of Their Fact Check | The Low-Information Agent | He Doesn’t Seem To Mind | Obama’s #1 Go-To Marketing Tactic | Why It Doesn’t Work On Intelligent People | The 1:300 Million Ratio | Revisited: The Great Hoax Of Education | Santa Claus | Big Government Handouts | Comparison To Sports And Business | The Paint-By-Numbers Approach | Why It’s A Scam | Obama’s #2 Go-To Marketing Tactic | Mountains Out Of Molehills | Minimum Wage Workers = Hardest Working Americans | Red Fin | The Future Of Real Estate | Us. vs. Them | The Rise Of Employee Mentality | Are Brokers Screwing Over Agents? | ReMax Agent: Should I Be Paying $1400/Month | Podcast Listeners Join The Conversation | Email #1 | Email #2 | Email #3 | Email #4 | I Never Thought I’d Be A Salesman | Fastest Lock-box Opener In The Midwest | My Blunt Definition of A Good Broker | Friends Don’t Let Friends Prospect | The Only Way To Eradicate Big Government | The Skill Brokers Should Be Pushing | The Reason Most Agents Don’t Want To Work With Me | Plus, The Coming Niche Debate…


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And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like your comment or feedback to be aired on the podcast), head on over to AskFletcher.com – to record and send your message to Ryan!

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Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

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    017: Limitless Productivity | 200 Distribution Channels | Bulletproof Entrepreneur | His Brilliant Move | Mike Dillard | $400,000/week vs. $400/week | The Difference | 1438 Cold Calls | How To Organize An Army Instead

017: Limitless Productivity | 200 Distribution Channels | Bulletproof Entrepreneur | His Brilliant Move | Mike Dillard | $400,000/week vs. $400/week | The Difference | 1438 Cold Calls | How To Organize An Army Instead

200 Distribution Channels | Limitless Productivity | Bulletproof Entrepreneur |Multi-Millionaire | Proprietary Language | His Brilliant Move | How It Applies To Real Estate | Fletcher Gets Fat & Gains 20 Lbs | My Quest For Brain Clarity | The Masses vs. Visionary Entrepreneurs | The 7 Word Phrase That Cripples The Low Information Agent | 1438 Cold Calls | The Guru Party’s Approach | Chasing Unicorns | Is Seeing Believing? | Or is Believing Seeing? | Steve Jobs | The Story Of Gorilla Glass | His Famous Reality Distortion Field | Donald Trump | The Process I Go Through When I Build Marketing Platforms | Mike Dillard | Starbucks Locations = Distribution Channels | The Howard Shultz Secret | The Eric Auger Dilemma | The Solution I Gave Him | How To Organize An Army | 200 Distribution Channels | The Best Marketing Strategy On Earth | How To Deploy It | Examples | My Unbelievable Pregnant Wife Story | Everyone Is Preaching Technology | Tech | Tech | Tech | But Technology Won’t Solve Your Biggest Problem | Vaynerchuk On Relationships | The Low-Information Agent | Why He’ll Always Be Treated As A Peasant | Porter Stansberry | $400,000/week vs. $400/week | The Difference | Free And Unlimited Traffic | The Power Of Endorsement | Saved By The Bell | Zack Morris | The Brick Phone vs. The  iPhone | The Easiest Way To Obtain Power & Respect | Niche Marketing By Occupation | Why I Don’t Recommend It Anymore | The Jeff Cubinski Email | Successful But Miserable & Burnt Out | Desire For A Better Life In Real Estate | The Blunt Advice I Gave Him | More Real Than Fiction | I’ll Believe It When I See It…


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And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like your comment or feedback to be aired on the podcast), head on over to AskFletcher.com – to record and send your message to Ryan!

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Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

Talk soon Keep Fighting!

Real Estate Agents Can Learn From Dominoes Pizza. [NAR Has Created This Mess.] Here’s The Solution.



FLETCHER: The entire structure of the real estate industry, it’s all money driven because it’s all based on how many agents can we get into the industry? And as long as that is the status quo, the industry will never change.

So you have NAR, they want as many agents as possible. I mean again, think about it from a government standpoint. Does the government ever want fewer taxpayers? Do they ever want somebody to pay less dues, less fees, less taxes? No!

And so you should never let this title of quote unquote membership organizations or association, blind you to the truth. And if you think that the brokerage is on your side and they are going to help you out, they are going to dig you out of this hole, think again!

So Keller Williams, I read an article not long ago, they have three key metrics that they look at; agent count, agent volume and total office profitability. That guy who is making cold calls eight hours a day, he is their dream child. Agent count, how can we get more people into this industry? Well, you keep the requirements low. Agent volume, how can we get even the least skilled person to become productive? You give them a phone, you give them a phone number and you give them a script because even the stupidest dumbest illiterate person can do that.

He may be can’t write, he can’t tell stories, he doesn’t understand positioning or philanthropy and mixing business and being authentic but dammit, here is your script, here is your phone, here is your phone number! And so more agents, more cold calls and total office action; if you do the first two, you can take care of the third.

And so we have this entire industry that has this quote unquote sales culture. I mean, you’ve seen the movie Boiler Room – that’s what the entire real estate industry is – call center as many agents as you can fit in there as possible all using enthusiasm through a phone line.

Uhg! Stop it! Stop it!

And so I am reading this and Sloper shared that article with me. And the first thing that comes to mind okay and this is maybe NAR, maybe the entire real estate industry should take a clue from dominoes. Yes, Domino’s pizza.

And so in 2009, their stock price… Well let me give you a quick background.

And a very similar idea or concept that was said by the president of NAR in that issue that Sloper just talked about, the president of dominoes came out and said, “There comes a time you’ve got to make a change.”

In 2008, the stock price was $3.03 – three dollars! Today’s stock price, $72.52. Gee, I don’t know. Seems like a pretty good turnaround. Here is what the guy said, “We suck, we know it. We are committed to fixing it.” And this is the message that they trumpeted for five years now and it’s worked! This is the exact same message that I talked about what I put together The Protector Video Series over a year ago – this idea of telling the truth, everything rooted in truth – “We suck, we know it, we’re going to do better.”

And so if you haven’t seen that video series, you can go to home of the protector.com okay but I can tell you NAR or no brokerage is going to come out and expose the truth about the real estate industry. “We suck, we know it,” they ain’t going to say that! And you’ve got to admit – Patrick Doyle, the president of dominoes, he’s got some cojones. It takes courage to do that, to face your harshest critics, to face the stereotype, to pledge to be different. Not the guru, not the establishment types, not NAR, not anybody is going to do that for you, you have to do it.

And this is why I urge you not to give up on your convictions because there is that perfect storm. I have talked about it in the last three episodes or really two episodes before last. There are going to be 500,000 new agents, 300,000 new agents in the next 12 to 36 months and the person who is going to win if everybody plays on a level playing field which is quote unquote phone, finger, number, script is the guy who I played the clip of in the beginning because you are not wired like him. Most people aren’t! But that doesn’t stop the guru party from pigeon you, hole you into that identity.

And it’s not easy to tell the truth, to speak the truth, to publish the truth, to write the truth. It’s why we must be confident. We must be vocal. We must be unshakable. Your convictions are not the problem, your want to be different is not the problem. Your desire to achieve something great and not be seen as a telemarketer, a car salesman a politician who lies and cheats and steals just to buy a vote, it’s not the problem.

The lack of truth in this industry is…




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And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like your comment or feedback to be aired on the podcast), head on over to AskFletcher.com – to record and send your message to Ryan!

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Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

Talk soon Speak up! 🙂 

The 3-Step Formula The Guru Party Uses To Manipulate Real Estate Agents



Porter Stansberry has a very great quote about this. He said if you are not familiar with Porter Stansberry, he has a brilliant mind, great entrepreneur, he runs $150 million company, it’s the largest division within Agora. And I mentioned Agora in the last episode.

He says, and he puts it this way “People don’t get what they vote for. They get what they deserve.” Now think about that. “People don’t get what they vote for, they get what they deserve.”

And so The Guru Party in your inbox over the next seven days, 14 days, 21 days, they are going to survey you and there is a three-step process. The survey, the reveal and then just how stupid they think you are.

Watch this. Perfect sales funnel; I would ask them what they want. I will tell them that I’m going to give it to them and then I will do the old bait and switch on the other end. How to become the authority in your marketplace is what you say you want. I’m going to tell you that you can have it and then here is a better script and dialogue; if you say it correctly, with enthusiasm, and you speak that into a phone line… But again, it appalls me how many people fall for this! And so you don’t get what you vote for, you get what you deserve!

SLOPER: And it’s easy… I mean people follow people in herds. If they listen to podcast, that Agents in Uprising podcast, and they literally now are convinced that they have to listen, be on the phone for eight hours a day and then they go and ask another agent in their office, “Well I listen to this podcast. He is the most successful guy in California. He is on the phone eight hours a day. This is what we have to do,” they convince the rest of the office that’s that what they have to do.

So now everybody is doing the same thing and we know what happens there – nobody successful. You get burn out immediately because after the first day you are like, “Holy crap, I can do this everyday.”    

FLETCHER: Well, this is what I have talked about repeatedly. And so this guy and again, this is nothing negative about the podcast Agent Uprising, is nothing negative about the host. Is nothing negative about the agent who is speaking; everybody has a different way of how they want to grow their business. And I have said it repeatedly – you can make money doing that. Okay but you can lose weight to buy eating lettuce. And pretty much anybody can convince themselves to do something for a week or two weeks. They can put up with the pain, they can put up with the punishment but this is not a long-term tactic. You can’t eat lettuce if you hate eating lettuce for four years – Three meals a day, every day never changing”

And so unless like a damn bunny, or you are wired like this guy to absolutely be stoked to get on the phone we are 99% of the people quote unquote don’t want to the value that you deliver, then you are never going to be successful regardless of how many sales words he puts in front of you or how much convincing or social proof or how many times it’s beat into your head.

And so I mean every time… I mean I have a hard time wrapping my mind around it. But when the guru party, the survey you. When Obama surveys the public and he does polling data, this is what they are doing. The low information agent, he doesn’t get it but they are setting up the game of manipulation. Okay of course now they report back to you with the results of the survey. Guess what? 97%of the people said that they need the only thing holding them back is not having it inside sales agent. And they go, “Yeah, that’s what I need! I didn’t think about that!” Ugh!

So if you follow people, listen to people who promise you things, don’t be pissed off when you don’t get what you expect. You get what you deserve. If you get duped, “Hey, this isn’t what I voted for. This is what I paid for, this isn’t what I wanted. But you said…”

Sorry folks, never do. You get what you deserve, not what people promise you.




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Talk soon Speak up! 🙂 

This Is What People Who Don’t Stand For Anything Do. [Why Do Real Estate Agents Fall For It?]


FLETCHER: Well, they don’t stand for anything.

SLOPER: Right.

FLETCHER: So you think about Obama. I mean how did he become president in the first place? Here is George W. Bush. Everybody hates George W. Bush. All the polling data shows that George W. Bush is not liked, he is not approved of, so he comes out and what’s his message? Hope and change. “Yes we can!”


FLETCHER: And so you listen to his Isis speech, it’s the exact same thing. It’s calculated, it’s all based on polling data – what did the American people say they wanted? How do they feel? What do they like? What do they dislike? And he panders to it.

I mean you stop and you think about this how insane it is. So you are sick, you don’t feel well. You go to your doctor and he goes, “Sir, what can I do for you today? How would you like to be treated?” “Huh?!”

