How Members Present Themselves as Authors, Founders, CEO’s, Creators, Innovators, Philanthropists, and of course, Protectors – To Establish Authority!
Disclaimer: I cringe when I look back at the production quality of these videos. These are some of the first videos I ever shot, I’m extremely self-conscious watching them. But as a student myself, who studies other marketers, I love to compare the early work of one marketer to their later work. It is a lesson in and of itself. It also let’s you know they’re human, as it demonstrates how they have grown. Not just in their skills and abilities, or in this case, comfort-level of being on camera, but in their thought-process too. For these reasons, I resisted re-shooting this video series. They are raw and rough. Cheaply produced and on a shoestring budget. But the message contained in each video has proven to be powerful beyond anything I ever imagined.
Our latest breakthroughs have been documented in my new book, Defeat Mega-Agents.
You can get a FREE copy here. It will be shipped to you today.
Enjoy the video.
Successful people, by the way, do not start successful. Most start as failures.
Have you ever experienced a single moment in time that forever changed your life?
Seven years ago, I experienced one of those moments. My finance at the time, said 11 words to me that forever changed the course of my life.
It’s never been the same.
These words were hurtful and painful, and cut to my core like nothing else I’d ever heard.
But they also, inspired change.
For me, these Eleven words were a turning point, and without them, I never would have discovered this path to becoming a Protector, nor any of the strategies presented in this video.
This is a story not many people have ever heard.
Because at times, it’s quite embarrassing. Even humiliating.
But I think it’s necessary for me to share it with you here, so you can see how one’s greatest success, can rise from their darkest moments.
Enjoy the video!
QUESTION: How might this blueprint change the way you do business?…