On the Podcast, we talk a lot about Silicon Valley-thinking. The kind of thinking that yields Great ideas, not C-level ideas.

And for the past 12-months, if you’ve followed along – Episode 17, 31, 43, 44 – we’ve documented the results of the question we had, including our hypothesis, in an experiment called “The 12-Months to $100K Project.”

The premise of the Experiment

“Could we add $100K to Sloper’s business just by handing out books?”

(Relationships = Distribution channels).

This book, of course, was ghostwritten by me. Everything I learned as Chief Marketing Officer at Agora was implemented into the content structure of this book. The stories told, all strategic from the standpoint of influence. Etc.

In the end, through Month 10 – we still need to do the Month 11-12 update – Sloper had added $14.01 million in production to his business. Just by handing out books. Or roughly, if you want it in gross commissions terms: $420,195 GCI.

Not bad. Mission accomplished.

Now though comes Phase 2 of the Experiment. (Leverage.)

Can we scale?

In accord to Silicon Valley, we’ve proven we have Product/Market fit. The approach has achieved phenomenal results for clients too. So the question is: Can we scale this Experiment – Phase 2 – to see hockey-stick type growth?…

That is where you come in – Sloper and I could use your insight

Will you help us?

And rest assured, unlike The Guru Party, this is not some bullshit trick to sell you something.  

There is no up-sell. There is no down-sell. 

There is no “Thank you” offer – for helping us out. 

On the next Podcast though, we will be talking about how to scale a service-business.

Hint: you don’t do it as the TGP teaches.

Going back to Ep. 26, that falls under the category of Stupid-Thinking, for many reasons that we’ll discuss on the next Podcast. 

(Stay tuned.)  

Thank you again for your help – should you decide to explore Part 2 (I’m excited to share).

Talk soon,

Ryan Fletcher
Author, Defeat Mega-Agents
Editor-in-Chief, Broken Industry (print magazine)
Founder and CEO, Agent Marketing Syndicate.com
Creator, Protector/Social Superhero Program – by application only. Wait list. 12-Month minimum commitment.

PS: Make sure to subscribe to the Podcast too. It’s free, of course! If you’re already a fan of the show and loyal listener, please, let me hear from you. Head over to iTunes, leave us a review. Then send me an email with your review, attached. Every 5th review is placed into a drawing to win a FREE Agent Marketing Syndicate® T-Shirt.