“No, you’ve got to understand here at this Dr. office, we don’t operate like most offices. We listen to what you want and then we give it to you. Narcotics, pain pills what is it? So if you had a magic wand, because we don’t want to upset you, we don’t want to offend you, we don’t want to deliver the truth, we just want to make you happy. So what diagnosis will put a smile on your face? That’s what I would give you, that’s what I will do for you today.”     

SLOPER: Or, what is it that you don’t want? You don’t want medicine? Okay.

FLETCHER: And so it’s insane! This is exactly what Obama does! And this is exactly what the guru party does! And it’s how they get so many low information agents to give them so much money and to buy so many of their courses and their programs okay.

And it goes back to… Robert Cialdini wrote a great book called Influence. And it goes back to the principle of commitment and consistency. If you can get people to tell you what they want, they are more likely to buy it or stick to what they told you they are going to do because they don’t want to be seen as a flip-flopper. It’s a negative on their character if they are seen as wishy-washy so that’s why they do it. That’s when they want your vote, they want your money.

Think about Obama. Again, we can put this in the context of politics. So many people are able to see it when it’s happening somewhere else but they don’t see it when it is happening to them in their own business and they get the short end of the stick. And so here’s what Obama did, “You want free healthcare question mark you’ve got it! You want a cell phone? You’ve got it! Higher minimum wage? You’ve got it! Handouts? Done! Student loan forgiveness? You got it!”

I mean one of the first things he did and this is going back to your point, what the midterm election is going to be about, one of the first things he did in his reelection speech is demanded increase on minimum wage, federal minimum wage from 7.25 to 9 dollars. Why did he do it? You’ve got it! Because it’s hard to beat Santa Claus!

By promising to give people things, hop up on my lap young fellow, “tell Santa what you want.” Everybody loves Santa Claus..




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Talk soon Speak up! 🙂 

The Truth: Why The Guru Party Surveys You? [Hint: Obama Panders To People’s Most Childish Wants]



FLETCHER: Now speaking of authenticity, I’ve got a story here for you folks. And you may have noticed this. So if I go into my inbox right now, here’s what I’m going to find, probably at least two or three surveys over the last seven days from gurus, from coaches, from trainers who are asking me what I want. How can I help you? What is your biggest challenge? What is your biggest obstacles? What you need most in your business right now?

Have you ever wondered why they do this? So I have a story here that will give you some insight why The Guru Party does this. The headline reads and it’s about Obama.

And so if you are not currently following politics, again you should be. There is not a more sophisticated form of marketing than politics. I mean if you are serious, you should be studying politics. If you call yourself a marketer, if you call yourself an entrepreneur, if you’re calling yourself someone who is serious about crafting messages, you need to be studying politics because that’s what politics is about; controlling public opinion. Getting people to believe what they want you to believe. Now it has to be done with good intent. It’s not always done in the political arena but you can deploy this in your strategies, in your business.

 This is what we did with Outdoor Movie Night for Hunger – mixing business and philanthropy. We use many of the same tactics. But the guru party, Obama too often they do it to manipulate people. And so there is this big game. And so here is the headline, it comes from Fox News – “Obama’s big speeches changing public opinion and does it matter?”

And so I told you, if I go to my inbox right now, I’m going to find a bunch of surveys. Well here is the equivalent in the political world – polling data. So CBS news or the Wall Street Journal or Media Matters, they will put out some sort of a poll and they will get public opinion. And so a quick recap of 30 days, Isis comes about, Obama says, “No big deal, that’s the JV team. Small fries, nothing to worry about.”

Isis begins to get stronger. Obama goes on vacation still, “Nothing to worry about, I don’t need a strategy, this is not our business, we are staying out of it.” He’s on the golf course, Isis comes out, beheads two Americans. Obama comes off the golf course, gives a brief insincere speech because that’s what he supposed to do as president. Goes right back to the golf course and all of a sudden the polling data goes against him. And this is what the article is saying – Obama’s big speech.

Of course it is about Isis, you may have watched it – “Is he chasing public opinion and does it matter?” And so I’m going to read a couple of headlines to you about what was said about Obama leading up to that speech. Because don’t be fooled, this is not a guy who wanted to give that speech. This is not a guy who wanted to get involved. But because he doesn’t stand for anything, because he has always based his message on polling data, telling people what they want to hear he continues. He doesn’t change!

And so Obama hits new low for leadership with criticism on Isis and immigration alike. New York Times reports, “Obama falls behind Bush lows. GOP gains strength.” What’s America’s problem? One in five says it’s the government largely led by the Obama administration. And so it goes on to say, “What do you think is the most important problem facing this country?” The answers fell into the category most often titled; dissatisfaction with government, Congress, politicians, poor leadership, corruption, abuse of power. And so now you got a couple of Americans, they have been beheaded. Isis is saying, “I’m coming after you America. You are not safe on your home soil.” And now the rumors begin to come out.

So here is a new article “Homeland insecurity – Americans feel less safe than any time since 9/11 poll finds.” The NBC news Wall Street Journal found that 47% of Americans say that the country is less safe now than before the 2001 terrorist attacks on New York and Washington.

And so here is another article. This one comes from the New York Times as well. “News poll on politicians approval ratings. A New York Times poll shows that president Obama’s approval rating is similar to those of Pres. George W. Bush in 2006 when Democrats swept both houses of Congress in midterm elections.”

Now there it is. There is his reelection as to why he came out and began to get involved in the whole Isis crisis. It’s not for reasons of national security. It’s about winning the political game. And so here we are we are coming up on the midterms and unlike George W. Bush who lost both houses; the Congress and the Senate back in 2006 because he had no approval numbers, Obama is thinking, “What can I do to get my numbers up? What do the American people want? What are they saying that they want? Fine. I will come out, I will craft a speech and I will just tell them what they want.” That’s who this guy is.

And so here is a CBS news headline – “Is Obama tough enough in dealing with crisis?” In other words, is he a leader? Does he know what he is doing? Does he have a plan? And so here is the schoolyard bully, he is beheading all the students. Other parents are nervous, they are scared and the school principal Ah, no big deal, another round of golf.

Well, all this negative data start to pile up on him and so what’s his response? How does he get those poll ratings backup? He just tells people what they want to hear! Do you understand this is how he panders? Do you see this? This is a guy who doesn’t have his own convictions. He doesn’t stand for anything. People like him, The Guru Party, they do the exact same thing! “Why do you think they are surveying me? What’s the biggest challenge of my business? What’s the biggest obstacle? What are my most frustrated about?”

Well what are you laughing at?

SLOPER:  Yeah, because it is just so true. They are just looking for a way to take another dollar out of your pocket .




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  • Permalink Gallery

    016: Dreamers vs. Deceivers | Holy Pope! | The Most Pathetic Thing I Have Ever Witnessed | New Year | Same Old Guru Party | Three Important Lessons

016: Dreamers vs. Deceivers | Holy Pope! | The Most Pathetic Thing I Have Ever Witnessed | New Year | Same Old Guru Party | Three Important Lessons

Holy Pope! | Dreamers vs. Deceivers | The Most Pathetic Thing I’ve Ever Witnessed | Feeling Immortal | Thieves | New Year | Same Old Guru Party | Glenn Beck | The Men Who Built America | History of Events vs. People | Three Important Lessons | Christine Domina | Front Page News | Entrepreneurs vs. Salesperson | Relationships vs. Sales | Vision vs. Survival | The Secret of Uber | What You Can Learn From Someone You Hate | The 400lb Man |  Why A Listing Presentation Is Stupid | President Grover Cleveland | The Deception Driven By Truth | Joseph Pulitzer | The Unwavering Man of Honesty | E.J. Edwards | Reputation More Powerful Than Truth? | What Is The Trump Card? | Ryan Deiss Ripped Off By The Guru Party | You Won’t Believe This | Again: “The Most Pathetic Thing I’ve Ever Witnessed” | The Truth About Copycats | Thesaurus Synonyms | Fake | Phony | Imitation | Knock-off | Counterfeit | Clone | Unoriginal | Plagiarism | Infringement | The Low Information Agent Follows Suit | How Innovators Respond | Cheryl Gordon | It’s Not Hard To Spot A Knock Off | Free Family Skate Night | 500 In Attendance vs. 50 In Attendance | Why Copycats Are Terrible People | Samsung Will Never Be Apple | Bobs Will Never Be Toms | Karma Is A Bitch | Public Shame And Humiliation | You Have A Choice | Choose Wisely | My Final New Year’s Recommendation


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Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

Talk soon Keep Fighting!

The New Marketing Tactic That Is Being Exploited: Why It Doesn’t Work When You’re Inauthentic


FLETCHER: But it’s got to be authentic and so a lot of people always ask the question, “Why do you think there are more quote unquote social messages out there today in business that there were a decade ago?” And I don’t think there’s a lot more socially minded people. I just think more people have figured out that if you mix business and philanthropy and you quote unquote appear to be doing good, there is power in that. And so now they are jumping on the bandwagon and are trying to exploit this message. But I am the first to tell you, if you do it wrong you’re going to have your head handed to you.

And so KFC, they can’t come out and support the American Heart Foundation, it doesn’t make sense. You can’t claim to support a cause that fights the problem that you are solving – heart disease. Okay look at Daniel Snyder Redskins, all the controversy right now that’s going on with his team, the team name.

First off, let me be clear. I don’t think Daniel Snyder should change the name of his team just because a few hypersensitive are offended. There is a company out there called Cracker Barrel – maybe I am offended by that. I am not but that’s my point! Everybody is offended by something! Everybody is offended by everything!

So in a Town Hall article that I think I quoted back in episode three, “The most annoying thing about American culture, everyone is offended by everyone for everything.” And so if we see to everything and everyone who might be offended, our economy will collapse. Our nation would collapse. We would all sit inside, we couldn’t speak, we could debate, we couldn’t have an opinions – freedom of choice, diversity of cultures, different and thinking… This has always been what made America great – political correctness.

I was at a get motivated event at Portland over the Roscoe garden and one of the speakers said, “Political correctness, mark my words, will be the destruction of this great country.”

And so no. I don’t think Daniel Snyder should be forced to change the name of his team. As he states as he believes, the name is a form of honor. It’s a form of tradition. Nobody names their team I don’t believe, or for that matter their business, something that adds a negative meeting. You just don’t do it.

Your business, if you are the entrepreneur, next to your family, your kids, blood sweat, tears it’s your baby! You value it! So you are not going to sort it with a name that is disparaging with intention. Besides, he didn’t name the team. He didn’t design the logo. Some chief in Montana did back in the 70s and the name came about some 80 years ago. So no, I don’t think he should change the name. I think he is doing the right thing by standing up, by sticking to his convictions.

I mean if you are a PC Nazi fine but be politically correct somewhere else. If you disagree, fine. Be offended somewhere else. Certainly you have better things to worry about and don’t apply because you have thin skin or offended that everyone is offended. This is what drives me nuts! Besides, and you know this folks, it’s always some lawyer or some attorney that’s leading the charge. This is their chance to make a name for themselves. They know is going to get publicity; it is going to be in the papers, they are going to be quoted. So please, the hidden motives, you will, your self interest, don’t preach to me about being politically correct. They always make it seem like everyone is offended when they are not.

But here is the mistake that Daniel Snyder made. Okay, and this brings me back to my point about controvert or authenticity.

Once the controversy started, he began to increase his giving to the Native American cause. So he has got this business, he is already doing philanthropy but the controversy starts and now he’s going to up his philanthropy to try and quote unquote by goodwill with the public. It doesn’t work that way.

