FLETCHER: No, it can’t. And I don’t understand why more agents, business owners, entrepreneurs across all spectrum don’t build platforms in their local marketplace that give them the ability to go out and attract and be of value to entrepreneurs, to business owners, the people who have audiences. It blows my mind! “No, I’m going to pick up the phone, this is what the guru party told me, I’m going to act as a telemarketer. I am going to overcome objections, I’m going to operate in this environment of distrust, skepticism, hesitation where I am hated and disliked,” – That’s the formula!
Here is another one, “Healthy competition – if you are an entrepreneur you are competitive. We hate to lose, hate it. And so everybody wants to be the biggest of the big dogs with the best ideas. Everyone wants to contribute more to others. Most of us, we don’t really care to receive we just want to give.”
I went to a mastermind group, Perry Marshall’s a friend invited me back in May. I didn’t have a horse in the race, I was just there as a guest but every single person who went up there I gave them absolute best advice as if they just paid me $8200 to fly to my office for a day of consulting. Because I believe what you give will come back to you; a lot of great relationships that came out of that day because I gave. And so there is this competition who can contribute the most to the other. And it stimulates everybody to do more, to implement more, to get smarter, to bring more value, it’s what fuels us is this aspect of competition. It’s why I like CrossFit.
Because I look over and I see my buddy Bob and he is three ahead of me on the box jumps – Oh shit. And I try to do overtime. You’re not in it alone okay; community, support, accountability. We’ve all been that person. I have for sure, I was with this podcast. I planned a launch just a year ago but we’ve all been that person, it’s human nature to procrastinate and second-guess, to question ourselves. Anytime we implement something new, anytime we push ourselves out there, there is this visible risk of failure and do nothing about it is easy but often the difference between talking about it and doing it is having that person like Sloper pushing me, pushing you. Another person in your group, in your circle, another entrepreneur, another business owner who understands the challenges that you face, the dragons that you have to slay day in and day out to support you.
- Defeat Mega Agents – Ryan’s new book (FREE copy, just pay shipping)
_ - Broken Industry_– This is why agents are rejected. [Thank The Guru Party]
_ - Protector Video Series_– The ’12-month Experiment’…Most Important Word in R.E.
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Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast!
Talk soon… Speak up! 🙂