FLETCHER: But I want to get back to this idea about fear mongering – why nobody trusts the media, why nobody trusts the guru party because if you are a marketer, you need to understand how fear works. But more important, by those who empower or claim to empower, you need to understand how they manipulate using fear.
And so if you go back to the media, if you didn’t follow along and all you looked at is the evening news, if all you looked at where the programs, you would think that the Ebola was spreading like wildfire across the United States okay. You think that 3000 people had contracted this, the news media is calling it an epidemic, you’re getting a new person on the news every night that saying, “We have no p why nobody trusts the media roof that this can transmit via airborne, through breathing in the lungs, but we can’t rule it out. Looked There were some early studies in the 1996’s, there’s actually been no proof but we could have airborne.”
Okay, you are seeing more people coming and say the protocols are right, the protocols are wrong. Now you’ve got enterovirus it’s coming across the border down in Arizona. A lot of people are saying it’s because of illegal immigration but I have a number of headlines here. And so the headlines are all meant to scare people because of fear drives rating. This is why people you trust the news though is because they are not reporting the facts, they are not reporting the truth. The only thing they are really reporting is whatever can drive ratings and fear sells okay.
And so here are a couple of the headlines Bright Bar was fear of enterovirus D 68 growing as kids become paralyzed, die from illness.” “CDC develops faster new tests for enterovirus.” D 68 – “Polio like illness claims 5th life in the US.” Slate –, “A public health crisis hits the border, detain children must be screened more vigorously for communicable disease,” says Dr. Siegel.”
Washington Post – “Americans want flight restrictions for Ebola countries and is not even close,” this is what he is saying, “This is not even close to the damage of what’s happening in the Arizona area with the enterovirus.”
Okay so the news media comes out and they want you to be fearful. They don’t want to report the facts, they don’t want to report the truth, they don’t want you to know that it’s really a very isolated incidence, they need a storyline…
- Defeat Mega Agents – Ryan’s new book (FREE copy, just pay shipping)
_ - Broken Industry_– This is why agents are rejected. [Thank The Guru Party]
_ - Protector Video Series_– The ’12-month Experiment’…Most Important Word in R.E.
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Talk soon… Speak up! 🙂