To be seen as authentic, you should have been doing that all along! But because he did it in response to, retroactively, not proactively, it gets judged as inauthentic because he did it. Now everyone says, “Well, he didn’t want to do that. He has to do that. He’s just doing that because of the image.” So his character becomes into question.

Now maybe it’s authentic, maybe it’s inauthentic, I don’t know. I don’t know Daniel Snyder. I am just telling you how it’s judged and the only thing worse than doing nothing is being perceived as someone who is inauthentic, as having an ulterior motive. Because now you are perceived as someone who manipulates, who exploits others. I don’t have to tell you that person; he ain’t trusted by anyone. So business, philanthropy, authenticity, I think that’s the key and this is what I don’t think I made clear in that interview I did with Andy. Business and philanthropy are great but what I probably should have said – authenticity plus philanthropy so that your motivations are right, your motives are correct and they are not hidden and they are not plus business – business being last because if you get the authenticity part wrong, you don’t help yourself. You kill yourself. Your character, your credibility, shit storm, that’s what happens.




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Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

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Mega Agent Admits He’s Rejected 99% of Time. Here’s My Reaction. It Might Be
The Same As Yours!


SLOPER: It makes my skin crawl just thinking about cold calling somebody without being able to provide some sort of value of front, to be able to call them about.

FLETCHER: Well, you heard them. You just have to deliver value. It’s not up to them to judge whether or not its value, it’s your choice. So 99% of the time they are not going to want it but that doesn’t mean you’re not delivering value, you’ve just got to keep at it.

Sloper: Right. Value is perceived by voice inflection? What is the value there?

FLETCHER: It’s all enthusiasm. The more aggressive you are. So maybe you’ve seen Two for the Money, you are no longer Brandon Ling, you are John Anthony. As we’ve got to become the center a different person to be successful in real estate even if it’s not someone you are naturally, even if it goes against the very core of your character, this is what you have to do to be successful. It’s beat into your head, you have to prospect, it’s your job, you don’t take no for an answer. Eight hours a day, four years, you can be one of the top real agents in California. Ugh!

Sloper:  Yeah. And you know what? There is plenty of successful people that do that and I think that I have always lived by the model that I want to do what’s going to make me happy, not necessarily what’s going to make me the most money all the time because I really don’t want to be on the phone eight hours a day. I don’t want to even be on the phone for longer than 10 minutes a day..




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Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

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Top 200 Real Estate Agent Reveals His Secret For Success – Wait For It…
Wait… For… It…

DEFEAT MEGA AGENTS? FREE Copies Available – Watch video


FLETCHER: And so over the weekend, I assumed you do the same thing, you listen to other podcasts outside of this one and so I found one that’s geared toward real estate, very similar to Entrepreneurial on Fire. The host and I don’t know, and I’m not making any judgments about him, not make any judgments about his guest. But here, he was interviewing one of the top agents in California and he is asking him questions, he’s trying to get to the bottom of his success, top 200 agents. And he asks him, “Let’s go back to the beginning. You said you don’t wait, the first thing you do is you start calling. So let’s talk about what that means. What does your day look like? You start at 8 AM or whatever time you start, what does your day look like?”

And the agent comes on and he says, “Great question.” Now I have to warn you, ladies and gentlemen, before I tell you about this one thing and what it is, because I assure you, you’re not going to like it. You know I’m going to play some soundbites but here it is. Play click number one.


Agent: When I was a brand-new agent, I phone prospected in my schedule at least eight hours a day. What else do we have to do as realtors?

[End Soundbite]

FLETCHER: “What else do we have to do as realtors other than prospect?” I told you you are not going to like it. Eight hours a day, 8 AM to 3 PM, every day for four years. Now he didn’t say that in the soundbite but I am reading the transcript.

Now the host here here’s this and he’s taken back. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, let me stop you right there. Because agents are going to hear this and they’re going to be terrified! I mean you’re making all these phone calls, tell us about some of the sales awards that you won. I mean you’re calling for sale by owners, you’re calling expired, you’re calling hounding family and friends, you are undoubtedly facing a lot of rejection prospecting eight hours a day, so tell us about some of the sales awards.” And what he is saying here is, “Convince them. Tell them something that lets them know that it’s worth it.” And so here is where he picks up. Grab soundbite number two.


Agent: That phone prospecting pretty much put me on the map. I was the top producer out in Carolina at the top 1%. So that’s top three, 30 realtors in the company and made the top list in California, the top real estate in California. So I love phone prospecting. It’s free. The key is you’ve just got to be consistently doing it every day at least a couple of hours a day.

[End Soundbite]

FLETCHER: Now here is where it gets fascinating. This is what it talk to agents. This is what is prevalent out there. This is what is beat into agents head and it is not funny but it is the reality. So here he is saying he became one of the top agents in California, all he did was phone prospect; you’ve just got to do it consistently. He did it for four years, eight hours a day and the host says, “So let me get this straight, you are one of the top agents in California because you pick up the phone?” The agent says “Yep. That’s correct, that’s the secret, that’s all you’ve got to do.” So play click three let’s listen to this.


Agent: That’s correct, yep. Pick up the phone and give the people some value, gave them something you are super excited about; have a lot of energy and a lot of enthusiasm. And then of course 99% of the time they are not going to pretty much want the value you are bringing to them but to the good news is, once they know you are excited about what you are doing, then you can ask them, “Hey, I need your help in the next 21 days. Who do you know who is going to buy or sell real estate that I need your help?!”

[End Soundbite]

FLETCHER: I told you! Don’t laugh! So you just heard what I heard. This is what’s being taught to agents. This is the consensus out there. 99% of the time they are not going to want the value that you are giving, you’ve just got to pick up the phone. And because they hear you are excited, because they hear that you need help because you’ve told them that you need help, they are going to be on board.

Folks, does any of this make any sense? And am just scratching the surface here. It gets better. The agent says, “It’s mostly about enthusiasm. It’s amazing what can happen when you deliver the enthusiasm through a phone line.” So the host says, “Well can you role-play with me a little bit? You’ve done this so many times. Certainly you must be a master. Could we hear a little bit about what you have to say?”Oh sure!”

And so he asks, “Well, what are you? Are you expired? Are you a fizz ball or are you just a past client?” And the host he says, “Let’s go with an expired. I am expired.” And he says “Perfect, I will give you a call, ring ring.” So play click number four.


Agent:                Ring, ring, ring. Hi, I am looking for John.

Interviewer:          Hey, this is John.

Agent:                Hey John, this is Albert here from California real estate. How are you?

Interviewer:          Doing well. How about you?

Agent:                Doing good. Your home came on the computer as an “expired” listing and I am calling to see when you are going to consider hiring the right agent for the job of selling your home.

[End Soundbite]

FLETCHERThe right agent! And so I’m going to stop it right there because you already know how the rest of this goes. It’s the same script you heard 1 million times; you’re going to ask questions, you’re going to act like you are interested. You’re going to act like you care, you’re going to act like you’re going to solve their problems and he said it – 99% of the times these people are not going to want the value that you deliver. They are going to hang up on you.

But this gets back to a central premise that I have and I can’t understand it for the life of me. Okay, I get it. You can make money doing this; eight hours a day prospecting. But is that how you want to live your life? Is that how you got into real estate? And so I don’t know if you’re familiar with this. Right now I think it is on CBS, there is a sitcom called The Strain.

And there is these little worms that get into your skin or they get into your eye-sockets and the one thing that kills them or they are allergic to is UV light. And so when somebody is infected, you can pull up their shirt, shine the UV light on them and all of these worms just crawl underneath their skin.

Folks, hearing that agent’s voice, “Hi, this is…” Makes my skin crawl! And I get it, you can make money that way but as a prostitute, you can make money too. As a drug dealer, you can make money too, that doesn’t mean that is who I am!

Now the Guru party, they are different. You wave a dollar in front of them, they will say anything you want them to say. They will do anything you want them to do. And they expect you to do the same; to not have morals or ethics or principles, just to do what you’ve got to do. If you’ve got to lie to a buyer or seller, if you’ve got to lie to an expired or a sale by owner, you might have a buyer for your home, then do it. It doesn’t matter if you don’t want to annoy people your entire life.




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And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like your comment or feedback to be aired on the podcast), head on over to AskFletcher.com – to record and send your message to Ryan!

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    015: Out With a BANG! | My Stupidity | History Tells Us It’s A Mistake | $50K Down The Rat Hole | How Coaching Calls Really Work | WTF? | Plus, Books I Couldn’t Live Without!

015: Out With a BANG! | My Stupidity | History Tells Us It’s A Mistake | $50K Down The Rat Hole | How Coaching Calls Really Work | WTF? | Plus, Books I Couldn’t Live Without!

My Stupidity | Out with a BANG! | History Tells Us It’s A Mistake | $50K Down The Rat Hole | “This Time Is Going To Be Different” | Inman News: How Coaching Calls Really Work | $500 to $1,000/Month | WTF? | The Truth About People Who Need Accountability | Why Accountability Is Not A Long Term Solution | The Guru Party | How They Coach Agents To Misery | The Low Information Agent | Hate Mail | Fan Mail | The Lesson Learned From The Episode #13 | Sloper’s Top 5 Books of 2015 | Book #5 | Book #4 | Book #3 | Book #2 | Book #1 | Gene Simmons | Pepsi vs. KISS | Brand vs. Personality | Corporate vs. Human | My Son Has A Business | He’s 5 | Instilling The Entrepreneurial Mindset | Failure vs. Predictable Failure | How To Know When To Pivot | My Top 3 Categories For The Books I Read | Immersion Into My Mind | Category #1 | Category #2 | Category #3 | This Is How I’m Able To Deconstruct  Information | Books I Couldn’t Live Without | Books That Give Insight Into The Agenda Of The Guru Party | Coaching Programs Rely In Agents Feeling Broken | “You Need To Be Fixed” | Lessons From Ayn Rand | Joel Osteen | Saul Alinsky – Obama’s Mentor | The 18-Page Document | 49 Tactics To Discredit Any Argument | The Best Marketing Book Ever | A Religious Text | Story Structure | Why Serialized Content Is The Best Kind of Content | Tis The Season To Be Sold | New Year Resolutions | The Guru Party Wants “Mini-Mes” | That’s Not What You Want | The Solution For 2015.


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And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like your comment or feedback to be aired on the podcast), head on over to AskFletcher.com – to record and send your message to Ryan!

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Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

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    014: Widespread Depression | Holiday Parties | Chris Rock | The Guru Party | Death By 1,000 Cuts | Business Plan vs. Content Strategy | Plus, The Coal Burning Train Analogy…

014: Widespread Depression | Holiday Parties | Chris Rock | The Guru Party | Death By 1,000 Cuts | Business Plan vs. Content Strategy | Plus, The Coal Burning Train Analogy…

Holiday Parties | Widespread Depression | The Low Information Agent Never  Dies | Chris Rock | Why He Stopped Performing For College Students | The Fairness Doctrine | Has Freedom Of Speech Been Destroyed? | More Hypocrisy | The Guru Party | Cutting-Edge Innovation | Proof That It’s All Lies | The Story About 17th Century Gypsies | Depression Covers The Real Estate Landscape | Holiday Parties | “Are You Still Doing Real Estate?” | Uncomfortable Truth: Career? or Sales Profession? | Death By 1,000 Cuts | Immense Pain |  The Guru Party Latches On | “How’s Business?” | Please! Talk To Me About Anything Except Real Estate | The Story of Teresa Gordon | How You Know You’re Failing | The One Question You Never Want To Be Asked | John Duncan | Agent Removes All Clients From 33 Touch Program | The Guru Party Thinks He’s Stupid | The Truth of Opportunity Cost | Billionaire Mark Cuban | Formula To Create Content | The Ability To See What Others Can’t See | Warren Buffett | Charlie Munger | How To Become An Idea Machine | Misdirection: The Guru Party Never Dies Either | Business Plan vs. Content Strategy | How Agents Make Themselves Irrelevant | My Formula For Documenting Ideas | Ryan Holiday | Trust Me I’m Lying | Greatness = The Ability To Pivot | The Low Information Agent | Yet Another Business Plan | The Coal Burning Train Analogy | The Only Solution To A Superior 2015 | The Guarantee | And Why I Put On The Life of My Kids: Jackson & Little Zoey…


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And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like your comment or feedback to be aired on the podcast), head on over to AskFletcher.com – to record and send your message to Ryan!

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Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

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    013: The Education Hoax | Agents Exploited | Adam Carolla | 3 Destructive Cons | 4 Pillars Of Mind Control | Obama = The Guru Party

013: The Education Hoax | Agents Exploited | Adam Carolla | 3 Destructive Cons | 4 Pillars Of Mind Control | Obama = The Guru Party

Agents Exploited | The Great Education Hoax | Adam Carolla | Credential Inflation | The Accepted Belief | Controllists Preach Education | They Know Its True Power | Obama = The Guru Party | Proof That What I Teach Works | Nobody Understands Why We Do It | Victims Don’t Blame Themselves | Glenn Beck | Research Shows | Steven Hassan | Combating Cult Mind Control | The 4 Pillars Of Mind Control | Why Hitler Took Control Of The Press | Every Child Must Go To College | Con #1 | Con #2 | Con #3 | Student Loan Debt Is Good Debt | Education Is An Investment In Yourself | People Will Hate Me For Saying This | The Career Path | The Guru Party Thinks You’re Stupid | The Low Information Agent Blames Me | They Also Blame You | Work Ethic: Internal vs. External | College President = CEO Of Company | Education Is Big Business | Brad Inman | Keller Williams New Approach To Recruiting | Reaping The Rewards Of The Programmed Mind | The World’s Most Addictive Drug | It’s Not Heroine Or Meth | The Low Information Agent Thinks He’s A  Freethinker | NAR Joins The Party Of Exploitation | Why The Career Path Is Destructive | Their Mission Is To Make You Feel Worthless | Education = Someone Else’s Approval Of You | Education Is Not Learning | “Why Am I Failing?” | The Low Information Agent Can’t Figure It Out | The Advice Of Steve Jobs | Everyone Is Trying To Plug You Into A Formula | The Status Quo Has Been Designed To Maintain The Status Quo | Your Vision | Why I Hope You Never Give Up On It…


Remember to subscribe on iTunes, just search “Agent Marketing Syndicate” or “Ryan Fletcher” in your podcast app, which can be downloaded from the app store, then click subscribe. This gives you a live feed to all future episodes, as they are released and before they are posted here. 



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And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like your comment or feedback to be aired on the podcast), head on over to AskFletcher.com – to record and send your message to Ryan!

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Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

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    012: Why Millennials Suck | The Porter Stansberry Alternative | The Unethicals Multiply | Technology Myth, Debunked | The Truth Is Not Welcome

012: Why Millennials Suck | The Porter Stansberry Alternative | The Unethicals Multiply | Technology Myth, Debunked | The Truth Is Not Welcome

The Porter Stansberry Alternative | Why The Millennials Suck | Podcast Gains Momentum | The Guru Party Incompetence | The Unethicals Multiply | NAR’s Brilliant Solution | Typical Low Information Agent | Cease & Desist | Silencing Tactics | The Truth Is Not Welcome | The Millennials, The Terrible | Technology Myth, Debunked | Vine | Tumblr | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest | Limited Value Relationships | Litmus Test: Pros vs. Amateurs | Growth vs. Sales | The [Painful] Negative Feedback Loop | The Mouse Trap Conundrum | Mike Dillard | Process For Securing High Value Relationships | OPM: Other People’s Money | OPC: Other People’s Customers | OPR: Other People’s Resources | True Definition of A Platform | Why Targeting Other Entrepreneurs Is Key | The Multiplier Effect | Plus Reasons # 2, #4, # 5 | Cooperation As The Solution | Superior Business Model | The Great Education Hoax…


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And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like your comment or feedback to be aired on the podcast), head on over to AskFletcher.com – to record and send your message to Ryan!

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The Backstory To Outdoor Movie Night For Hunger – And The Power of “Business + Philanthropy” To Escape The Real Estate Stereotype!

To see the exact ad that Cheryl used. See pg. 61 in Defeat Mega Agents. It was 11×17. Small print. Heavy copy on both sides. David Ogilvy, Dan Kennedy would be proud. It also made her a “darling” to the media.

RAW TRANSCRIPT: So I had this one agent, her name was Cheryl Gordon. And I got involved with her and I said, “Why do you want to do this?” And she said, “I don’t want my name basically to be associated or my life for my legacy to be associated with how many leads I got or how many transactions on a whiteboard.” I go, “What do you want to be known for?” She goes, “I want to be known as somebody will give back to the community, who makes impact, who shows my kids what’s possible.” I said, “Okay, great, we can do that.”

And so after a couple of diagnostic calls, and she joined a program, it’s a 12 month program, she was doing a movie night. She would do it outdoors, she would shut down her street and she would set up one of those big outdoor inflatable screens. And she would invite family and friends and it was just plastered with Keller Williams.

I go, “How much is Keller Williams paying you for all of this advertising?”Well, nothing.” I go, “You realize how negative association works right? You can’t hang out with thugs and criminals and expect to not be judged like thugs and criminals.” So if you don’t want to be perceived as a real estate agent, you can’t have everything identified as a real estate agent. And besides that, if he is not pay you for it, you might as well brand yourself.

And further, business and philanthropy mix just fine. One of the most powerful reputation that you can create for yourself is the reputation of being a philanthropist – people want to cooperate with philanthropy. And I say, “Probably fast becoming, the five most powerful words in marketing – ‘It’s for a good cause’.”

So if you think about the ALS campaign, it went from $2 million last year as ALS fundraising to over 90 million and essentially, now they had other psychological tactics in this for creating a movement but – “It’s for a good cause,” that was the main thing. People go to charity events and they spend 10 times as much for a basketball when they could go to Walmart and buy it for 10 times cheaper because it’s for a good cause.

And so here is a real estate agent. She attaches a cause to her outdoor movie night so it becomes Outdoor Movie Night for Hunger. She goes from 2 to 400 people at her event, after she had done it for three years, to year doing 2000 people at her event. She has over 40 community partners and sponsors including Costco, Starbucks, Sun Life financial, Lowe’s, a number of different local celebrities come, all of the radio stations, she’s on TV, she’s in the newspaper on the front pages. All of a sudden now, she is viewed entirely different. And it really just happened because she told the right story.




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And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like your comment or feedback to be aired on the podcast), head on over to AskFletcher.com – to record and send your message to Ryan!

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I Discovered My Purpose. I Wrote It Out. And It Changed Everything.



ANDY: Dude, this is awesome! Dude what else! I just want you to… What else about building an evangelist following, like what’s it take? What makes people stand out that we don’t see?

FLETCHER: Yeah I mean I think… I have struggled with this for probably the better part of four years. Is trying to figure out like what it is that drives me. Because you don’t just come to… You don’t just sit down and come up with 10 truths, one truth, 12 truths, 35 truths. It really comes from a deeper place. And so for me, I started aged marketing syndicate back in 2010, I started writing or publishing a newsletter. But they didn’t have any type of belief system, it was just, “Here are some marketing strategies, go do what you will with them.”

And of course, people came in, there is no overarching philosophy or strategy, it was just, “Here is some headlines, here is some sales letters, here is some ads, go do what you will.” I quickly realized nobody got any response from that. A few people would stick, a few people would write me and say, “Good article, good strategy, thanks.”

So there I go, “Well, they are not getting enough information. They are just getting these newsletters piece by piece. I need to create a course.” And so I created my Agent Control method program and I sold $1 million worth of that and had people that created some really good relationships because it is, it is an entirely different course and it’s got great information in it. The problem was is I didn’t found it fulfilling. The course would go out and that was like the end of the relationship; you never got to see the end result of all that hard work that you put into it and you didn’t get to grow with these people as they grew. And so I stop selling that like maybe I don’t know, 18 months ago.

And it’s not about the money for me, it’s always been about like trying to find like what they actually find fulfilling. If I just care about the money, I would have left Agora. That one sales letter paid me well over $100,000 in just royalties, that one sales letter.

So one of the things that I write about or in my book, it’s called Defeat Mega Agents, so it’s not quite out yet, it’s about to be released. I think finding that purpose. And, I think, a lot of people believe that they aren’t meant to have a purpose. I think I talked about this with you before. Because I think people see the guy up on the pedestal and they go, “When I get there, then I will be able to have a purpose” or, “When I get there then I will start thinking about like what my bigger aspect in life is.”

I have cousins like this; we grew up in a construction family so they don’t, literally, think they can do anything else. And I admit, when you start to ask like why was I put on this earth, it’s a daunting question. But I think if you can figure that out, like what really drives you… So I wrote this down.

“I believe as a parent, as a friend, as a mentor, as a marketing consultant, as whatever quote unquote title you wish to give me or others assigned me, I believe my purpose is to inspire, to lift up and encourage others to dream, to think bigger and not just big but huge, do not be afraid to imagine the impossible, to keep hope alive and not be fearful of the unknown. To not be cowardly in times when encourage as needed, to step up when others won’t.

“I believe my purpose is to uncork, on bottle, to unlock the potential block inside themselves. I believe my purpose is to help expand their vision, to see what is actually possible and not just what society tells us as possible. I believe my purpose is to help others create their own destiny and to fulfill their own unique mission.”

And so when you go back to those 35 Undeniable Truths, they come from that perspective. The first thing we have to get them to understand is… they have to position themselves as if Someone. And that’s the only way that I can fulfill my mission in life, is if they grasp that. Because when they do, they will be respected, they will be appreciated.

Now the pathway to do that is you become a great storyteller; that’s what fascinates people, that’s what influences people, that’s what connects and resonates with people. But also similarly, before they embrace the idea of becoming Someone, they have to realize all of the forces that are dragging them down. You can’t say you want to be a Someone but then do everything that the Guru party teaches and expect a dramatic change.



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And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like your comment or feedback to be aired on the podcast), head on over to AskFletcher.com – to record and send your message to Ryan!

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Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

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More Undeniable Truths About Real Estate – #2 and #3 of 35


ANDY: Could you read me more of your truths?

FLETCHER: Yeah. And so this is something that I put together for real estate. And so truth number two is The Guru Party made up of the trainers, brokers and the supply of coaches, and what they teach, are the architects responsible for bankrupting the real estate industry of trust.

ANDY: Yeah!

FLETCHER: So you think about this, what is the number one thing taught to real estate agents? Whether it be the broker, whether it be sales trainers, whether it be the gurus that they hired to join coaching programs, every one of them is taught that they have to cold call, they have the cold prospect. And then, they have to generate a lead and then hunt them down like dogs.

Well think about what society hates. They hate salespeople, they hate telemarketers and they hate high-priced pressure selling. And so they are the architects that have been responsible for bankrupting the industry of trust, and everything they teach. And so I crafted an entire argument.

Here is truth number three – rejection is a social cue. Why can’t you not figure that out? If everybody is rejecting you, it’s not that difficult to understand that you shouldn’t be doing whatever it is that is getting rejected. Alternate path, stop doing that. Take a hint! Society is telling you they want you to change. And so these continue.

ANDY:  Dude, I don’t know if you are listening right now and you just like, “Oh my God, that’s exactly how I’m feeling.” I’m like listening to you and I have to like start writing every morning. This is like… That’s like my conclusion. – END –



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“Huh. Good Point. I Like The Way This Guy Thinks!” – If People Say That About You. You Win.


ANDY: This is so unique guys, if you are listening to this like… Imagine the amount of hours that Ryan has spent deconstructing sales letters and imagine applying that to something so cool, such as like comparing Glenn Beck to Barack Obama, and seeing the common patterns among them, it is a unique perspective.

FLETCHER: Yeah, I mean so the other day I was listening to a Tim Ferris podcast, and he had asked Peter Thiel a series of questions. And it was fascinating to me because, when you listen to Peter Thiel answer a question, he wasn’t answering a question, he was giving you his argument, which is entirely different. Like you could tell, that this guy, wasn’t just answering a question, he had thought about this. And he put forth an argument, and by the time you got to the bottom of his question, you go, “Huh. Good point, I like the way this guy thinks.”

ANDY: What’s the difference?

FLETCHER: So think about it this way. The way I envisioned this, and the way I imagine what he did, and what I try to do on a daily basis is, if you are going to construct a religion, for you, your customers, your clients. That give you a foundation for all your decision-making, you have to come to some reasonable conclusion, as to why you think the way you do. And so most people, they take a question and the answer it at face value.

I think what Peter Thiel did is, now these questions weren’t live. And so he didn’t have that spontaneity that you might get if it were live. Instead, it was a very thought out answer, and you could think of it this way; he made an opinion, and this has happened over time, so his book just came out Zero to One.

He made an opinion. Now most people deem be opinionated, like your an ass. Like the guy who has a lot of opinions, he’s just a an ass. But it’s not the opinion that’s negative, it’s the ignorance of the person with the opinion. And so, I think what Peter Thiel does, and people like him, they state an opinion like an hypothesis and then they second-guess that opinion. And then the question that opinion. And then they try to disprove and discredit that opinion. And then, ultimately, they come to an argument that they believe with such conviction, it becomes their worldview.

And so I think that’s the major difference. And so Simon Sinek who is the author of, what is it… “Start with why?” Is that correct? So if you go to TED.com, you can watch his presentation, it is one of the most views, millions and millions of views. But he truly gives you the most powerful marketing message on earth in my mind – people by what you believe.

The question is, what do you believe? That’s the hard part for people to come up to. What makes you you? People go, “Oh, I am a good dad, I’m a good father.” It’s all too general, too generic. And so what I have done is, what I am doing now is, I will put together a document, I don’t know if you can see this but it’s called 35 undeniable truths.

And so truth number one – in business, there is a distinct singular form of influence – being perceived as a someone, the authority, those who possess it have power. And so they started off an opinion. It didn’t start off nearly that concise or eloquently said. It started off like, “Hey, I think having authority is like the ultimate thing in business that would give you power.”

And now you start to deconstruct it and you start to question it and you start to second-guess it, you start to try to disprove it and you start to try to discredit. And every time that you are not able to and every time that you are able to present this argument to somebody and they can’t refute it, it gives you more and more conviction to say, “This is my worldview.” And so what happens now, and you do this 35 times over for whatever your core product or service is, and now those people who hear your argument, their final conclusion is, “Huh, Good point, I like the way this guy thinks.”

And as soon as you get that reaction, you are no longer selling a product or service, you have an ideological connection. And all the facts and the figures and the rationale go out the window.

ANDY: Because at some level, they are seeing their selves in you right?

FLETCHER: Exactly. You’ve just taken what they have wanted to say, all of their life and communicated it to them and they go, “Yeah, what he said!” Right.

— END —



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Copywriting: “Should I Study Dan Kennedy or Adolf Hitler?”


ANDY: So if somebody is listening to this like, “Huh, you went from eight grand in a year to 180 grand that year two letter. Like I want to get into copy.” We should they start?

FLETCHER: It’s always a hard answer for me. Because I think it depends on… You can call it an obsession level, but I think a better thing is, if you call yourself a copywriter, what do you want to be able to get out of it? And, at what level do you want to be able to compete?

And so at the real estate level, you don’t got to be a very good copywriter to out-compete everybody else, because nobody else even knows what copywriting is. I mean if you are running an ice cream shop, again, you don’t need to be that sophisticated in your copywriting. You could just put together a great offer, and you can get the impulse buy. Most people don’t even have an offer of any kind shape or form.

And so, I really think you have to, first, identify what it is that you want to get out of being a copywriter. Some people say, “I don’t ever want to do it,” like I feel this way about Facebook advertising and other menial tasks. It’s just like, “I don’t want to do it. I want to hire that done.” And so what is my highest and best use? And so in that case, if somebody is really wanting to do the copy then they should learned enough to be knowledgeable to be able to recognize whether somebody else if they hire that person is proficient at Lee’s, “Are they getting my message across?”

Now my take on this has changed over a period of time. When I first got into writing copy I believed heavily in studying Dan Kennedy, and the Gary Halbert’s, and the John Carlton’s, and all the people you would typically call copywriters, if you want to put quotes around it.

Over time though, I have realized there is a major difference between selling something to a customer and creating an evangelist. And so I have shifted, and I have shifted from writing copy to sell things, to writing, or telling influential stories, to create a religion, and it sounds weird, but if you think about Rush Limbaugh. Or Glenn Beck These are people who have religions within their audience.

If you think about Dan Kennedy to a certain extent, and you get past the sales copy, into his newsletter copy, you can deconstruct that. And I think it’s more powerful. And so I became obsessed really, and I keep going back to this “obsessed” word, because I don’t know if you can see behind me but you can see like…

ANDY: Oh yeah.

FLETCHER: And I’ve got another 20 feet and 12 sheet of shoe shelf in my house. But I really find it fascinating like how did Hitler, with what we know about what he did and how heinous what he did, how did he get all these people to follow him?

See, that’s a fascinating question to me because all of your moral judgment says, “This guy should be avoided.”

ANDY:    Yeah.

FLETCHER: And yet he got almost this massive millions and millions of people to carry out his vision. How did he do it? And so I would read Mein Kampf and I will begin to deconstruct it. Or how did Mussolini or how did Stalin or how did Barack Obama for example, go from being an inexperienced senator to now a two time re-elected president? And it all came down to their marketing. And so, I really just think, when it comes to copywriting, you’ve got to figure out and identify what you want out of it and from the most basic level, you study those people who will give you some shortcuts.

But I think the most powerful line that I’ve ever read in terms of learning copy was a phrase that Dan Kennedy wrote in a sales letter which was, “All of my secrets are in plain sight except invisible to the untrained eye.” And so most people, they think about learning copywriting and they go, “Gosh, I’m going to be a good copywriter when I can afford that $2000 course.” “I’m going to be a great copywriter when I can afford that $200 course.” “I’m going to be a great copywriter when I can buy the next course.”

The reality is all of the greatest copywriting techniques that they are using, they are using on you. So if you just open your eyes and pay attention, and really understand the psychological principles, so that’s where Cialdini comes in, that’s where understanding Hitler is doing, if you read the book, “True believer,” it will deconstruct Hitler and people who have created movements. Because people who create a charitable movement, or Obama or Hitler, the tactics and strategies are far more similar than they are different, they are just used for different purposes.

— END —



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I Almost Got Fired: From Real Estate Agent To One Of The Best Copywriters In The World



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    011: Villain-Killer | Marcus Lemonis | Spiderweb Philosophy | Plus, The Stupid Advice Of The Guru Party (yes, it just keeps coming.)

011: Villain-Killer | Marcus Lemonis | Spiderweb Philosophy | Plus, The Stupid Advice Of The Guru Party (yes, it just keeps coming.)

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    010: Start a Podcast? | Swear? In Marketing | The Hypocrisy Of The Guru Party | The Bigger Truth | Perception Is A Tricky Thing

010: Start a Podcast? | Swear? In Marketing | The Hypocrisy Of The Guru Party | The Bigger Truth | Perception Is A Tricky Thing


Swear? In Marketing | The Hypocrisy of The Guru Party | Red Bull | Hillary Clinton | Monica Lewinsky | Pandering As Influence | Why The Low-Information Agent Loves It | Class Warfare | Smart vs. Stupid | This Isn’t About Politics | Perception Is A Tricky Thing | The Bigger Truth | The Deception of Authority | The Guru Party Screws Over More Agents | Misled? Have You Been One Of Them | Here’s How To Test | Mothers Introduced Me To Their Daughters | That’s When It Hit Me | Everything The Guru Party Teaches Undermines True Authority | They Think Consumers Are Stupid | They Think You’re Stupid | Who Falls For This? | Adam Carolla | Other Negative Reputation Industries | A Case Study To Learn From | Media Platforms | Radio vs. Podcasts | Should You Start A Podcast? | “But I’m Not An Expert” | Advice From Gordon Ramsay | Steps To Get Started | Bunny Believers | The Surest Path to Failure | Show Feedback | More Love For The Podcast…


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    009: Letter From Mom | Gary Vaynerchuk | The Defintion of Crap Content | The 4C Formula | 9 Listings In A Week

009: Letter From Mom | Gary Vaynerchuk | The Defintion of Crap Content | The 4C Formula | 9 Listings In A Week

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“How Do You Become a Great Copywriter?” (And The Wrong Way) – Which You Want To Avoid…


SLOPER: Would probably want to spend more of their time focusing and learning what they do on a daily basis versus whatever the other person in the real estate business is doing, right?

FLETCHER: Why do I get to ask the question all time is how do you become a great copywriter? I am interested in direct response, I want a write copy better, I want to be able to put words on paper to sell, so that I don’t have to go out there pound the payments, so I don’t have to pick up the phone get rejected and so I’m always ask, “How do you become a great copy writer?”

In most people they start by getting a Dan Kennedy book or they start by getting a Gary Halbert book or they start by getting a John Carlton course—something and then they have one item and they studied everything in that course and they now apply what they learned from this one item and now they considered themselves a copywriter when in reality you haven’t even taken the first step.

To become a great copywriter you have to study many great copywriters. You got to study the Dan Kennedy’s, the Robert Colliers, the [unclear 0:25:16] make pieces, the Eugene Schwartzs and from each one of these people. I don’t just mean reading their books. I mean actually dissecting their sales letters, dissecting their ads, dissecting their philosophy about selling.

When you do this you begin to steal bits and pieces and you begin to make them your own and it’s through taking a piece here and a piece here that you create your own world view, your own conviction about how copy should be written. I have a very unique and different style than just about everybody on earth, but if you look at my early work I very much resembled or was a carbon copy cloned of a Dan Kennedy because that’s the first person I studied, and so I do.

I think when you get into real estate, people have this tendency to look what everybody else is doing and they don’t get outside the box and study a Peter Thiel, instead they jump on a webinar and say, “What can I learn today that’s going to lead to immediate business?” Then of course they get to the end of the webinar and say “Sales pitch”. What did you expect? What did you expect?

Now they’re going to teach you something that’s going to grow your business, you’re going to become a millionaire, you’re going to sell 200 homes, you pay the $10,000 coaching fee and here is what they tell you, “Make sure to make your cold calls. I’m here to hold you accountable.” And you’re saying, “I don’t want to make f*****g cold calls.”



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Donald Trump. Warren Buffett. Peter Thiel. The Importance Of a Worldview & How To Construct It!


FLETCHER: Again going back to the context, Silicon Valley is the real estate marketplace. Everybody is acting, saying and believing the exact same things. How do you break free of that status quo? In further how do you arrive where you have the confidence to break free and then have the conviction to follow through on your beliefs.
And so I wondered as I was listening to these guy talk the entire interview what if I forced myself to have an opinion about everything because if you don’t have an opinion then you’re not even thinking, so having the opinion as the first step in getting to this higher level of thinking and see that’s what’s wrong with the society, because being opinionated by most people, they think it’s a negative thing, but it’s not the opinion, it’s the ignorance of the person with the opinion.

He’s not second guessing his opinion. He’s not challenging his opinion. That his opinion, that’s belief and he’s ain’t changing it. That’s why that guy is an ass. It’s not based on any rational thought. See what Peter Thiel is talking about is, and this is why imagine he does and this is what I try to do on a daily basis is you force yourself to have an opinion, then you second guess that opinion, then you question that opinion, then you try to disproved that opinion, then you try to discredit that to opinion.

By doing this eventually you come to an argument that you believe in with such conviction then it forms of world view. When I talk about business religion and the importance of having a business religion, this is what I’m talking about—having a strict number of tenants that you believe in with such conviction that it guides all of your decision making.

Warren Buffett, he has a business religion, now it might be called an investing religion in his case about how he invests in the stock market. Donald Trump, he has a religion of what he believes that guides his decision about self promotion. Peter Thiel has a religion, a course set of tenants that guide his decision making and this is what gave him the confidence, the conviction to invest in five to seven companies rather than this big “spray-n-pray.”

One thing that I would advice is have an opinion, because it’s the first step in higher thinking. If you can present and articulate an idea, in a way through this process that either A can’t be reputed or B is hard to repute. You fall into the same situation that I found myself in as I was listening to Peter Thiel, which is “Holy shit, these guys got a good point. I like the way this guy thinks.”

See when you have that connection—you’re entirely different than all the competitors. You’re not just out there selling a product, you’re not just out there selling a service –they like the way you think and that’s really what Peter Thiel is investing in. He’s investing in the founder; he’s not investing in the company. He’s investing in the vision that that founder has.

If you don’t ever have an opinion, if you don’t force yourself to have an opinion and then if you don’t force yourself to question it, to try to discredit it, to try to disprove it, you could never form an argument. If you don’t have an argument then you’re not going to have any conviction, you’re not going to have a worldview. And so, I thought that was huge take away and listening to Peter Thiel. Because I’m now sharing Peter Thiel, his name. I am evangelizing his message.

He’s got the book coming out, you should go buy it. I think it just releases last week.

SLOPER: Yes. It’s is called Zero to One.

FLETCHER: Zero to One.

SLOPER: He’s a brilliant guy.

FLETCHER: Literally to everybody on the podcast, the audience I’m preaching him, I like this guy, I like the way he thinks. Imagine if that’s what people said about you, your real estate business, in your marketplace. The brilliance of your mind, the brilliance of your arguments. “I like this guy, I like the way he thinks.”



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And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like your comment or feedback to be aired on the podcast), head on over to AskFletcher.com – to record and send your message to Ryan!

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Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

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The Dangers Of a Lottery Ticket Mindset: Convention vs. Truth – How This Leads To Painful Setbacks!


SLOPER: Those are the guys that they want to be [unclear 0:15:47] in girls, that they want to be associated with. It’s no coincidence.

FLETCHER: Will it be politically correct there.

SLOPER: I try my best.

FLETCHER: The question is why do more agents… we got the Low Information Agent, we know who they are, these are the people who get into the real estate, they want the hopes and dreams, so Till has a good point about this. He was asked the question why do so many investors spray and pray instead on focusing on just five to seven companies in each fund like you do at founder’s fund.

Do you have any rules you follow or tips for those who want to invest in early stage ventures more intelligently? He answers the question, “I think people would say that spray and pray because some kind of portfolio theory, some kind diversification theory.” If that’s true, that might work. I don’t actually believe that’s true.

I think the real reason people spray and pray in their investing is because there lacking any conviction. And perhaps they’re too lazy to really spend the time to try to figure out what companies are ultimately going to work. Now the same thing could be said about your marketing strategies, about positioning strategies.

In here we have agents, founders of their own company, just like Peter Thiel, they’re going to invest in something why do more not take the time to figure out which strategies are ultimately going to work, and so Peter he jumps back in, “I think it’s terrible to treat, founders of companies as lottery tickets.” And you think about how agents, a lot of them treat their business, he goes on to say, “I also think it’s really bad as an investor, I also think it’s really bad as a business owner.” Once you say there is small probability of a pay big pay off, small number times big number, normally equals a smaller number.

“Once you’re thinking in terms of lottery tickets, you’ve already psyched yourself into writing checks without thinking, and therefore, losing money. I think the anti-lottery ticket approach… is to try to be concentrated, because that forces you to have high levels of conviction.” Now, I’m hearing him say this. This is a guy, how he articulates his idea, you can tell he’s on an entirely different level of thinking. And you ask yourself, he’s a billionaire, “How did he get to this different level?” and so he was asked another question.

As I was listening to this there’s insight. You studied philosophy as an undergraduate what this philosophy have to do with business and how has philosophy helped in your investing and in your career today? Here is where he picks up, “I’m not sure how much the formal study of philosophy matters but I think the fundamental philosophical question is one that is important for all of us. It always is this question of, ‘What do people agree with merely by convention and what is the truth? This is always the fundamental distinction inside.”

There is consensus of things that people believe to be true, and maybe that those conventions are right, and maybe they’re not. And we never want to let convention be a shortcut to truth. We always need to ask, “Is this true?”



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    008: Fear Mongering | Why Nobody Trusts The Guru Party | Everything You Need To Know About Fear As a Tool For Influence

008: Fear Mongering | Why Nobody Trusts The Guru Party | Everything You Need To Know About Fear As a Tool For Influence

Fear As a Motivator | Why Nobody Trusts The Guru Party | How This Applies To a Real Estate Business | Danger of Not Having Your Own Thoughts | Why Every Marketer Should Study Politics | Lyndon Johnson | The Scare Tactic of All Scare Tactics | Ratings & Storylines | How Fear Makes People More Susceptible | The Zillow-Trulia Hoax | The Guru Party’s Terrible Attempt to Capitalize | Fear In Action | Case Studies | The Greatest (Fear) Sales Letter Of The Past Decade | My Internal Struggles With Using Fear | Why I’ve Never Written Another Fear-Package Even Though The One I Wrote Sold Millions | Fight or Flight Response | Why John Kerry Is a Dumbshit | Rush Limbaugh | The Low-Information Agent | Have You Been Fooled Too? | 48 Laws of Power | Every Charlatan Needs A Gullible Claude | The Moral High Ground? | Why The Guru Party Loves To Kick Agents When They’re Down | What It Reveals About Their Character | Warren Buffett Is Right | Who Are You Going To Trust? | Fear As a Strategy | The Most Effective Motivator To Drive Sales | Benjamin Hart | But Should It Be Used?  — Everything You Need To Know About Fear As a Tool For Influence…


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    007: Called Out | Ryan Debates The Guru Party | The Secret of Fox News | Impact On Your Client Newsletter | $10,000/Hour Work

007: Called Out | Ryan Debates The Guru Party | The Secret of Fox News | Impact On Your Client Newsletter | $10,000/Hour Work

Ryan Debates The Guru Party | Guaranteed Sale Program | Legitimate or Bait and Switch? | Urban Dictionary | My Humiliating Experience | The Lesson From Hallmark | “You Think I’m Stupid?” | The Influx of Part-Time Unethicals | Trulia and Zillow vs. Rupert Murdoch | Go Deeper | Roger Ailes | FOX News vs. CNN and MSNBC | Ratings: 3-Million Viewers vs. 500,000 | Why Is FOX News 600% Better? | How This Applies To Your Client Newsletter? | Steps to Take | Becoming Indispensable | Ways To Destroy Competitors That Use The Guaranteed Sale Program | Peter Thiel Mindset | Ruthless | More Games of Manipulation | The Guru Party | 59 Ways To Position Yourself – HA! | The Abraham Success Plan | The Truth About “Be Strategic” | The Long Path To Success | The Only Question You Need To Answer | $10,000/Hour Work…


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Talk soon Your Thoughts. Guaranteed Sale Program – Legitimate or Bait-n-Switch?

Silicon Valley = Real Estate. Would Peter Thiel [Venture Capitalist] Invest In Your Business? Here’s How to Tell…


FLETCHER: In the real estate space, everybody looks the same, everybody sounds the same. The second thing is it just sounds ridiculous when everybody is reading from the same script. I want to play a clip for you, as a demonstration of this point.

A few listen to President Obama’s speech on Isis this past week. Before he was even done with his speech and some right after he was done, the media went wild. They began to release their commentary and let’s just see if I get this sound bite in here. You’re going to hear everybody sounds the same, they’re saying the same phrase. Let me see if we can play a sound bite here, I never done this before, let’s see if it works.

[“President has been described as a very reluctant warrior…It was a remarkable moment for a reluctant warrior…This reluctant war time president…Our reluctant war president…This is the president, although a very warrior…A war weary American, our reluctant president…Is reluctant warrior…A reluctant warrior than one who’s seeking combat…A very reluctant warrior…Come across his reluctant warrior…Reluctant as he’s reluctant warrior…His reluctance that he’s doing this reluctantly…And [unclear 0:11:00] question of his reluctance…A reluctant leader is reluctant to go work…He’s a very reluctant warrior…He’s deeply reluctant…He’s gotten turned tonight from being that reluctant warrior to being an actual warrior against Isis…”

Now, that’s the news media but you can hear when everybody says the same thing just how ridiculous it sounds. If I were in that business, I would want to say something unique, I would want to say something different, I would want to come up with a description that nobody else had. Now you might be curious like I am about these. Is it a coincidence that all of these news commentators, all of these journalists came up with the exact same phrase “reluctant warrior”?

I mean you heard it. They all said the exact same phrase “reluctant warrior”. He is a reluctant president going to war. Most real estate agents, they say the same thing. I want to be different, I don’t want to be like everybody else and yet they allow themselves to be manipulated, to be just like everyone else. The Guru party, they’re the little puppeteer. They got the strings and they’re pulling them and they’re telling the world what to put in their mouth and they’re conditioning them what to say and they’re literally dictating how they’re suppose to act.

This is why I say you should study politics because there are of parallels here.

The question becomes is where did all this journalists get that phrase? I wrote an article for Direct Marketing Insider which is a paid publication distributed by one of Dan Kennedys companies. It goes out to about 800 top direct response marketers, copy writers and thought leaders. Let me see if I can find it here.

In the one phrase that you find that they use a lot in politics is propaganda. This comes from a book written by Edward Bernays. It was propaganda first published in 1928. He writes and this is where you’re going to find a little bit different in the binocular, “Those who understand the mental processes in social patterns of the masses, it is they who pull the wires which control the public mind who harness old social forces and contrive new ways to bind and guide the world.”

What he’s saying here is you can get people to do exactly what you want them to do like puppets. Democratic think tanks, Republican think tanks, they have the “fought leader”, they figure out the talking point, how best the word is going to portray Obama. They then passed it down to the media and the media spused it out.

Now if you ask most of these journalists, they’re going to tell you, “Oh, I think for myself, I’m a free thinker. I am independent. I have my own opinions.” and this montage proves otherwise, and it’s ridiculous, you heard it. Twenty different people all saying the same thing.

Now Peter Thiel founders of different companies, they come to him and they want him to invest his millions of dollars into their idea. Any chance when they all show up and say the same thing he says, “Absolutely, let me write the check.”

So why does this same thing happen in real estate?

You have The Guru Party out there, the coaches, the brokers, the trainers, they’re all giving you the exact same scripts and dialogues, so I have a stack of them right here. I have a stack of them. I have Keller Williams, you can go online, you can search he’s out.

I have, I’m not going to mention the guru’s names, I don’t want any kind of deep information, I’ll only mention a few of the big franchises, so Prudential, I got Century 21. If you flip through this, they’re all identical. They’re all telling you, to call to see if the seller’s home is on the market, to see if he’s still thinking about selling it, to tell them they have a buyer…

Why would Peter Thiel, would a client, invest in your company if you were to sound exactly alike? The sad part is, not enough agents see what they’re doing and how they’re sabotaging themselves.



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Why You Never Want To Be Part of a Popular Trend. Popular Trends Destroy Differentiation. The Solution?


FLETCHER: Now you got remember Peter Thiel is venture capitalist, so this is the guy who is parting with his money, investing in ideas and founders of companies. He goes on to state, “I don’t like talking in terms of tech trends because I think once you have a trend you have many people doing it and once you have many people doing it, doing something, you have lots of competition and little differentiation”

This position is congruent with his ideology about capitalistic versus competition. Capitalistic about accumulation of wealth, if you’re a company that competes then all of those profits are going to be dispersed. He goes on to say “You generally never want to be part of a popular trend. You do not want to be the fourth online pet food company in the late night 90s. You do not want to be the 11th thin panel solar company in the last decade. You don’t want to be the nth company in any particular trend.” I think trends are often things to be avoided. What I prefer over trends is a sense of mission, a sense of purpose that what you’re working on a unique problem that people are not solving elsewhere.

If you think of your business as a tech start-up, if you’re a real estate agent and you’re going to Peter Thiel and you’re asking for him to invest in your company or your service, what he’s saying is, ‘You better not be the fourth real estate agent showing up saying the same thing.’ You better not be the 12th real estate agents showing up the same thing. You better not be the nth real estate agent showing up saying the same thing. Because you are not going to get his investment in capital and likewise this is why so many agents struggle I believe to secure clientele.

Now there are two points to these that go back to his main premise. Once you have many people doing it, doing something, you have lots of competition and little differentiation.



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And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like your comment or feedback to be aired on the podcast), head on over to AskFletcher.com – to record and send your message to Ryan!

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Monopoly Mindset: Spurs Innovation & Those Who Have It – Enjoy Pricing Power!


FLETCHER: You know Ryan, it’s interesting because I listen to that same podcast, I also listen to another podcast with Peter Thiel and James Altucher, he dove a little bit deeper, and with Altucher made one of the comments that I taught was very profound. He talked about those people and or businesses that are unique, have monopoly like pricing power.

Just think about it in the real estate space. We have basically 99 percent of the people that are the same. Those that stand out or unique, have unique approaches or able to differentiate are able to price however they want. People have great ideas he says, but they’re typically side track or convinced by the conventional system not to do those things, because you’re look down upon by being creative and innovative versus Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, those guys—that’s what made them thrive.

Was that they were okay with being different. They could care less what everybody said. As far as monopoly goes, Peter Thiel says “The monopolies are some of the greatest things ever because it actually spurs future innovation.” If you want to really get a leg up on your competitors. You have to basically innovate 10 times ahead of where the current companies are and or real estate agents or anything else that we’re talking about here. I think that’s pretty profound. Those that are unique have monopoly like pricing power.



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And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like your comment or feedback to be aired on the podcast), head on over to AskFletcher.com – to record and send your message to Ryan!

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Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

Talk soon Speak up! 🙂 

Bill Gates. Jeff Bezos. Peter Thiel. How They View Competition: Cooperate or Destroy Them?

RAW TRANSCRIPT: (Speaking about Peter Thiel, PayPal/Venture capitalist)

FLETCHER: It was the second part of his answer that was interesting. It gave an insight into how this guy thinks. So he goes on to say, “A second answer that comes to me on the business side that I think is quite contrary and worst, most people believe that capitalism and competition are synonyms, I think they’re antonyms. A capitalist is someone who is in business of accumulating capital. In a world of perfect competition, all the capital is competed away.”

For example, he talks about the restaurant industry in San Francisco and he’s saying that this is an incredibly competitive but not a very capitalistic environment, because nobody ever makes any money at it, whereas Google and a very capitalistic company which has made enormous profits for the last dozen years but has no real competition, ever since it’s definitively distant itself from Yahoo and Microsoft around 2002.

What are you saying here is that he hates competition. He likes capitalism but he hates competition. He doesn’t want to invest in a company that has competition because there are too many players all competing for the same piece of the pie, and I started thinking about Steve Jobs. This is a guy who hates competition, iPod, iPad, iPhone, all products that were first of their kind.

If you think about Bill Gates hates competition. So you remember this, year 2001, Supreme Court versus Microsoft Court for having created a monopoly. Now here was the interesting thing, every time the judge said “monopoly”, Bill Gates he got this little sparkle in his eyes like “F*** you. I did that.”

He took this great pride and just cutting the knees off of his competitors, building the biggest company to eliminate all competition. If you think about Wal-Mart, they’re the exact same way. They move in to a new town and everybody fears them, because of course they eliminate the competition. Jeff Bezoz, same thing, he’s destroying virtually every competitor within the retail space, both publishers gone.

The one thing that I took away from Peter Thiel in this answer is that either A, enter into a category where you are the individual loan product in that category and or B, have a strategy, do bankrupt and or cut your competitors off their knees so that you can acquire them to eliminate competition. This is fascinating to me.

Now the bigger question becomes, ‘Is how many real estate agents approach their business with the same ideology?’ How many agents are out there saying “Ah, I’m just going to do a little bit better than George. I’m going out to compete him for that listing.” Not…. how can I cut him off at the knees and totally discredit and disprove him like a Bill Gates might, like a Jeff Bezos might. Not how can I win hands down, but “Huh, how can I be just a little bit better?”



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Bold Prediction: ReMax Went Public For a Reason. Perfect Storm Drives 300-500K New Agents Into Real Estate In Next 12-24 Months! Ie. Get Ready!


FLETCHER: The last thing I want to talk about today and this comes back to what I intro-d was this idea of Remax gaining incredible traction in terms of agent recruiting. It’s not so much that they are doing anything different from a recruiting standpoint. It really has to do with what I call or what I described as the perfect storm. I have a headline here, “I already mentioned the first one, “Remax Brings Battalion of New Recruits into Real Estate.”

Here is the second headline. Here is what is driving this, why it’s so negative on you right now and will be in the future and why I encourage you to get to a higher ground as fast as you possibly can. The headline reads, and this is from the Bureau of Labor Statistics record, “92,269,000 people are currently not in the labor force, participation rate matches 36 year low.”

If you listened to the news media, they’re saying, “The recession is over. The stock market is at all-time high, interest rates are still low, people are coming out, buyers are selling, sellers are selling. The economy is good.” And yet, the unemployment rate is dropping. Why? Most people cannot find a job so they just say, “Ugh, screw it” and drop out. They’re not even looking for a job anymore. So in the labor participation, in the labor force, you got 92 million people out there. 

The bigger question becomes is why did Remax go public last October-November?

They didn’t do it because they want to ride the wave. They did it because of two things. One, they knew that Obamacare is going to convert more full-time workers to part-time workers. You have 92 million people that are in the work force, they cannot find a job so they just quit, but more importantly, those people that are finding jobs are finding part time jobs, not full time jobs. You are seeing a drop in income levels. So not only are they working part time, they have more free time. What industry do you thing that they are going to get into to make more money?

What industry have they always gotten into part time to make more money? What industry can you get into with this little 60-90 hours of studying for less than $1,000? What industry can you work part time and make $5,000, $10,000, $3,000, or $15,000 depending on your market and what your price points are in a single transaction? How many hours do you have to work at a minimum wage job? Or even a $15 an hour to make the kind of money with the margins in real estate as a $5,000 or a $10,000 commission? This is what Remax saw.

In the New York Times they said, “Oh, we just want to ride the wave. The housing market is hot.” No. They are the best analysts in the world. You know what they are telling their Wall Street investors. You know they’re telling share holders, “Listen. Obama Care is going to convert everybody to part time workers because business owners now they have to pay for insurance, and if they are a full time employee, then they also have to pay and it is more expensive.” And the business owner says, “I cannot do it! I can’t. I don’t have the margins. I don’t have the numbers.” So what happens? You no longer work full time. You work part time. 

More and more of these people are being converted from full time to part time.

The worst part about all of this, and it’s been delayed a little bit, because of the mandate, Obama goes, “Oh God, this 2016 elections are coming up, I do not want to hurt the Democrats chance, so I am going to hold off.” All the employer mandates, many of them have been held off until this coming year after the ’16 elections. 

When that happens though, it’s going to be ugly and ReMax is the one who’s going to capitalize, very happy share holders. More agents mean more desk fees, which means more profits, but more agents means more competition, so all of the ‘for sale by owners, all of the [expired 0:28:23], they’re all going to be using the same scripts, they’re all going to be using the same dialogues. Get ready. A bunch of Glen Garry, Glenn Ross is out there and the person who, shall we say it, is the most Wolf of Wall Street will win. And if you are not, well you’re going to be hated just like the rest of them.

SLOPER: As if we needed more part time real estate agents in the market, right? So not only will they be coming to the real estate market, they’ll continue working their other job because they have to. They’re not going to treat being a real estate agent as anything other than another part time job. It’s not a business. They do not consider themselves entrepreneurs. They are already set up to fail. They just don’t know it yet. They are going to pay all their fees to NAR and to their local State and County Associations, they’ll pay MLS dues, they’ll pay money for websites, they’ll buy .realtor domain, we’ll do all these things. 

I was reading the book Choose Yourself by James Altucher. He says that the new norm where we’re heading is at 40 percent unemployment. He makes the point that society as a whole, most people are very bad at their jobs. There is a slim amount of people in the work force that actually do a great job.

For the most part, people are too busy playing on Twitter, Facebook, watching YouTube videos, going in to Starbucks, sitting around just gazing at stars, doing whatever they are doing, but they are sitting in their seats behind the office not really working.
So he actually made the point that we are moving towards the age where robots and computers are taking over human’s jobs because they are more efficient. That is going to become more of the norm. He made the point that he thought that one of the greatest ideas he has is to move down employment to 40-50 percent.

Basically incentivize companies to replace all humans with robots and basically the excess profits that you have there from firing all those people, only gets tax at half the rate and you basically would give subsidies back to basically support these people for two to three years, they can figure out how to be an entrepreneur, because that’s the only way they’re going to make it, right? If you’re not able to change your way of thinking and your mentality, it’s going to be very difficult to survive the next 10 or 20 years.

FLETCHER: Mark my words, in the next 24-36 months with Obama Care, with the conversion of full time workers to part time workers, with income dropping, people needing more income, you’re going to see a flood 300-500 thousand new agents into the market, fish bows expires, record level calls from agents, all prospecting, all saying the same thing, all promising to have a buyer and it’s going to get ugly.

Going back to James Altucher, everybody should be listening to his podcasts. He does have one called The James Altucher Show. The one thing he talks about and he sits on the board of a billion dollar staffing companies, so he sees the economic numbers because of their affiliation before even they report it to the public. This is the company that’s gone from $100 million of revenues if I remember correctly to over $1 billion in revenues.

People are outsourcing their employees, they’re no longer having full time employees, they’re doing part time, by hire, by hourly, by contract, it’s going to put a lot of people in the situation where they’re going to be looking for money, the housing market is good, their friends are making money, where do you think they’re going to end up?

Anyhow, get to a higher ground folks… Improve your skills. Your positioning. Stop selling. Become a storyteller and have a Message that inspires and moves people.



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  • Permalink Gallery

    006: Painful Success | The Guru Party’s Poster Child | Games of Manipulation | Flipping The Model | Agent Uprising | The Only Message You’ll Ever Need

006: Painful Success | The Guru Party’s Poster Child | Games of Manipulation | Flipping The Model | Agent Uprising | The Only Message You’ll Ever Need

The Guru Party’s Message to Agents | Painful Success | Games of Manipulation | The Definition of Value – Except 99% of The Time | The Thing That Makes My Skin Crawl | $40 Million Agent Weighs In | Flipping The Model Upside Down | Outdoor Movie Night For Hunger | 2,000 People In Attendance | Engineering Publicity | The Formula |Why The Guru Party Surveys You | The Fascinating Connection To Politics | Why It’s a Red Flag For Poor Leadership | The Burden of The Authority | Robert Cialidini: Influence | The Power of Santa Claus | Don’t Believe Me? | 3-Step Process | Test For It Yourself | Update on The Low Information Agent | NAR’s Latest Failure & Sales Pitch | A Proven Model | Why You Should Study Dominoes | The Only Message You’ll Ever Need | Instant Differentiation | Details Revealed | But It Takes Courage


You didn’t hear this? “Yeah, you do this one thing, success in real estate, no problem!”

Hey everyone, Ryan Fletcher greetings, fighting The Guru Party for agents who just refuse to just be “real estate agents.”

Welcome back. Agent Marketing Syndicate podcast. And so over the weekend, I assumed you do the same thing, you listen to other podcasts outside of this one. And so I found one that’s geared toward real estate, very similar to Entrepreneurial on Fire. The host and, I don’t know… and I’m not making any judgments about him, not make any judgments about his guest. But here, he was interviewing one of the top agents in California and he is asking him questions, he’s trying to get to the bottom of his success, top 200 agents. And he asks him…


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And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like your comment or feedback to be aired on the podcast), head on over to AskFletcher.com – to record and send your message to Ryan!

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Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

Talk soon Speak up! 🙂 

URGENT: Boycott NAR’s “.realtor” Domain. Negative Labels Destroy Trust.


FLETCHER: I don’t know if you saw this, so here’s another article by Inman and this is of course on the cutting edge of internet technology. This is what you can come to expect of NAR.  “Starting October 23rd, more than one million realtors will be able to sign up for web addresses with the new .realtor domain.”

Now, this is what they consider at the cutting edge of internet technology, a new domain name.  You can get a .com.  You can get a .info. You can get a dot net, but this is revolutionary –.realtor. The first 500 of NAR’s one million plus members who register for a .realtor domain will receive a free domain for one year.

The question becomes if they care so much about you, if they are so compassionate to want to see you succeed, why is it that you can go to Go Daddy and buy a domain name for 9.95 or 14.95 depending on what level and plan and how many years you buy it for.  
NAR, they’re going to give it to you for free for the first year, that way you can connect it to all your websites, you can put it on to all your business cards and then the second year, they’re going to charge you $40 a year. It doesn’t make any sense. They care so much about you.  They’re out there working for you. They’re on the cutting edge of internet technology and they’re going to charge you four times as much for a domain name.

Now, here’s the worse part about all of this and this is what’s instructive. If you walk out on to the street right now and you stop ten people and you ask them a question to play word association, you say real estate agent and you ask them the first word that pops into their head, I guarantee it’s not good. Pushy, greedy, bossy, overpaid, undertrained, unethical, immoral, “I got cheated”, “I got screwed”, horror story—that’s what’s going to be the consensus.

You can look at the Gallup poll, you can look at the Harris poll, you can look at Reader’s Digest poll and other consumer polls that look at trust and ethics within professions, that’s what you’re going to get.

Now, not only is NAR going to charge you four times as much for your .realtor domain, but they are going to label you. Is this the label that you want—real estate agent .unethical? That’s what essentially they are selling you, .insurancesalesman, .carsalesman, .politician.

Why would you ever want to associate yourself with the negative label in that regard? But…



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And lastly, if you have any questions (or would like your comment or feedback to be aired on the podcast), head on over to AskFletcher.com – to record and send your message to Ryan!

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Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

Talk soon Speak up! 🙂 

Unethical Agents Don’t Deserved To Be Publicly Shamed. Or Do They?


FLETCHER: But this is true. I mean you have different people right now in suits for defamation and that’s the problem with America.  It’s that we have more lawyers in America than the rest of the world combined, and as a result we become a more litigious society than everything. 

And so people, you’re right, they don’t want to hurt anybody’s feelings because if they hurt somebody’s feelings that might make them angry, that might lead them to a lawsuit. Now they got more controversy that they have to clear up. If I go back to that 15 Most Annoying Things About American Culture, what do you think number three is on the list?

SLOPER: No clue.

FLETCHER: Not wanting to hurt little dear self-esteem. You see this in how we raise our kids. They do away with an F in school because F means failure and that might hurt little Timmy’s feelings if he got an F. We don’t look at from that standpoint. Maybe Timmy doesn’t like to fail. Maybe that, kick his hand in the face will motivate Timmy to get his ass and gear to study to get better grades so that next time he doesn’t see that F and he isn’t disappointed.

But no, if we hurt little Timmy’s self-esteem, if we don’t give him a trophy along with all the other teams that lost what kind of example we’ll be setting? This is what you’re seeing in the real estate industry, is that – they are not publishing names because a public shaming would just be too harsh. Tell that to the family. Tell that to the client who lost $10,000, $20,000, $30,000 to the real estate agent who cut every corner, lied to him, made misleading promises, bait and switch advertising.

SLOPER: What are the chances of somebody actually got public shamed have actually repeating that same offense? Like, you’re more likely to learn from being publicly shamed. I mean, how many top of millionaires and billionaires have been publicly shamed and actually came out the other side okay.  It’s not the end of the world necessarily but for some reason we’ve been conditioned to think that if you’re publicly shamed once that that’s the end of your life.

FLETCHER: Well, think about the difference.  So you got Donald Sterling and we’ll look at the NBA and we look at Pop Culture. You got Donald Sterling who made a racist comment, didn’t say anything. He got caught making the racist comment and fire stormed. He was forced to sell his team. His entire reputation has been destroyed and everybody is bagging on him.

If you were Donald Sterling fan, which I get the impression not a lot of people were, but because he hit it and got caught, it’s ten times worse. Now you got the Atlanta Hawks owner coming out freely admitting owning up too that he sent an email concerned about the revenue and the fan base and why they weren’t getting seasoned ticket holders, mostly because they had a black population and these were tend to be lower income individuals than white people.

Now, he came out, he exposed that email. He outdid himself and people like, “Congratulations!  You did the right thing.” The blowback on him isn’t going to be nearly as bad. If you do something that’s unethical, if you do something that’s immoral, if you just own up to it, people will give you a second chance.  You learned from it.  But no, we should hide it. Public shaming is just too torturous.



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Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

Talk soon Speak up! 🙂 

What The Ferguson Shooting Teaches Us About Dealing With Unethical Real Estate Agents


FLETCHER: Here is the one thing that I will tell you that I am offended about is how we are so lenient on unethical real estate agents? This ties in to an article that I cut over the night, “Lesson learned, city of Ferguson to be more lenient on crime.” I’m not kidding. The whole Michael Brown shooting, cop, officer, racism—this is the lesson that city of Ferguson learned to be more lenient on crime. City of Missouri wants to show the nation that it’s learned its lesson from the tragic Michael Brown shooting. The city solution, be more lenient on crime.

Basically what this says, if the cop haven’t gotten there so fast, Michael Brown would have went to the convenient store, he would have got that box of Swiss or sweets, he would have just disappear, he would have got away, the cop wouldn’t have the altercation. There wouldn’t have been the shootout and Michael Brown would still be alive. We wouldn’t have to go through all of this media frenzy. We wouldn’t have go through the loathing, all of these could have been prevented if cops were just less lenient, less responsive to crime.

City officials say, “To improve the trust within the community and increase transparency, Ferguson city leaders proposing a sweeping change to their criminal justice system that will be more lenient in response to crimes and lessen the financial impact on how low income areas. What about the business owners in this case?

Here we are, again we’re trying to appease to the unethicals, to the criminals, to the people who have no morals. What about the business owner, what about the law abiding citizen? He pays his taxes, why should he be negatively punished just because they don’t want to “put up with the controversy”.

SLOPER: Ryan, how quick, if they take, how quick is that town going to go, I mean just downhill out of control? I mean, it’s going to turn into a ghost town. I mean, no business is going to be there, real estate prices are probably already dropped 15 percent overnight, just on the announcement of this. I mean nobody is going to move there, businesses aren’t going to be opened. I mean, you’re basically setting up a crime’s spree all over the town and it’s considered acceptable because they feel like being compelled to do something.

FLETCHER: You’re too hard on these people. We need to be more compassionate. They have a side to this story. We need to understand it. They don’t have any money, we can’t be more strict, we can’t punish them, we can’t find them. It will only make the problem worst. It’s just funny to me how this works. Now, the sad part is, it’s the same thing happens in real estate.
Reported by Inman the other day, not on [unclear 0:09:07], they were the original author of this article, but they all know is Association of Realtors will soon be second State association to publish violations of the realtor code of ethics in a members only section of the website, but offenders will remain unnamed. What do you mean unnamed? It’s part of the campaign to boost professionalism in the real estate industry.

This is the last month, California Association of Realtors began publishing the names and photos of members found who violated the code and part of its website available to members, but not the general public, 160,000 member. Trade Group said it hoped to educate member and shine the light on why people misbehave in this industry. They all know is just an association board approved to measure to publish violations of the realtor code of ethics and standard and practice, but will not include the identifying name, information as California did.

Now, here is what is really being said. We’re going to publish the incidents in which people violate the code of ethics but we’re not going to publish their name. We’re not going to make them available to the public and we’re going to put them on a secure “members only” website, which nobody ever visits and that can’t ever remember the password.

How many passwords do you have already? How many times and when was the last time you visited your local association website? Unless you say that you do on chance go to that website, you get there and it’s asking for your username and password. It goes back to, how much time do you have in a day? Are you going to sit there and say, “Forgot username, forgot password; wait for the emails to come, go back, validate it to go in, to see people who are nameless and faceless?” No!

Why can’t we put more emphasis on protecting the public as an industry, a post to more emphasis on protecting the self-esteem of the unethicals, the immoral agents? This is no different than Ferguson. Here is what the spokesperson for the Illinois Association of Realtor says, “It is hoped that an ongoing program of education and awareness will all to believe more effective than a public shaming.” Ohh, these people—we don’t want to shame these people publicly, what will happen? The emphasis on education rather than public shaming is also the reason why the trade group has chosen not to publish the violations publicly.

My question is how is the public supposed to protect itself if it doesn’t know who these people are? If they can’t go to some sort of database and say, “Oh, is John Smith on this registry?” just like they do on registered sex offenders…then how are they supposed to protect themselves?  And so the take by the Illinois Association of Realtors, just like that of Ferguson is, “Hey, we have to be more lenient.” We need to understand their side of the story. Maybe they have bills.  Maybe they need that commission check. A few corners rounded here, a few white lies. It’s no big deal.



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Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

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